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Questions tagged [colloquial-language]

口語表現(話し言葉). Words, forms and expressions used only in non-formal spoken language.

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Wondering the best written form of a (particular) "hmph!" utterance

Using references I was able to find a few possible forms for "hmph!" utterances, however, (in every language) there are a vast number of (very distinct) meanings or implications of "...
Fattie's user avatar
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What this sentence mean here: 「屁しよ思たら漏れたわって」

This manga is usually in 関西弁 but i think i cannot finally understand that little sentence very well
JeisonAlive's user avatar
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What does トコ mean in this sentence

TW: Some minor adult content. I'm not sure if this is warrented but I know anyone of any age could be on here so just in case. Context: In the scene, a girl is describing why she hates someone. She ...
DietSouda's user avatar
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や as an if statement

Is this a colloquial use of や listing particle as an if statement or is this another grammar?
Raul Alexandre's user avatar
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Is it weird linking four verbs together?

As I was thinking some mock conversations I tought the next phrase: この漫画は友達が日本に行って買って来てくれた Does it get confusing, weird or unnatural linking four verbs like that? (I can't remember hearing/reading ...
Raul Alexandre's user avatar
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Can't understand a sentence (お前調子のってんじゃねーぞ、ボコっぞこの野郎)

In this video, (, I can't understand this sentence. お前調子のってんじゃねーぞ、ボコっぞこの野郎 I think there are some grammar that I don'...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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How to say an object has multiple colors

I know most colors work as の adjectives except for the 6 principal colors that work as い adjectives. If I were to describe, say, a flag, which has 3 different colors on it, could I just string the ...
いしす's user avatar
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The logic and literal meaning of 実感もくそもある (How does it mean what it means?)

The context is about a high school entrance ceremony. The scene had cut from the day of the middle school graduation ceremony to the day of the entrance ceremony, and the main character has stated how ...
DietSouda's user avatar
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How to say "piggish dinner"?

What would be the closest Japanese equivalent to English adjective piggish with the sense number 2, like in "We had a piggish dinner"? I came up with two literal translations: 豚のような夕食を食べた。 ...
user1602's user avatar
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When can 「お前」be endearing?

In modern Japanese「お前」is generally considered to be disrespectful or condescending. But sometimes in colloquial speech it's used between friends or even lovers in a way that conveys they are being ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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What does なあって mean here?

I'm trying to figure out what is the significance of なあって in the following sentence: そのままからかいやすい西片でいてほしいなあって It feels like it is there for emphasis or something but I just don't get where it comes ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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What did my friend mean? (Fukuoka Dialect)

I was talking to my friend at school today and I said her chicken she bought looked good. She replied with 「美味しいよとたい!」or 「美味しいよとだい!」possibly 「美味しいよ取ったい」or something along those lines. We live in ...
grocerystorecarrots's user avatar
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Understanding 付け忘れんな(ぁ)

This is from a subs2srs anki deck that I'm studying. (Edit: Audio on soundcloud ) The original transcription and translation is: 付け忘れんな # Don't forget to record it. But it sounds to me like: ...
Magnus Lidbom's user avatar
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あっちゃいけない - Grammatical origin

あっちゃいけない I can find multiple example sentences for this but no explanation : そのための売買市場がなぜあっちゃいけないんだろうね? 私だけが特別であっちゃいけないんです そしてその権力者に仕える指導者たちもまた権力を振りかざすのがたまらなく好きだ43いいか、おまえたちは、そうであっちゃいけない! The meaning ...
Unaware17's user avatar
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does なんだこれは specifically have a bad connotation?

I heard this and wasn't sure if it had a negative meaning or not. Does the phrase always indicate irritation or not necessarily? I'm a bit confused since some people say it's just an informal tone ...
Smurf's user avatar
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What does 何ちょっと mean in this sentence? [duplicate]

The following lines come from a manga I'm reading. The male lead is a high schooler who uses a lot of truncated colloquial forms. He says the following lines, ruminating on an event where he should ...
Scrubb's user avatar
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「リキっちまって」What is っちまって suposed to mean here?

