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Questions tagged [volitional-form]

意向形. The verb form ending with 〜(よ)う. Also called 意志形.

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does ある and いる have つもりform and volitional form?

I cant find the answer because everywhere its different. I always have problem with ある and いる because sometimes you cant use it with some grammar. I would be very grateful if someone could explain ...
Oli Oli's user avatar
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The nuance of て-form with 来る in the volitional form (こよう)

I've been watching からかい上手の高木さん and in episode 2 Takagi says this: 泳いでこよっかな For context this is the what she says right before this line: さてと西片のいい顔も見られたし I'm having trouble with analyzing the ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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決める +としよう = plan verb + volitional [duplicate]

2人に一緒にかっこよく決めるとしようや The characters are at the end of a challenge and they are about to face the last room, when one of them says this. After that, they do an athletic c trick to pass the challenge. ...
LionGate's user avatar
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The emphasis of using the volitional form

I've come across this sentence: 脅かそうとしてたのか? First, I'd like to verify that おどかそう here is the volitional form and not something like そう. If that is indeed the case, then I've been wondering how the ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Meaning of verb + であろう

I'm watching Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven, and I'm noticing several uses if the titular form, like this one: クダンの限界を超えた時に選択をするであろうスカブコーラルの考えまでもな‌ Since I can't find anything specific about this form I'...
Mauro's user avatar
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よう+とする in this sentece [duplicate]

I'm reading the book 魔女の宅急便 and this sentece show up. 目でそれを追いかけたキキは、オレンジ色の浮きぶくろに乗った坊やとジジが、大きな波にひきこまれようとしているのを見ました。 Now, I have always problem to understand the よう+とする pattern, but generally I ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Meaning of いまい in this sentence [duplicate]

こんな嵐の中、まさかここまで郵便を届けにくるやつはいまい、と思っているにちがいない。 He was surely thinking that nobody would deliver mail here in a storm like this. (my TL) I cannot work out what いまい is doing in this sentence. I've come ...
user3856370's user avatar
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-てもろうとる is this Kansai Ben [volitional + continuous tense]

The following dialogue is from Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning so it is based in Kyoto: その狂った正義の先鋒…最も過酷な役割を務めてもろうとる In Kansai I know てまう [kansai] = てしまう [tokyo] とる [kansai] = *ている [tokyo] So ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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What does volitional form + か + というNOUN mean

What is the translation of 「ナイフの10倍はあろうかという巨大な刀」. I think it's translated into "The huge sword that is 10 times bigger than a knife" And what is 「はあろうかという巨大な刃」. I'd appreciate it if you ...
Kyuu's user avatar
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Volitional form + かと

それから、少し手足を伸ばそうかと、道路のむかい側にあるパン屋まで歩いて買物に行くことにした。 After that he stretched out a little and decided to go to the bread shop on the opposite side of the street. First of all I'm not sure if he stretches ...
user3856370's user avatar
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「脱ぎますか」 as 許可求め・申し出

In this clip the woman says 服脱ぎますか but she is talking about herself as opposed to asking the other party to do something. This seems to be a situation where either 許可求め or 申し出 should apply. If it is a ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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what does those sentences mean?

1: どうあがけば人間が雷に勝てるというのだ Here, I don't understand the どうあがけば and というのだ, what do they mean? Can someone explain to me the grammar and the usage here? 2: 空で育ったお前でも遠雷くらい見ていよう What's with the 見ていよう? Why is ...
bulgur69's user avatar
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Volitional form describing a noun?

I came across this construction 与えよう春 in a song recently and can't quite figure out the meaning and grammar behind it. The entire stanza for reference: 歌声が消えようと 幾度と 想いが途絶えようと 与えよう春を 繰り返す愛を ...
Kisiel's user avatar
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Why is the Volitional form used here and what would change if it was not used?

It doesn't seen to relate to the usual "Let's" that books usually teach. あなたは 鬼となった者にも"人"という言葉を使ってくださるのですね。そして助けようとしている。ならば 私もあなたを手助けしましょう Specifically the しましょう at the end. More ...
Ruben Oliveira's user avatar
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Why is ~ましょう form used in the following situation?

この部屋は図書室です。本やCDを借りたり、宿題をしたり出来ます。日本語の本が2000冊あります。外国語の本は1000冊あります。CDは500枚あります。CDを聞くときはヘッドホンをしましょう。友達と話すときは小さい声で話すようにしましょう。 Why do we have to use the ~ましょう form here instead of just using the ~ます form? ...
JConstantine's user avatar
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であろう modifying a noun

In the book I'm reading I found this part: 原因がわからないので、治療もまだ暗中模索の状態であ病気悪くなるのを一時的に止める、あるいは悪くなるスピードを少しゆっきりにする効果のある薬が注目されているが、使われ始めてから日も浅く、長い目で見ていかねばならない。 また、近年の目覚ましい遺伝子工学の発達で、遺伝性の場合には、...
Mauro's user avatar
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Why is the volitional form of する - しよう, considering the classical post-む pre-spelling reform form was せう which should net *しょう?

