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does ある and いる have つもりform and volitional form?

I cant find the answer because everywhere its different. I always have problem with ある and いる because sometimes you cant use it with some grammar. I would be very grateful if someone could explain ...
Oli Oli's user avatar
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Meaning of いまい in this sentence [duplicate]

こんな嵐の中、まさかここまで郵便を届けにくるやつはいまい、と思っているにちがいない。 He was surely thinking that nobody would deliver mail here in a storm like this. (my TL) I cannot work out what いまい is doing in this sentence. I've come ...
user3856370's user avatar
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-てもろうとる is this Kansai Ben [volitional + continuous tense]

The following dialogue is from Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning so it is based in Kyoto: その狂った正義の先鋒…最も過酷な役割を務めてもろうとる In Kansai I know てまう [kansai] = てしまう [tokyo] とる [kansai] = *ている [tokyo] So ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Volitional form + かと

それから、少し手足を伸ばそうかと、道路のむかい側にあるパン屋まで歩いて買物に行くことにした。 After that he stretched out a little and decided to go to the bread shop on the opposite side of the street. First of all I'm not sure if he stretches ...
user3856370's user avatar
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「脱ぎますか」 as 許可求め・申し出

In this clip the woman says 服脱ぎますか but she is talking about herself as opposed to asking the other party to do something. This seems to be a situation where either 許可求め or 申し出 should apply. If it is a ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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what does those sentences mean?

1: どうあがけば人間が雷に勝てるというのだ Here, I don't understand the どうあがけば and というのだ, what do they mean? Can someone explain to me the grammar and the usage here? 2: 空で育ったお前でも遠雷くらい見ていよう What's with the 見ていよう? Why is ...
bulgur69's user avatar
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Volitional form describing a noun?

I came across this construction 与えよう春 in a song recently and can't quite figure out the meaning and grammar behind it. The entire stanza for reference: 歌声が消えようと 幾度と 想いが途絶えようと 与えよう春を 繰り返す愛を ...
Kisiel's user avatar
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What would be the difference between 書こう and 書きよう when used in this sentence?

EDIT: Apparently I read the answers wrong, and the correct answer is actually the one I chose, i.e. 書こうにも. Then my question would be focused on the difference between these two forms. I guess in this ...
xji's user avatar
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Could anyone explain the grammatical structure of a sentence 僕の螺旋 ただならぬ手を繋ごうとしてる

Trying to understand the lyrics of Granrodeo song 君に One Way Love, I'm struggling to grasp how 僕の螺旋 ただならぬ手を繋ごうとしてる can mean "my spiral has my hands all tied up" (translation i found here ...
Yulia Sarzhan's user avatar
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Grammar of て + (い)ましょう

How would one explain this -te form of the verb + mashou here: 姫, 城の中で隠れてましょうよ Does it mean: 隠れて (い)ましょう [Lets hide and stay] - where the て is used as sequential action OR 隠れて (い)ましょう [Lets keep ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Why do people say "食べる" instead of "食べましょう" or "食べよう"

From what I understand, "食べましょう" and "食べよう" both imply, more or less, the same meaning, which is 'to invite someone to eat with them', the latter being a verb conjugation of the ...
Deep556's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 取り戻そうと in this sentence?

In the following sentence: 問題を無視することはできません。しかし、 問題にばかり注目していると過去の状態を取り戻そうと努力することになります The part where it says: 「取り戻そうと努力することになります」 more specifically that "そうと" where does it come from? What's the ...
Richard Al's user avatar
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Verb ending in -ん with positive meaning?

I was watching an anime, and this is the context: prior to the series, the main character went in hiding after betraying her peers, since she was the only against a peace she deemed fake; while ...
Mauro's user avatar
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How is Volitional + と used in these sentences?

