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Questions tagged [passive-voice]

受動態. Verb forms with the affix -(r)are-. Besides the passive meaning, this morpheme also has spontaneous, honorific, and potential meanings.

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Usage of the passive with を?

恋愛を抑圧された精神では自覚せず、けれど本能は理解していたから縋りついた…?) Is を in this sentence being used like に or が? "A love restrained by the mind" or "A mind restrained by love"?
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Why 論文に鞭うたれた is in passive form?

From Kokoro chapter 25: それでも私は馬車馬のように正面ばかり見て、論文に鞭うたれた。 I am bit uncertain why 鞭打つ is written in passive form here. I wonder if this question is related here.
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In こんな私でも自分を認められる, is 認められる potential or passive?

The below are lines made by Miku from Quintessential Quintuplets chapter 67. She is expressing her dissatisfaction with the status quo. 私たちは教師と生徒、それでいいと思ってた 私が一番の生徒になればいいと思ってた こんな私でも自分を認められる ...
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Is it passive or honorific? 「私が足止めすれば二乃に気づかれない。」

For bit of context, in Quintessential Quintuplets chapter 65, Nino requested Ichika to keep watch on their father so she can sneak out. There is one sentence I have trouble with: ...
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Why is the passive used in this sentence?

戸惑う心を置き去りに、足は母さんの元まで、走っていく。 みんなを振り向きながら、手が勝手に、ひらひらと振られた。 "As I turned my face toward everyone, my hand waved on its own." I don't think it's saying it like the characters is having other ...
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Use of the passive in this sentence?

The character enters into a room without permission and woman tells him "You shouldn't touch without permission" and "the owner of that room treasures those stuff". It's not her ...
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Noun + をして + passive

On volume 7 of かつて神だった獣たちへ I found this sentence: わずかに残された研究記録にはソニウムをして『神の化石』との表記が見られるが、儀神兵の力を神になぞらえ表したものなのか、あるいは別の意味を持つのかは不明である As context, ソニウム is a mineral that could be part of the process of ...
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Why are passive and causative passive here mixed together?

あたし、いきなりアケミさんに落とされて気絶させられたでしょう。雑です」 "I got got dropped by Akemi and made fall. It's very rough." Why is the passive used in the second verb but not the first? Or does the causative passive ...
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選挙公約に? What is this exactly?

選挙公約に知事のお墨付きを掲げられれば、一気に勝算が出てくるんです。 I understand 知事のお墨付きを掲げられば、一気に勝算が出てくるんです。 is like "if we can get the gov approval, the prospect of victory will appear" I assume 掲げられれば is potential here ...
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さくらが投げられた = Sakura got thrown, so why 私が言われる not "I got said"

Pardon the bad grammar in the title, just wanted to keep it short. So in the sentence さくらが投げられた, さくら is the subject doing the action receive, where she is receiving "thrown" ie. Sakura was ...
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Why is the passive used over the causative passive here?

その交わった視線で 私なんてすぐ乱されるから I understand the sentence is "As our lines intersects, I am throw into into disarray" aka the narrator says because she loves him, when their eyes meet, she panics. ...
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に marking passive verb?

I noticed something in a song title I was unfamiliar with and haven't been able to figure out how to interpret it: 抱かれにきた女-濱田 金吾 Specifically 抱かれに, this appears to be 抱く in passive form, but it doesn'...
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といえば + passive in this sentence?

父親はさ、俺には……如何にも職業が教師といえば納得される感じの清廉潔白な厳しさがあるしつけをした。 The character's father is a teacher and he's describing how hew was raised. I am struggling with the combo of いえば + passive 納得される. My reading is that ...
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What is the meaning of 噂に翻弄させられる?

A character in this visual novel being subjected to threats and rumors has this inner monologue: 脅迫状の言いなりにさせられて、今度は噂に翻弄させられて I understand the basic usage of させられる to be "made to do something&...
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Who is the subject in the sentence「その娘にまで苦しめられなきゃいけないの…」

どうしてあの男だけじゃなくその娘にまで苦しめられなきゃいけないの… I have came across this sentence and have first assumed that it meant something along the lines of Why am I not only being tormented by that man, but also his ...
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How does this sentence make sense?

小学生に作れてしまうほど簡単 Each explanation i get is that it means ''Simple enough to be made by schoolchildren'' But how can this be translated to this if this isn't even the passive version of the verb? It ...
First Name Last Name's user avatar
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Is "言われてる" by itself some kind of expression?