Why is the volitional form of する - しよう, considering the pre-spelling reform but post-む form was せう, which according to sound changes and modern kana orthography should become しょう? Especially ...
LittleWhole's user avatar
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What would be the difference between 書こう and 書きよう when used in this sentence?

EDIT: Apparently I read the answers wrong, and the correct answer is actually the one I chose, i.e. 書こうにも. Then my question would be focused on the difference between these two forms. I guess in this ...
xji's user avatar
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ようになりましょう - what is the volitional doing here?

I just came across a sentence in the structure of V+ようになりましょう, and I'd like to understand what connotation it brings compared to the standard V+ようになる As far as I know, ようになる is used when something ...
Emesira's user avatar
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What is the meaning of こそ...め?

I've come across a construction, こそ...め, that I don't know how to translate. Specifically, め, which I know is the [已然]{いぜん}[形]{けい} of む, since it comes after [未然]{みぜん}[形]{けい} inflections, is being ...
LittleWhole's user avatar
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Could anyone explain the grammatical structure of a sentence 僕の螺旋 ただならぬ手を繋ごうとしてる

Trying to understand the lyrics of Granrodeo song 君に One Way Love, I'm struggling to grasp how 僕の螺旋 ただならぬ手を繋ごうとしてる can mean "my spiral has my hands all tied up" (translation i found here ...
Yulia Sarzhan's user avatar
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Grammar of て + (い)ましょう

How would one explain this -te form of the verb + mashou here: 姫, 城の中で隠れてましょうよ Does it mean: 隠れて (い)ましょう [Lets hide and stay] - where the て is used as sequential action OR 隠れて (い)ましょう [Lets keep ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Why do people say "食べる" instead of "食べましょう" or "食べよう"

From what I understand, "食べましょう" and "食べよう" both imply, more or less, the same meaning, which is 'to invite someone to eat with them', the latter being a verb conjugation of the ...
Deep556's user avatar
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When would you use the volitional form with なんて?

Why is the volitional form being used here? 荒地{あれち}の魔女{まじょ}に張{は}りあおうなんて いい度胸{どきょう}ね (Source: Howl's Moving Castle) Is it that なんて is functioning as a kind of quotation particle here as well as its ...
James Collins's user avatar
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The uses of verb + ん apart from simple negation

醜い浮世を 意地で生きるぞ 汗水たらし 身を削り ありつかん 尊くも儚き飯 Full lyrics here. This ugly world you need willpower to survive in; drenched in sweat and with lots of effort, that precious and fleeting meal is in sight ...
Boolicious's user avatar
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How to interpret the volitional form of です

I have read that the volitional form expresses the intent to do or not do an action. Afterwards I found a case where this doesn't seem to apply when conjugating the です verb. I read a sentence where a ...
Aridez's user avatar
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How does "shashin yako" translate to "burn the pictures"?

Here's the clip from JoJo's adventures s3e33 where a character says "shashin yako, ne" and it's translated to "burn the photos". I couldn't get google ...
ubershmekel's user avatar
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Why is volitional verb used before 〜ように (in order to)?

「今日の登校中、<ラタトスク>の機関員が十香の嫉妬を煽るようにいろいろと工作をするわ。士道はそれを受けつつ、上手く対応してちょうだい」 Hi. The context is that 琴里, the speaker and command of the 機関員, is talking to 士道. 琴里 will ask the 機関員 to fan 十香’s jealousy and ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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体操でもしてこよっと DB Chapter 2 [duplicate]

This is Goku translated as: "Alright. Exercise time!". 体操 = excercise でも = but して = doing こよっと = ?? I couldn't find any reference to understand でもして. Also the ending こよっと, I couldn't find it in ...
Yuta73's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 取り戻そうと in this sentence?

In the following sentence: 問題を無視することはできません。しかし、 問題にばかり注目していると過去の状態を取り戻そうと努力することになります The part where it says: 「取り戻そうと努力することになります」 more specifically that "そうと" where does it come from? What's the ...
Richard Al's user avatar
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Obscure verb forms?

Question 1. It my understanding that you can form a negative polite volitional by attaching まい to the ます of the verb. For example, 食{た}べます becomes 食べますまい. Is it therefore also possible to turn the ...
Trevor Kafka's user avatar
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「生かんとする」 in a relative clause

These are part of the lyrics of the fifth ending theme of Hunter x Hunter (the 2011 animation). 朝{あさ}をむさぼり 夜{よる}を吐{は}き出{だ}し 生{い}かんとする 我{わ}が性{さが} It seems 「生かんとする」 means 「生きようとする」: 生く(archaic form of ...
E. Matsunaga's user avatar
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Verb ending in -ん with positive meaning?

