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Questions tagged [giving-and-receiving]

Questions regarding verbs of giving and receiving such as あげる, もらう, くれる, also called donatory verbs

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JLPT3 Question: why is 差し上げる wrong in this case?

I got this question from JLPT3 listening comprehension: Question: 先生がたくさん荷物を持っています。何といいますか 先生、お持ちしましょうか 先生、持って差し上げますか 先生、持ってもらいたいですか The correct answer is 1. However, I don't really understand why ...
Sepultura's user avatar
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Use of 頂く possibly not involving speaker

In Persona 3, a character states that the player would make a good detective. They then say: まずは、ベレー帽とパイプをお求め頂くことをお勧めします At first, I thought the beneficiary of 頂く would be the speaker, but that ...
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How to take 頂きましょう?

The characters are talking about love. In the previews line, 天道 asks 天道「おや。女性への理解が深い伊波さんのご登場ですね」 伊波「そこそこな、そこそこ」 恋愛指南をご教授頂きましょう? とばかりの天道に伊波も、左手の親指と人差し指を開いて見せた。その距離は3センチ程度か。 天道「おやあ。今度しっかり聞かないと駄目ですね。...
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くれる used to modifiy nouns?

チョコくれるような子いるの? A mother asks her son on Valentine's Day. What I don't get, is how くれる is being used here? Is it about how there is a girl that will give the chocolate and and the kid will receive? Or ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Usage of もらえる in this sentence

Context: The character is inviting a friend/classmate to a party of the rakugo club. So he tells him "You come to, people who don't do rakugo also come". It's not clear if the character ...
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Usage of 期待してくれる in a romantic context

Context: The two characters are on a date and the guy invites the girl to his home and she says "yes." Upon hearing her "yes" the guy says this 期待してくれるって思っていいの? Her answer is 。。...
LionGate's user avatar
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Meaning of てやる in 忘れてやらない

Yes this the title of a song from Bocchi the Rock ("Never Forget"). Before learning about what てやる meant (I now do) it confused me, but even now the title still confuses me. I assume this ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Which part of the verb should I conjugate in a causative sentence when expressing "allowance"?

I am unsure which part of the verb to conjugate when making a causative sentence expressing "allowance". For example, if I were to write 'My mother didn't let (allow) me get a drivers ...
Husk55's user avatar
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On the direction of もらう

When talking about verbs of giving/receiving, textbooks tent do talk about only the relation between 1st person and the other persons (i.e. くれる 2/3→1, あげる 1→2/3, もらう 1←2/3), and let learners ...
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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Which verbs can come with Vていただけませんか and Vていただきたい?

There is somewhat similar question, but mine is not about the degrees of politeness. As far as I understand, Vていただけませんか literally means something like “would I be able to get V from you?”. So, it's ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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What does causative + もらう + volitonal mean? 使わせてもらおう [duplicate]

(Upon receiving a sword as a gift) ありがたく使わせてもらおう I know させてもらう means "I'll take the liberty of doing x" but does the same a for 使わせてもらおう?
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What is the subject of "行ってくれると言ってました"?

Context: 今日は会社に出社して、退勤後新居の鍵を受け取りに不動産屋さんへ行きました。そのまま夜ご飯を食べて帰りました。イケメンの不動産屋さんは大事な試験が終わった10月末以降にご飯に行ってくれると言ってました。楽しみです! Is the subject of "ご飯に行ってくれる" same as the subject of "と言ってました"?...
Theseus's user avatar
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The use of causative + もらう + なさい together

My understanding of the sentence is akin to "Because there in no room for you, for a while make use of Ryo's room." However, I don't understand this use of causative + もらう. Why add なさい?
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The use of causative + くれる in this sentence

とんでもねぇもん掴ませてくれたな= とんでもないもの掴ませてくれたな The character speaking got this file from his station and it's giving them to the other characters. What's I'm stumbled is this use of "くれた". From context ...
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てもらう: how do know if it's "I had someone do x for me" or "someone did x for me" [duplicate]

For example: 褒めてもらった I can tell it's probably about getting praised. However 母に車で送ってもらった。 Is "I had my mom drive me here": How does one get the difference?
LionGate's user avatar
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What is the difference between もらう and もらえる in this sentence?

