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Questions tagged [conjugations]

活用. The inflections of verbs and adjectives. How the endings of verbs and adjectives change to reflect grammatical factors such as tense and aspect.

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Meaning of ならなくなった in this sentence

From Shirabe Jisho's example sentence 係長が急に辞めてしまったので、私がその穴を埋めなければならなくなった。 While I understand that 穴を埋めなければ means "if we do not fill the hole" - so the conditional form of the verb - I ...
Diego Sanchez's user avatar
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Why do the う column characters often change when used for verbs in a sentence?

I'm using WaniKani to learn vocab, and I noticed in the context sentences of most verbs, their last U column kana switches out for a different kana character? For example, 考える (Kangaeru) Some context ...
Madam Herta's user avatar
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What do the conjugations of いる mean?

I know that いる means "need" (as in "I need something"). And some of the conjugations make sense: いります - need (something) いりません - don't need (something) いりました - needed (something) ...
Pie Faced's user avatar
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Is there a suffix order for verb conjugation?

Recently learnt about the 12 suffix forms in Japanese (technically 13 but Wikipedia considers Desiderative mood its own thing) and was curious if there was a specific order to the suffixes and if not ...
George Lait's user avatar
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Is おありになる correct respect keigo for ある?

In the Genki II 3rd-edition textbook, pg. 192, there are drills to practice both respect and humble keigo. In problem #9, a speaker asks: 日本文学に興味がありますか。 Are you interested in Japanese literature? ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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Verbs with ending [ます] to [く]

I know a verb ending in 「ます」 has a 「く」form. For example: いきます-> いく. Can you do this with any verb, or are there some rules?
magui's user avatar
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Respect keigo: Why is ご利用になる OK but お料理になる isn't?

I often come across the respect keigo conjugation "ご/お + [base word] + になる" when used with する verbs. For example, a cashier might say: 「レジ袋は有料ですが、ご利用になりますか?」 However according to this ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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Who is the subject in the sentence「その娘にまで苦しめられなきゃいけないの…」

どうしてあの男だけじゃなくその娘にまで苦しめられなきゃいけないの… I have came across this sentence and have first assumed that it meant something along the lines of Why am I not only being tormented by that man, but also his ...
82474070449770901951's user avatar
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Verb ending in いでし

In Gosick episode 19, a character says this line: ああ罪なる者よ‌汚れし血の泉より生まれいでしお前に嘆きの祝福を which is translated "Oh, sinner. To you, born from a spring of foul blood. I offer lamentable blessings". ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Meaning of しれし on this haiku?

寝たなりは桜としれしけさの雪-一茶 Is it related to 知る? Or the auxiliary し
Snaut's user avatar
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Is the tense and conjugation in my sentence understandable?

田中は私が花瓶を壊したと言う、が私ではなかった。 Tanaka says that I broke the vase, but it wasn't me. I'm figuring out how to make complex sentences so I'll be prepared to write short stories! I want to see if this means ...
Eden's user avatar
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Looking for correction on my sentences made using the ます conjugation! [closed]

田中さんは言いません。Tanaka didn't say anything. 田中さんは私を語ません。Tanaka doesn't speak of me. 明さんは笑いました。 Akira laughed. 明さんは家を作ました。 Akira built a house. 中校に学びませんでした。 I didn't learn in middle school. 田中さんは明さんが見ませんでした。...
Eden's user avatar
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Which part of the verb should I conjugate in a causative sentence when expressing "allowance"?

I am unsure which part of the verb to conjugate when making a causative sentence expressing "allowance". For example, if I were to write 'My mother didn't let (allow) me get a drivers ...
Husk55's user avatar
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Which form is the correct causative-passive 聞く?

There is an exercise in スピードマスターN4 to put verbs in the causative-passive form: つまらない話を(聞いて)、眠くなった。 The answer key says the correct form should be 聞かされて. While, for example, JLPT Sensei lists it as ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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Why is すごく almost always pronounced with an accent on the second mora (instead of the first mora)?

From my experience, there are many speakers who say すごく{LHL} even though they say はやく{HLL}, うまく{HLL}, etc. I am aware that there are two "accent types" for the conjugated forms of downstep-...
dekinai's user avatar
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How are conjugation endings called by Japanese linguists?

How are conjugation endings (たい, た, ない) called by Japanese linguists*? Examples: 食べた tabeta 'ate', 食べない tabenai 'do not eat' According to Wikipedia, and an electronic dictionary, it seems they are ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Conjugating Vされる, Vさせる form: just treat as ichidan?