The sentence: 悪い、拳 当たったよな リキっちまって… In Oshi No Ko anime there's a scene where a guy punches the MC with force, despite it being supposed to be an act. I know that リキ here refers to the force/power, but ...
Tomáš Kopecký's user avatar
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Colloquial language in front of high status person

When speaking to teachers, to boss works, to strangers and high status person we have to use the honorific language, like です and ます, 謙譲語 and 尊敬語. On the other hand, with friends and family members it'...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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I don’t understand the meaning of “冗談 通じんじゃん” in below sentence

The whole sentence is: “笑える! コタってつまんない男だと思ってたけど案外 冗談 通じんじゃん。” I checked on the internet and found “冗談が通じる” which means He or she gets the joke. But in the sentence “冗談 通じんじゃん”. the word “じゃん” is ...
farhad gharleghi's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets & Higurashi - What does it mean to repeat a word? Does たのしいたのしい means fun-filled?

1 - Higurashi / Umineko When They Cry Minor spoilers for Higurashi season 1 and NSFW / violent content: See 1:41 here when Sonozaki wants to go to the 'fun-filled' underground torture chamber. I ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What does たく mean when used by itself at the beginning of a sentence?

In the Video Game, Persona 4 Golden, Dojima says the following after recieving a phone call: たく…誰だ、こんな時に。 Now, I know this roughly translates to "Who is it at this time?" but what does たく ...
kloneman's user avatar
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Disabled people and formal bending body language (such as bowing or sitting) [closed]

This question is not about written Japanese language, but about Japanese language spoken with the body (which, I think, is also relevant because when people use this bodily language in Japan they also ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Is「お元気ですか」an honorific speech and can it be used between lovers?

The question is raised from the famous movie Love Letter (ラブレター), where Hiroko cried to her dead boyfriend Itsuki and said 「お元気ですか?あたしは元気です。」. But I'm taught that the「です」's after sentences and 「お」's ...
C.K.'s user avatar
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What does the と at the end, following a complete sentence and comma mean?

What is purpose of the と at the end of this sentence? And why is there a comma before it? 少ししたらぽっかり目が覚めちゃって、気付いたら佳織ちゃんとひとつベッドの上だった、と For context this was the previous sentence. 忍び込んだはいいけど、...
ujp1800's user avatar
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Using わかったもんじゃない

The online dictionary Jisho says that this is a colloquial expression, but offers no examples of its use; and I can't find examples elsewhere online. I used it in a sentence intending to say, "We ...
NattoYum's user avatar
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Does だ in 予定だ add emphasis?

I thought <noun>+だ at the end of a casual sentence adds emphasis (unlike the constructions where だ is needed for grammatical reasons such んだ, だから, だけど). So when I want to simply share some ...
max's user avatar
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休ん and 違うん . I don't get if this is a verb form, conjugation, a contraction or some grammar that I still don't know

I found these phrases reading and didn't get if they were a verb form, conjugation or what, I neither could find them on a dictionary. I assume they are colloquial forms of speaking and this is the ...
Akagami Kuroh's user avatar
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Why is the verb 変えれない instead of 変えられない

the only two reasons I can think of are politeness(he is talking to himself) or because it might be confused with the passive(because it's potential)
Walid Banana's user avatar
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What do よって and りゃあ mean in this sentence?

Here is the sentence. It's from a show called midnight diner, its right at the beginning. It's like an intro that plays at the beginning of every episode. I kinda get the gist of what it says but ...
TheWerefox's user avatar
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What is the meaning of って, っけ and んでした in this phrase “完のゲームって、どうなったんでしたっけ”

Context: I found this phrase in the comment section while I was seeing a video regarding the new switch version of Oregairu Zoku. Questions: I grasped the meaning of this phrase, that should be ...
流れ星's user avatar
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Understanding a usage of ってこと

From the first episode of Death Note: フッ… 楽に死なせたり苦しませて死なせたり できるってことか I know the quoted part (up to and including って) means something like: "one can let them die easily or let them suffer and ...
George's user avatar
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Does ちょっと(笑)have some kind of meaning when said at end of a sentence? だけど 戦闘で使うのは バンギラスとか (Tyranitar) ちょっと(笑) There are so many sites that list the endless meanings of ちょっと. My guess out of 100 other theories is ...
SomaRise's user avatar
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Masculine/ Dominant voice in Japanese:

I am an early 30s male with upper intermediate – advanced Japanese and I had some questions about the masculine voice. I do not use the common feminine words (かしら、statement〜なの、using my name in third ...
UnderscoreEX's user avatar
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In a recent conversation with someone who is in the same loosely connected group as me, I tried to tell them that they have been a crucial member in the group. We are comfortably on ため口 terms. I tried ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Meaning of いーじゃん

I am reading 海街 Diary, and I have come across the dialogue below. For context: The older sister of the female protagonist calls her, and then has a go at her because her phone was switched off and she ...
HPB's user avatar
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What does the phrase 「かかってこんかい」 mean?