新年から運動につきあってもらえるのはありがてぇんだけど I understand the speaker is grateful because the other character accompanied him from the beginning of the new year to do exercise, but what does もらえる communicate ...
LionGate's user avatar
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The exact nuance of てもらう vs くれる

学生時代 部の友達教えてもらってね Does it mean more "a friend taught me" or is more like "I had a friend teach me"? And what happened if switched with てくれる?
LionGate's user avatar
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Why is 散髪してもらう correct?

まさか入院中に散髪してもらえるとは思ってもみなかったよ。 The character is a patient in a hospital who's having his hair cut by a nurse who was a hairdresser. 散髪する means "to have one's hair cut". To me, it looks like ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Use of くれる among 外

For giving/receiving among people other than me, my family, my friends or anyone I am close with (外->外), the book says to use あげる. もらう can also be used for anyone->anyone. Is it wrong to use くれる ...
joan doe's user avatar
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ーてもらう clarification

So does てもらう mean I got someone (asked someone) to do something for me? Or does it mean I recieved (blank) from someone? For example, 彼に漢字を教えてもらいました. Would this mean, "I got him to teach me,"...
Infernoboy's user avatar
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Use of the くれた with ようとする in this sentence

あんな遠回しに嬉しさを伝えようとしてくれていたのもそうだが、ちゃんと食べてくれたのを見ると作った甲斐があったというものだ。 Context: The character made a bento for their friend and got them to eat it. ちゃんと食べてくれたのを見ると作った甲斐があったというものだ。 The second part is saying ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Question on もらう

In my textbook, I was given the following two sentences and was told the meanings did NOT match. (The translations are from what I can understand) 「私はコンサートのチケット、もらってくれませんか。」"Won't you give me ...
Lukedoc321's user avatar
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Difference between いただけますか vs できますか

So I want to say, "then can you show me your face?" politely in Japanese. I'm a newbie learner. I'd normally go with, "それでは顔を見せることができますか" or alternatively "それでは顔を見せますか" ...
Venomous Passion's user avatar
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Understanding もらっている in this sentence

珠世さんに手当をしてもらっているが、怪我は完治してない Why is the progressive used here?
bulgur69's user avatar
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omission of に when its used with もらう

デンジ君は早川君の部隊に入ってもらう デンジ君には早川君の部隊に入ってもらう Any difference?
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Meaning of させてもらう

I'm trying to understand what させてもらう really means, beyond different translations I have seen, since they don't always seem to work. I found this question, which gives as meanings "[decide to] ...
Mauro's user avatar
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What is the difference between ないでくれる and てくれない?

「俺たちを見捨てねえでくれるのはまあ、ありがたいですがね。……いくら俺たちが人獣だからって、手前んとこや親戚のチビどもとそう変わらねえガキが、むざむざ死んでくのを平気で見てられるほど残忍じゃありませんや。……気が変わったなら構わねえ、俺たちだけで行けって、命じてください」 86─エイティシックス─Ep.3 ─ラン・スルー・ザ・バトルフロント─〈下〉 安里アサト This question ...
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In a recent conversation with someone who is in the same loosely connected group as me, I tried to tell them that they have been a crucial member in the group. We are comfortably on ため口 terms. I tried ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What is the difference between ~てくれる and ~てくれている?

Someone I talked to on the internet said to me: あなたみたいに面白いなと思ってくれてるお客さんはいるみたい、たまに… The person was talking about a sentence I'd said earlier that people would probably think their restaurant was a ...
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Omitted verbs? 想いを音に音は思いをわずかでもいい届いてくれよ!

想いを音に 音は思いを わずかでもいい 届いてくれよ! What I'm confused about is the omitted verbs. I saw a translation from a translator (from Wiki) going something like: "Turn your thoughts into sound, and your sound ...
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Why can てもらいたい mean "someone else wants me to do something for them"?

逢桜「元々、才華学園入学前に持ってあと3年だろうって言われてたんだ」 逢桜「野球を辞めた理由も怪我じゃなくて、この病気が原因だよ」 逢桜「徐々に体が動かなくなっていく難病で、最終的には呼吸も出来なくなって亡くなるんだって」 逢桜「両親はね、わたしに少しでも長く生きて欲しいから、クリエイターとしての活動は止めてもらいたかった」 逢桜「でも、無理をいってここまで伸ばしてもらってた」 逢桜「だけだ、...
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Translating 買ってきてあげます

I'm working on Genki II and I came across this sentence in a drill. 友だちが病気だったらくすりを買ってきてあげます。 I get about 90% of what is happening here. It's an if/then statement where if my friend is sick, I will ...
Shaftworth's user avatar
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てもらう and how it's used with particle に

I was watching this video about てもらう and てくれる, and I don't really understand why てくれる always uses が, and てもらう always uses に to mark the person who does something for the speaker, especially about に ...
Adrian 's user avatar
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Receiver of a もらう verb

In a movie I saw this sentence: 私の祖母も彼女に手紙を書いてもらったことがあるんです which was translated in the subs as: She had also written letters which my grandmother received As context, there are four characters: ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Does もらう express gratitude?