Is it gramatically correct to treat causative, passive, and causative-passive forms of verbs as ichidan る ending verbs when negating them or creating their past tense?
Cassius Bright's user avatar
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How is できれば used in this sentence?

申し訳ありません。 あなたのシャツが破れているのを それとなく お伝えできれば I understand the sentence itself is "I thought I had to inform you about the fact your shirt is torn." But why is きれば here used instead of just 伝えれば?
LionGate's user avatar
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Steve Kaufman says 勉強するな to mean don't study. Why not say 勉強しない?

So in this video: Steve Kaufmann talks about not studying the basics in English but he says するな instead of しない is this allowed?
Rommel Bagasina's user avatar
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Ichidan verb potential form conjugations

I'm having some confusion on the potential form of Japanese verbs, specifically ichidan verbs. The sources I'm using for my learning tell me that I should replace 'ru' with 'rareru' or 'rarenai' (...
Derek Kwon's user avatar
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Why is いる in いらせらる conjugated いら, in 未然形, instead of 入り?

いらせらる consists of いる and せらる, the passive of suru I think, so why is it in 未然形? Usually, if a verb is and can be paired with する, it'd be in continuative form, so you'd say things like 入りもしない、 or ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Why is 会える conjugated as 会えなくなった?

So I kept searching on the net about 会える conjugation but nothing comes up. Why is its past negative conjugated as なくなった? I heard this on an anime by the way and wondered why it wasn't written as ...
Rommel Bagasina's user avatar
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The causative form in a verb after another in 連用形

When do verbs in causative verbs affect the verbs before them? Like if you say 雨は花を食い溺らす (made up term), does the rain eat at the flowers and drown them, or feed them too much and drown them? Like if ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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How do the "Godan verb with u ending (special class)" verbs differ from regular u ending verbs?

I came across a new word for me, 問{と}う (to ask, to inquire). I looked it up in the dictionary and it appears to be of a special class according to Other verbs listed under this category are ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Negative-imperative for 形容動詞 and 形容詞

For verbs, we can use it's te-form to make imperatives and negative imperatives, such as: 走って! 走らないで! Run! Do not run! Of course there's also 走れ! and 走るな! For 形容動詞 and 形容詞, however, I realize that I ...
dvx2718's user avatar
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Help understanding tense of sentence ending in ~てもらってて

When you conjugate both ~てもらう and いる to the て form ~てもらってて, what does that do to the tense? Example sentence: おばあちゃんに録ってもらってて。
Cassius Bright's user avatar
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Why is the れる conjugation sometimes combined with て?

Whenever I'm looking at Japanese there are times where I notice the れる conjugation is cut off. As an example, instead of する turning into される, it changes to されて. From what I know, れる is a past tense so ...
Lemmy123's user avatar
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〜たら for the perfect aspect / completed actions / resultative state

This is something I've noticed for a while but I want to be sure of it. I just encountered the sentence “準備したらおいで。” in context I'm fairly sure this means “Come when you're ready.” and I've encountered ...
Zorf's user avatar
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meaning of ちゃってる / chatteiru

As far as I know, the sentence "入っちゃってる自分の世界" translates to something like "I'm deep in my own world" or maybe "I went deep into my own world". What I don't completely ...
tomh's user avatar
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how did 二段 verbs shift into 一段?

How was the process? i know that in 鎌倉時代, the 終止形 and 連体形 started to be used interchangeably + only the 連体形 form survived and replaced the 終止形. But here is where i get lost, lets say the classical 下二段 ...
sieman's user avatar
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Confused about this conjugation of 忘れる [duplicate]

In KICK BACK, there is a line of the song that goes なんか忘れちゃってんだ. I'm confused specifically about the 忘れちゃってんだ. I haven't really seen this sort of conjugation before. I'm thinking it's possibly 忘れる + ...
Jehb's user avatar
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Conjugation of the Auxiliary Verb 得る When it's Read as うる

I didn't see any other threads addressing this. I'm learning 得る as an auxiliary verb to express possibility, as in 起こり得る (起こりえる). From what I've read, 得る is typically read as うる if it follows the 連用形 ...
charlemagne 's user avatar
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完成した vs. 完成している state of suru noun

I don't grasp the difference between this two sentences : 私のデザインが完成した。 私のデザインが完成している。 Do the former mean “My design is finished ?” and the latter “My design is being finished “ ? Or the latter is ...
Poulp's user avatar
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What does し of されし means?