It is said by a boss before a battle begun in a video game. Does the こんかい mean 'now' in this phrase? Does it share the same meaning with 「かかってこい」(bring it on)?
George's user avatar
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What does ってのない mean?

I was talking to a Japanese person and I asked her if she liked fanfiction. She said: んー天の弱とか? これ!ってのない (笑). I suppose she meant Like Ten no Jaku? This! I don't think this is it LoL. But I don't ...
Manab's user avatar
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What is the meaning of ハリ倒したらァ!

ヤキ入れて追放に決まってんだろ!ハリ倒したらァ! What is the meaning of 「ハリ倒したらァ」 here? As far as I am aware 「~らぁ」 can be a change from 「~るわ」 holding a meaning similar to 「~るよ」 as in this question: What does 「ことにならあね」 mean? ...
Buri's user avatar
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Are すっど and すっがら contractions of すると and するから?

I encountered these words in トロ子’s speech in a game 洞窟物語 / Cave Story. …あたしがスーと仲良くすっどキングが機嫌悪くすっがら。 I am not really sure what the words すっど and すっがら are supposed to mean. I guess they are ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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Why is「こい」used at the end of this sentence?

In Dragon Ball volume 9, one character plans to kill another, and they say 天国か地獄、好きなほうにいってこい Which I take to mean something like "Heaven or hell, go to whichever you like" I think いってこい ...
Boathouse's user avatar
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灰二:惜しかったな。 神童:中盤で様子を見すぎました。もっと早く仕掛けられた。僕はスプリントで勝負できるタイプじゃないということがよく分かりましたよ。 灰二:言ってることが陸上選手だ。 These two sentences both feel incomplete, leaving things out in ways unfamiliar to me. I understand ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What is うれション a portmanteau of?

I recently came across the phrase うれション, referring to when a dog accidentally urinates out of excitement. Fairly obviously the first part is derived from 嬉しい, but what else comes together to form ...
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How to parse わかってるって 例のニセモノがやったに決まってんだ

Shoudn't there be a nominalizer after やった? I think it's just a casual contracion, but have not seen it before. Moreover, I have seen 決まっているだろう, or contracted to 決まってんだろう before, but in this particular ...
美しい孤独's user avatar
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What is せんな a contraction of?

In a Manga a character says: 神域{しんいき}とはまたゾッとせんな I guess it is a contraction of しない because of the phrase ゾッとしない - pretty disgusting. But (1) I am not completely sure and (2) how does the contraction ...
Quit007's user avatar
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How should I understand って in 「っていねえし」?

When I first heard 「っていねえし」 or similar phrases used as an expression of surprise when the speaker finds their intended audience is not there any more or doesn't exist to begin with, I thought it was 「...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What does the word 「よいな」 mean in this sentence?

It was said by an old man to a boy named 'X', for example, that he would be waiting for him at a kind of vehicle. わしは天の箱舟で待っておる。 じゅんびがすんだら お前も来い。 よいな Xよ! If it means 'good', I think it looks not ...
George's user avatar
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What does the phrase 「ああなんだべか」mean? [duplicate]

I came across this phrase from a video game. After having a discussion, a boy named ナムジン left from the place and a guy who still remained there with others said this sentence. はあ ナムジンさま どうして ああなんだべか…...
George's user avatar
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What is the non-slurred version for 叫んどんねん? 叫んでおらない?

I have trouble understanding 叫んどんねん in this panel. I thought it must be 叫んでおらない but I don't think it makes sense in this context.
Ray Siplao's user avatar
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What is the meaning of ならあね in なるようにならあね! [duplicate]

How should the sentence ending in 「なるようにならあね!」 be interpreted? Is it a slurred ならない? If that is the case it seems like an unusual choice to write the write the line like this. For reference, here is a ...
Buri's user avatar
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"I think It's totally fine"

I just encountered this phrase in this video: 全然いいとおもいます。 As far as I know 全然 is usually used with negatives but can be used in positives, too, in colloquial speech. However, this got me thinking: ...
Vladimir's user avatar

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