I was watching an anime, and this is the context: prior to the series, the main character went in hiding after betraying her peers, since she was the only against a peace she deemed fake; while ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Volitional + と without follow-up

The following sentence was part of the last exercise I did: あなたが何を見つけようと、それは途方もなく危険なもの_____。大勢の人間が私達を殺そうとしてるんだから。 A A. に間違いない、B. に越したことはない、C. に相違ない、D. に決まっている The right answer was D. The ...
Right leg's user avatar
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How is Volitional + と used in these sentences?

In these sentences, I don't understand this particular use of volitional + と. It seems that it's interchangeable with ように or ために in these cases. But I've never seen Volitional + と used like this. ...
shade549's user avatar
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Is the book Genki wrong about volitional + と思っています?

I've been looking for this on the web but can't find my specific doubt. I just read the Genki 2 chapter about volitional + と思っています to say you are planning on doing something. The book is pretty clear ...
Koutta's user avatar
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Meaning of "Volitional + と + (Non-する verb)" [duplicate]

I'm kind of confused on what does "Volitional + と + Verb" mean in the following sentences: i) 心臓を串刺しにせんと繰り出される槍の穂先 ii) 手に入れようと急ぐ There are two different ways I see to parse it: Same as ...
xndfrr's user avatar
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「〜てもらう」の文法は知っていますが、この下の文章の「〜てもらおう」の意味がわかりませんでした。 例)「一度に全部わかってもらおうなんて、思っちゃいない。」 この「〜てもらおう」を説明していただけませんか。 よろしくお願いします。
蛍火_'s user avatar
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Volitional: 見せましょう does not mean "let's have a look"?

部下:すみません、部長。この書類、見ていただけませんか。 部長: 1. ご覧になってください。 2. 会議のあとならいいですよ。 3. すぐに見せましょう。 Source: Japanesetest4you Option 1 means, "Please have a look," using the honorific equivalents of 見る and くれる. ...
Yeti Ape's user avatar
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Can't understand どんなに変わっていこうと笑い飛ばしてよ

I have already passed N2 exam, but I can't understand this sentence... どんなに変わっていこうと笑い飛ばしてよ Please laugh away by "どんなに Let's change it" ?? It doesn't make much sense??
user30033's user avatar
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I recently read that 手伝いましょう is a correct way to offer to help someone. What are the differences between the following sentences? Please explain why any of them are an incorrect. 手伝ってくれませんか。 手伝えませんか。 ...
完全ハチ's user avatar
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How is the volitional + と pair being used in the sentence "たとえ何が起ころうと私は主を信頼する"? [duplicate]

In the praise and worship song here, there is the following setence: たとえ何が起ころうと私は主を信頼する To me, this looks a lot like, "Whatever should happen, I will trust in the Lord." But the volitional + と ...
Panzercrisis's user avatar
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〜ようにする vs 〜ようと思う

I'm wondering about the difference between 〜ようにする vs 〜ようと思う, which both express intention. Here's an example sentence from A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar (pg 562). 私は毎日運動するようにする。 I'll make ...
kennysong's user avatar
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Question about the verb 失う [duplicate]

I came across the sentence from a Manga which I think it would be Kansai-dialect form. なんや ようわからんうちに気をうしのうてしまったが... I think that it would be volitional form so I have looked it up and found that ...
George's user avatar
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Grammar of すぐ医者に連れていこう

I'm learning japanese on my own and face a sentence below. この子、熱が高くてすごくつらそうだよ。 "すぐ医者に連れていこう。" What i don't understand is the grammar in the last sentence. It seems that the book uses a Ving format. ...
cindy50633's user avatar
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Position of volitional form and scope of かな ending

Referring to throwing away old clothes to improve your life: この中のいくらかを捨てて、スッキリしてみようかな。 Maybe I will throw some of them away and try feeling refreshed. My translation is a bit silly. 1) Does かな ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Regarding ようか and the role of か in it

I'm new to learning Japanese and I was watching a Japanese TV drama and came across this sentence "ちょっと降りよっか。". And it translated as "Let's go down" I heard that よっか is the colloquial form of ようか. ...
laser2302's user avatar
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Connotation of 行きますか vs 行きましょうか

My textbook has the following conversation: A: 明日どこに行きますか。 B: デパートに行きましょう。 A: どのデパートに行きますか。 B: 貴方の家の北のデパートに行きましょう The third line is translated to English in the textbook as "which department ...
Shirik's user avatar
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What is the difference between ~んとする and ~うとする?

I ran into ~んとする the other day and I think I get the hang of how it works and what meaning it conveys, but it seems eerily similar to that of ~うとする. I know Japanese have a lot of different ways to say ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Why is it in volitional form? [duplicate]

彼らは決して理解してくれないし、きみがなにをしようとショックを受けるだろう。 What's the explanation of this structure?
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