In these sentences, I don't understand this particular use of volitional + と. It seems that it's interchangeable with ように or ために in these cases. But I've never seen Volitional + と used like this. ...
shade549's user avatar
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How is the volitional + と pair being used in the sentence "たとえ何が起ころうと私は主を信頼する"? [duplicate]

In the praise and worship song here, there is the following setence: たとえ何が起ころうと私は主を信頼する To me, this looks a lot like, "Whatever should happen, I will trust in the Lord." But the volitional + と ...
Panzercrisis's user avatar
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〜ようにする vs 〜ようと思う

I'm wondering about the difference between 〜ようにする vs 〜ようと思う, which both express intention. Here's an example sentence from A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar (pg 562). 私は毎日運動するようにする。 I'll make ...
kennysong's user avatar
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Grammar of すぐ医者に連れていこう

I'm learning japanese on my own and face a sentence below. この子、熱が高くてすごくつらそうだよ。 "すぐ医者に連れていこう。" What i don't understand is the grammar in the last sentence. It seems that the book uses a Ving format. ...
cindy50633's user avatar
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Position of volitional form and scope of かな ending

Referring to throwing away old clothes to improve your life: この中のいくらかを捨てて、スッキリしてみようかな。 Maybe I will throw some of them away and try feeling refreshed. My translation is a bit silly. 1) Does かな ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Why is intentional form used in 「カラオケに行こうと誘われました」?

近所のひとにカラオケに行こうと誘われました。 I can easily understand what this sentence wants to tell me, but I don't really understand why intentional form is used here. I usually would just use plain form いく.
Narktor's user avatar
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What are the grammar rules behind this clause, 「才能があろうがなかろうが」?

才能があろうがなかろうが、そんなもん他人が決める事じゃない。どこの部に所属するかなんぞ俺が決める事だ I'm asking about the bolded clause. This is casual dialogue, in case there's any confusion about that. I don't normally put Japanese through Google ...
danish's user avatar
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How do you "try" a suru verb? Like "to try to cook"

According to the internet, to say you try an action you need to use the volitional form + to suru. So miroutosuru is "to try to see". But what about suru verbs like ryouri suru ("to cook")?
Dylano Stewart Rodrigues's user avatar
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What is the use of 〜ようとしている?

The sentence, from chapter 7 of the Tobira textbook, is 日本の[漫画]{まんが}は[欧米人]{おうべいじん}の本の読み方さえ変えようとしている, which I think from context should mean something like "Japanese manga even changed the way that ...
Boop's user avatar
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ことにする versus ようにする

A: 毎日漢字を十覚えることにしている。 B: 毎日漢字を十覚えるようにしている。 Both literally mean I make a rule to remember 10 kanji characters everyday. So what is the difference?
Display Name's user avatar
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言おう used here, I dont understand the grammar

I said good morning to my friend and they replied with: 今言おうとしてたよ I understood this as, I was just about to say the same thing However, I asked them if they could explain the sentence just in ...
Tyler H's user avatar
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Curious about the phrase "しまいと" in a book I'm reading

I'm re-reading/translating a section of 金原ひとみ's 星へ落ちる for a translation course I'm taking and ran into the following sentence: 彼がこの家にいない時、私は彼があの人と食事しているところとあの人とセックスしているところを想像しまいと、...
vel's user avatar
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volitional + nimo 作ろう+にも?

What does the 「にも」 after the volitional form 「作る」 do here? 死んだら食べ物は必要ないし、死んでるんだから、物は当然産まれない。作ろうにも材料も何もないし。 がっかりさせて悪いけど、天国にはね、何にもないのよ。(『この素晴らしい世界に祝福を』シリーズ、第一巻) I would assume it means something close ...
noobtube2's user avatar
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What's the meaning of 「〜どんなに抵抗しようとも限り…」

I cannot find any material relating to this grammar point. Give the following example, could you explain what the meaning of this grammar is? どんなに抵抗しようとも限り生きている人はいつかは死ぬ。
reFORtEM's user avatar
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Use of も after quote particle

電話のベルが聞こえたとき、無視しようかとも思った。 When I heard the phone's bell I wondered if I should ignore it. We have 無視する = "to ignore", 無視しようか = "will I ignore it?" 無視しようかと思った = "I thought 'will I ignore it'". I ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Understand the difference between [dictionary/ない + ようとする] and [volitional + にする]

I have come across a couple of concepts that seem relatively similar, but I would like an understanding on their differences, if any. The first is the dictionary/ない form + ようとする. And the other is the ...
Naruto's user avatar
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Meaning of volitional passive form

お姉ちゃんに何を言われようが、まる子はウキウキ気分なのであった。 What was said by her sister ???? but, Maruko felt cheerful. I can't think of any way in which something which is passive can also be volitional. How do I understand ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Meaning of ようともしない

I'm familiar with ようとする to mean "try to" or "about to", but how about this: 新聞から顔を上げようともしない。 Obviously that's a negation of ようとする with an added も. I'm guessing も adds a hint of "even" to the ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Why is the 「ようとして」 construct used here?

