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Questions tagged [volitional-form]

意向形. The verb form ending with 〜(よ)う. Also called 意志形.

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Why is volitional verb used before 〜ように (in order to)?

「今日の登校中、<ラタトスク>の機関員が十香の嫉妬を煽るようにいろいろと工作をするわ。士道はそれを受けつつ、上手く対応してちょうだい」 Hi. The context is that 琴里, the speaker and command of the 機関員, is talking to 士道. 琴里 will ask the 機関員 to fan 十香’s jealousy and ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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「生かんとする」 in a relative clause

These are part of the lyrics of the fifth ending theme of Hunter x Hunter (the 2011 animation). 朝{あさ}をむさぼり 夜{よる}を吐{は}き出{だ}し 生{い}かんとする 我{わ}が性{さが} It seems 「生かんとする」 means 「生きようとする」: 生く(archaic form of ...
E. Matsunaga's user avatar
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Could anyone explain the grammatical structure of a sentence 僕の螺旋 ただならぬ手を繋ごうとしてる

Trying to understand the lyrics of Granrodeo song 君に One Way Love, I'm struggling to grasp how 僕の螺旋 ただならぬ手を繋ごうとしてる can mean "my spiral has my hands all tied up" (translation i found here ...
Yulia Sarzhan's user avatar
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The uses of verb + ん apart from simple negation

醜い浮世を 意地で生きるぞ 汗水たらし 身を削り ありつかん 尊くも儚き飯 Full lyrics here. This ugly world you need willpower to survive in; drenched in sweat and with lots of effort, that precious and fleeting meal is in sight ...
Boolicious's user avatar
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Position of volitional form and scope of かな ending

Referring to throwing away old clothes to improve your life: この中のいくらかを捨てて、スッキリしてみようかな。 Maybe I will throw some of them away and try feeling refreshed. My translation is a bit silly. 1) Does かな ...
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