おまえ、言われてるぞ もっともだな The character got dismissed by someone else in a mean way, so the third person says to him "おまえ、言われてるぞ" to which the character himself replies "もっともだな" Is this ...
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Which form is the correct causative-passive 聞く?

There is an exercise in スピードマスターN4 to put verbs in the causative-passive form: つまらない話を(聞いて)、眠くなった。 The answer key says the correct form should be 聞かされて. While, for example, JLPT Sensei lists it as ...
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How does たり + される work?

In a particular story, one character is getting tortured, and his friend, who was betrayed by him, says this: 普通敵にしたりされるようなことを友達にされるってのはどんな気分だ? I can infer that the speaker is saying something along ...
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What does passive されてはねぇ means?

彼に迫る上であなたは利用価値が高い こんなところで脱落されてはねぇ "I can't allow you to be desert me"? or is ね particle? Why the passive?
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Why 望む is in passive here? [duplicate]

I am confused why 望む is written in passive form below: I understand 黒瀬くんの進学を望まれる as "mother wants Kurose to pursue further education." I wonder if 望む is written in passive form to show ...
John Davies's user avatar
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させられない: Causative passive or causative + potential?

そういう作業を彼にさせられないし そもそもこいつに出来る気がしない My understand of the sentence is "I cannot let that guy handle that kind of job. To be begin with, I don't feel like he could do it." させられる read as ...
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What does verb + 損 mean?

ただの殺され損ではないか I'm stumbled on this meaning here. By context I can gather it seems to be akin as "Being killed is just a disadvantage, isn't it?" but why 殺され損?
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Why is passive used here? [duplicate]

珍しいですね 聖さんがお酒を飲まれるなんて Sei who normally doesn't drink gets angry and starts drinking a lot of wine. The speaker is a maid and she thinks Sei is happy instead and says that. I would have used 飲む. I ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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What's the function of であられる?

I came across another confusing Japanese translation of the Qur'an. Here's the Arabic text: قُلۡ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌ​ (the Qur'an chapter 112 verse 1) Here's the English translation: Say, He is ...
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"を奪{うば}われた" used incorrectly instead of "が奪{うば}われた"? (Bleach) [duplicate]

In Bleach Sennen Kessen-hen (S01,E04), (slight spoilers) captains have an ability called Bankai. They thought that the enemy could seal this ability. But as KB realizes, the enemy actually steals this ...
chausies's user avatar
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Is "Watashitachi wa, donna shigoto wo shimasu ka" the best way to ask "what kind of job are we going to do?" in a job interview?

How could I ask "what kind of job are we going to do" in a Japanese job interview? I could just simply use something like: Watashitachi wa, donna shigoto wo shimasu ka But for me it doesn'...
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Understanding "何が釣れましたか"

「何が釣れましたか」 evidently means "what were you able to catch (while fishing)?" in the context of at 2m52s. But 釣れました ("was able to catch") is the ...
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Use of this passive in this sentence

上体だけを起き上がらせ、壁に身を預けていた彼の顔が落胆したように伏せられる。 Why would he use the passive for 伏せられる。? Is it because the narrator is "receiving" the 伏せられる? He's describing a character he's looking at
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Use of 多い to modify the noun in this sentence

そんなこんなで彼岸花には縁起でもなかったり『死』のイメージが強く、煙たがられることが圧倒的に多い花なのだ。 煙たがられることが圧倒的に多い花なのだ。 What exactly is the grammar of this sentence? It cannot be "numerous flowers" but it has to be "numerous ...
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Are these sentences of 思われる transformed from those of 思う natural?

The answers and comments of my question Understanding of a sentence from Death Note make me think about the use of 思われる and the particles before it. And I've read some questions about it: ...
shepherd's user avatar
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よう+とする in this sentece [duplicate]

I'm reading the book 魔女の宅急便 and this sentece show up. 目でそれを追いかけたキキは、オレンジ色の浮きぶくろに乗った坊やとジジが、大きな波にひきこまれようとしているのを見ました。 Now, I have always problem to understand the よう+とする pattern, but generally I ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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る dropped from passive form? [duplicate]

I'm currently translating some song lyrics for my own understanding (境界線 by Amazarashi) - I had some confusion on the following line: 境界線の向こう側で 忘れ去られ 終わる定め そう知りながら 屈服することを 許さぬあの声は かつての戦友か 己の心か Per ...
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Parsing XをYにと請われた

ダンブルドアを大臣にと請われたんだがな、... (Japanese TL) They wanted Dumbledore fer (for) minister ... (original Harry Potter) The grammar of this sentence confuses me. Is 請う in passive form, or is this honorific? ...
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Use of Passive form + てみる

男が、そんなこと言われてみろ。一、二もなく、なついちまう How to take the 言われてみろ? "A guy being told that" + "try being"?
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Meaning of を with ようになる? [duplicate]

小学生の高学年の頃から、二人は関係を揶揄われるようになった。 What could this mean? Isn't ~ようになる intransitive?
hyorogan's user avatar
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Why use 用いる and not 用いられる? Who’s the subject?