I was playing The Legend of Zelda, the Ocarina of Time, and the great deku tree says 「今{いま}、ハイラルはその力{ちから}に飲{の}み込{こ}まれようとしておる。。。」, which as far as I can tell means "Right now, Hyrule is being swallowed ...
Cole Fudge's user avatar
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Negative volitional+と

「それじゃあ放課後、茶道室に来て下さい。 そこでこれからのことを話し合いましょう」 先輩は校舎のほうへ走っていく。 それに遅れまいと、こっちも校舎へと走り出した。 Why is the negative volitional used in the last sentence?
Splikie's user avatar
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What does volitional + と mean?

For example in this sentence: 迷宮内は天井が宿す燐光によって光源に困らない代わりに、夜になろうと朝を迎えようとその眩しい光が途切れることはない。 How should I interpret 夜になろうと朝を迎えようと? Thanks!
Tomm's user avatar
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Can volitional form mean 'you should ...'

As a guest is leaving a man's house the guest is told: おみやげをお持ちいたしましょう。 Edit: After this the guest is offered a choice of present to take. I am not familiar with this use of the volitional form, ...
user3856370's user avatar
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How to distinguish between う/よう of volition and suggestion?

Reading a lesson on 国語文法.com, I'm having difficulty telling 意志 from 勧誘. E.g. 「今度こそ成績をあげよう。」 is stated is that of volition (意志). However, why can't it be "(I suggest you to) improve your grades!"? ...
user9771's user avatar
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Volitional + というのだった?

In the short story 「悪魔」by 星新一 , a man walks onto a frozen lake to go ice fishing, carves out a small hole in the ice, and throws in the line. But after throwing in the line, there's a 文型 I've never ...
user69325's user avatar
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とする(か) VS Volitional, conjectural and と思う

The speaker just finished preparing a ring for a tournament when he says this sentence by himself (there is no hearer in the scene) : さて...テレビ局に行くとするか。 I know that とする can mean "to decide to&...
Alox's user avatar
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Grammar in a modern translation of the 古事記 : ~ようもない

I recently started studying the 古事記. In the beginning of the modern translation, there is a piece of grammar which, while not terribly confusing in itself, still fascinates me. The whole sentence is ...
Espen Nielsen's user avatar
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Need Help Understanding ーているよう

I am trying to translate the following small text (taken from a VN): もうこんなことはやめようか―― 心配そうな眼差しは、まるでそう言っているようだった。 So far my attempts have led me to this: It was as though his worrying gaze seemed to ...
chlenix's user avatar
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What does 何+(counter)+も+volitional mean? e.g. 何機も買おう

I found this sentence as an answer to the question: "What are some of the symbols of Japan's wealth?" 次期主力戦闘機を何機も買おうとしていること I'm not sure whether it means they're buying a lot of next-generation ...
fairchild's user avatar
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Who is doing the thinking?

Observe the change: 彼女は行かないと思う。 "I think that she will not go" 彼女は行くまいと思う。 "She thinks that she will not go" 彼女は and と思う are conserved in the sentence, yet the person who is ...
Flaw's user avatar
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Verb volitional form (動詞の意志形) - usage

I have a couple of questions about the volitional form of verbs that I've become unclear on lately. Here is a Bible passage containing the grammar in question: (Note that I'm using a Bible passage as ...
istrasci's user avatar
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Does the volitional form of a verb mean both "let's" and "I want to"?

I was taught ages ago that the volitional form of a verb means "let's" do something. For example, if you take 行{い}く and change it to 行{い}こう, you get "let's go". However, I feel like I can use the ...
Questioner's user avatar
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