I've come across the following: もらう (morau) This is the last word we’re going to review. もらう (morau) means to receive or to get. This word has a nuance that you’re feeling grateful of what you’ve ...
Nameless's user avatar
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Can we sometimes use くれる and あげる interchangeably while maintaining its grammaticality?

From what I've understood, we use くれる to refer to the receiver and あげる to refer to the giver, both conveying the meaning to give. From, the author interchanges あげた with くれた and, ...
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Questions about social groups for くれる、あげる

I wanted to know how you would use くれる、あげる when it comes to situations like: The speaker is saying "He gives corrections to everyone" where both of the people he is mentioning isn't a part ...
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Dative subject constructions with 「もらえませんか」

Back to basics. I have heard sentences similar to these ones online that attest the same structure 私も弾いてみたい、と思った私はすぐさま「私にも教えてもらえませんか。」と願い出ました。(source) あとで時間があったら、その秘訣を私にも教えてもらえませんか。(source) アーモンドさん(...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Need for てくれる when the preceeding part explicitly states that the action is for your benefit

I am certain this is grammatical: 父が私を起こしてくれた。 My father woke me up. I'm guessing the 私を part is rather unnatural and can be removed, but the sentence is nevertheless grammatical. I also couldn't ...
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Difference among these sentences

前田は僕に辞書をあげた。 前田は僕に辞書をくれた。 前田は僕に辞書をやりました。 Maeda gave me a dictionary. These sentences have the same meaning. The first sentence used "ageta" as a verb, the second used "kureta", ...'s user avatar
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“I got it!” / “もらった!” in Rocket League

Recently, I have switched a video game I play, Rocket League, to Japanese to get some more exposure to the language. For those who may not know, it’s basically soccer with cars. In the game, players ...
Matthew Wahner's user avatar
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In what situation would くださり(れ)たい△ be plausible Japanese

According to this source it's strange but possibly not ungrammatical: But I can't for the life of me think of a way to make it work.
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Double くれる?「教えてくれてくれませんか」 [closed]

I just came across this on a Japanese forum. Someone asking a question says: どなたか教えてくれてくれませんか? I personally have never seen double くれ. I can see how it'd make sense in a different context though. I ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Looking for help sorting out how some verbs work and hopefully a good resource for sorting such things out

I am having a bit of trouble figuring out which of these is for what; which i have to admit as i am learning more ways to say the same thing then the polite, humble ways to say one or more of those i ...
Faust's user avatar
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Expressing "someone got someone to do something for me"

I'm trying to figure out how to say something like: Tanaka got Honda to buy me a coffee The best I could come up with was: 田中さんは本田さんに僕のコーヒーを買わせた Is this correct, or is there a better way to say ...
Lucas's user avatar
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あげる but in an unwelcomed manner

Taking an example 食べてあげる. This means to eat for someone else' sake (in favour of someone else). What if I wanted to say I am sorry for eating it, it would be wrong to say 食べてあげてごめん. Is there a word to ...
Newbie's user avatar
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助けられる vs 助けてもらう, what's the difference?

I understand that both mean "to be saved/receive help" but that they have slightly different connotations. I can't find any explanation of the difference, however, nor any pairs of example sentences ...
Noah's user avatar
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Nuance of もらう in 毎日使ってもらえるものがいい

I read this sentence in a listening exam script from a past paper and I was just wondering what purpose the てもらう serves here. The conversation is as follows; M: 先生の誕生日に何かあげませんか。 F: いいですね。...
Kaney Dudey's user avatar
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Concensus on やりもらい動詞

In this post, I insisted that AはBにしてもらう is synonymous to BはAにしてくれる but not necessarily to BはAにしてやる / あげる. However, there was a counterargument that says you can't use くれる unless the speaker is ...
user4092's user avatar
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There is an exercise problem in my workbook: 木村さん:明日は奈良を案内しますよ。 張さん:ありがとうございます。 Four options are provided (I only list the two that I find confusing): 1.張さんは木村さんに奈良を案内してもらいます。 4....
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