Source: 類語例解辞典 「または」は、二つのもののうちの一方を捨てて一方だけをとる場合や、どちらでもよいという許容を表わす場合に用いる。 So the subject of 用いる is the generic “one/you/people” or is it “we, the Japanese people”? I may have overthought this but I ...
美しい孤独's user avatar
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the が in 目が抉られるような痛み

目が抉られるような痛み how would it change if i changed it to を? what the difference in nuance?
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Long sentence: passive form, subject, 前に and 後

So, I have 2 questions about this passage (a dialogue in chapter 11 of Tobira):  信長は日本統一のために室町幕府の将軍に会おうとして、京都の本能寺とういお寺に泊まっていたんだ。そこに明智が攻めてきて殺されそうになったから、自分で切腹して死んだんだよ。死ぬ前に、燃えるお寺の中で能を舞った後にね。 The use of ...
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why is this verb passive in this sentence?

まるで耳元で鳴かれているかのようだった。 Why is that? How would it change if i just said 鳴いている?
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Particle usage of transitive verb in the passive form (~を占める → ~で占められている)

店内は、外見のぼろっちさと同じように、古めかしい洗濯機や乾燥機で占められていた。 Looking at some example sentences of 占める, it's almost always in the natural form and the particle を is used to describe the direct object, and the particle で ...
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Do the passive forms of godan verbs have any sense of potentiality?

According to this answer both the passive and potential sense of ichidan verbs derive from the root sense of "without someone's will". It ...
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Why do we distinguish the spontaneous (自発) and passive (受身) forms?

Why do textbooks view 自発 and 受身 as two distinct forms? Example: [受身]: 誰かがりんごを食べる --> 誰かにりんごが食べられた [自発]: 彼女が両親のことを思い出す --> 彼女に両親のことが思い出される Grammatically, both forms take the noun marked by を, ...
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What does に indicate in "運転手に重大な過失は認められなかった"?

The following excerpt is from a reading comprehension exercise (page 214 of TRY! 日本語能力試験 N2 文法から伸ばす日本語). 交差点で車同士が衝突する事故が起きた。事故原因の調査では、運転手に重大な過失は認められなかった。 Is it correct to recognize 認められなかった as the (...
LAMC's user avatar
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This sentence 「君は何かに足をかじられたんだね」 looks really weird

I know the meaning of 「君は何かに足をかじられたんだね」 is "Something has bitten your leg" but is this sentence grammatically correct? (Probably yes because it's quoted from a book...) But for me this ...
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How is the passive being used here? 「勝手な行動をとられると困るわ」

There is a conversation in the anime Darling in the franxx, and a higher up is telling this sentence to Zero Two so that she won’t go off acting on her own: 勝手な行動を取られると困るわ My first guess would be ...
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Is it wrong to say お姉ちゃんに私のケーキを食べられた instead of 私はお姉ちゃんにケーキを食べられた ? (Passive voice)

I'm trying to better grasp the passive voice in Japanese based on these four sentences. So far I can tell that the first sentence is direct passive and the second and third one indirect passive. ...
Jesús Jurado's user avatar
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Confused about object of 迎える in this sentence

I am currently on lesson 9 of Japan Foundation's まるごと B1-1. There is a text about a woman celebrating Christmas for the first time at her American partner's home. It begins with the sentence "...
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Meaning of ご帰還あそばれなされた [duplicate]

Full sentence: 「俺様がご帰還あそばれなされたぞ!」 I think this sentence means something alike to: "I have returned!" My main problem with this sentence is the usage of あそばれなされた. From my understanding, this ...
Gabriel Costa's user avatar
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How to understand 取り上げ方をされており in a sentence

話し言葉によく現れる「なんか」は、日本語教育では中級以上の学生を対象としたテキストの会話文で取りあげられていることが多く、 「なんか」という語は辞書、文法書によって様々な取り上げ方をされており、その用法については「など」の口頭語として説明されたり、 「など」と同様に扱われているのが普通である。 Often occurring in spoken language, the word なんか is ...
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