I was playing hollow knight and a character said "愛されし王のために", i searched and found out that し is a conjugation of an aulixiary that means past and it was used in classical japanese, but i ...
Lucas Lima's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 書く (書かそう) in this obscure conjugation?

This is a quote I found from Kokoro Connect Ep. 1 @7:01 Context: Inaba asks Iori what types of material they should put in their school newspaper. Iori goes on to suggest they include explicit ...
levikara's user avatar
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Weird inflection of the verb in ta form - たれた

I'm a beginner in Japanese; and as an exercise I've tried to translate a sentence from the LN. While I do realize that I've bit more that I can chew, I wish to at least try :) The sentence that I am ...
Jacek Lipiec's user avatar
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遅刻している vs 遅刻する for saying "I am late."

I'm trying to figure out if I should use 遅刻する or 遅刻している for expressing "I am late to..." For example, I was thinking, 仕事初日に遅刻しているだけじゃなく、迷子になってしまった。"Not only am I late to my first day on ...
Jet's user avatar
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Translation help, 思う vs 思っている when the subject of the sentence is the speaker

I'm working on a translation for a comic and I'm kind of stumped on this one line. The specific context is the character talking to herself and musing about what someone else thinks of her, the line ...
Jet's user avatar
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かる・しかる-連体形 cant follow nouns?

i was reading something about adjectives on and as i was reading, i came across this sentence, the なる-連体形 may follow nominals whereas the かる・しかる-連体形 cannot. is there something ...
sieman's user avatar
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Do the passive forms of godan verbs have any sense of potentiality?

According to this answer both the passive and potential sense of ichidan verbs derive from the root sense of "without someone's will". It ...
hyorogan's user avatar
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Which of these sentences are correct?

1 読みはしない 2 読みもしない 3 読みをしない 4 お読みしない 5 読みしない 6 読むことをしない 7 読むことなんてしない I used the verb 読む for no particular reason. Can someone confirm which of these sentences have correct grammar?
kipawn's user avatar
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What kind of conjugation is 愛せない?

I came across 愛せない in an example sentence in 新英和大辞典第5版 (under the entry 失格). 自分の子供を愛せないなんて母親失格だと思う。 I don't think anyone who doesn't love her own child deserves the name of a mother. What kind of ...
LAMC's user avatar
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Can I conjugate 〜もの into れんしゅうする to make れんしゅうもの? Trying to make "basketball practice", does "バスケットボールのれんしゅうもの" work?

Can I conjugate 〜もの into れんしゅうする to make れんしゅうもの? Trying to make "basketball practice", does "バスケットボールのれんしゅうもの" work? And for future reference, can 〜もの be conjugated into any verb ...
Husk55's user avatar
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Why can't 連体形 verbs be in the past tense?

While reading IMABI's entry on まで, I saw the following table: Here the 連体形, or the attributive form of a Japanese verb, is characterized as being "non-past". This resource states: In ...
George's user avatar
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Do I understand the conjugation 散りぬれど correctly?

I'm trying to make sense of the lyrics to "I'm Nobody" by Showtaro Morikubo, particularly this line: Don't know why... 映ろう景色に散りぬれど 居場所が無いなら 暴いてみろ進化論 I've tried to find an explanation of ...
ConMan's user avatar
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Omitting the する after a する verb in formal writing

In reading several Japanese websites detailing how to write a Japanese resume, I ran across a pattern I found curious. There would be a sentence ending in a する verb used as a verb (i.e. with particles ...
stopped-clock's user avatar
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Strange conjugation of 煎る ー is it an irregular verb?

I looked up いる in the OJAD Pitch Accent Dictionary, which shows every verb conjugation and the pitch accent of each conjugation. 要る and 入る, and 居る and 射る were conjugated as I would have expected, as ...
Cranberry48's user avatar
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All conjugation groups of verbs

I believe most learners of Japanese were taught that the verbs of the language are classified into 3 groups: Group 1 / Godan Verbs ([五段動詞]【ごだんどうし】​); Group 2 / Ichidan Verbs ([一段動詞]【いちだんどうし】); Group 3 ...
Tsain's user avatar
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How are actor nouns formed from verbs

Are there general rules for forming nouns that refer to the one performing the action of a verb, such as cut -> cutter, run -> runner, "Jack the Ripper", etc.? I have been searching ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Causative use for the verb 習う (sense of achievement)

I learnt here that "the causative せる lends a sense of achievement or overcoming hardship to finish something". My question is: is it common for Japanese students to use the causative form of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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