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Questions tagged [i-adjectives]

形容詞. A class of words that behaves mostly like verbs (but uses different grammatical endings) and is used to describe properties of nouns.

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Desire (たい or ほしい) for adjectives

I was just wondering how to express a desire for an adjective. e.g. I want to be strong. For verbs I learned the common approach is using the たい-form while for nouns it would be using ほしい. Neither of ...
Dennix's user avatar
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Pronunciation rule

Is there any rule about the pitch accent of nouns resulting from i-adjectives plus the suffixes み and さ? For instance 長い 長さ 長み
Daciu Barbat's user avatar
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Creating a verb from an い adjective by dropping い and replacing with くする?

I know that you can make an adverb from an い adjective by replacing い with く. 早い - fast 早く - quickly One of the things I ran into while studying was "Please don't make it too short" by using ...
Stripes The Tiger's user avatar
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も after the adverbial form of i-adjectives

Usually, the particle は or も after the adverbial form of i-adjectives is followed by ない, but I was reading a friend's text where she said: 寒くなってきました。早くも「着る毛布」をクローゼットから取り出し、着ています。 When I was writing ...
BIG-95's user avatar
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Why did 黄 not have an adjectival form in Old Japanese?

A lot of online articles have claimed that Japanese "originally" only had four words for colors: 白, 黒, 赤, 青. They also argue that, since only these four have both noun forms and 形容詞 forms (...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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Old polite form of 形容詞 [duplicate]

In multiple sources now, I've heard that like 100 or so years ago now, there 形容詞 had their own polite form that didn't use 〜です. So instead of saying, 熱いです or 暑かったです, a different form was used to show ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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で particle following い-adjective

A sentence from 「ぼっち・ざ・らじお!」episode 19, where the host 青山吉能さん thanks the audience for nominating their show in four categories for a radio show awards show. She then says: ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Why is すごく almost always pronounced with an accent on the second mora (instead of the first mora)?

From my experience, there are many speakers who say すごく{LHL} even though they say はやく{HLL}, うまく{HLL}, etc. I am aware that there are two "accent types" for the conjugated forms of downstep-...
dekinai's user avatar
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What does Adjective + もならない mean?

。。。結局私は利用されてただけなんだな "In the end, I was just being used use." 悲しくもならないや Purely from context she seems to be saying "It doesn't even make me sad/I can't even get sad about it"?
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Understanding 「性格悪いのお前」

In そんなことしたら性格悪いのお前だけになるぞ」 What is 性格悪い? I assume it's an i-adj formed from 性格+悪い that means "personality-is-bad"? But if 性格悪い is an i-adj, how is 性格悪いのお前 grammatical? I assume it means &...
George's user avatar
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い-adjectives derived from verbs

Some い-adjectives are derived somehow from verbs. For instance, 忙しい is related to 急ぐ according to Wiktionary. Are there many い-adjectives derived from verbs? If a given verb has an adjectival form, ...
Stumpy Joe Pete's user avatar
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What's going on with adjectives ending with や?

I was looking into a presumably older song, Gion Kouta, and I noticed that one of the lyrics is 「恋しや」. I'm assuming this comes from the adjective 「恋しい」, but I don't know why 「や」 is used instead of 「い」....
sylvester's user avatar
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The meaning of 若く in this sentence

恵子は若く美しかった。やつれてはいたが、柔らかい、優しげな雰囲気のままだった。 I'm struggling to understand how 若く is being used. Is it used like an adverb for 美しかった?
LionGate's user avatar
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What part of speech is あたたかく?

In the following sentence: 3 月ごろ、だんだん あたたかく なります。 Is あたたかく an い-adjective which has been turned into an adverb, and has been used with another adverb (だんだん) in this sentence?
Hadi Karimi's user avatar
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Use of 多い to modify the noun in this sentence

そんなこんなで彼岸花には縁起でもなかったり『死』のイメージが強く、煙たがられることが圧倒的に多い花なのだ。 煙たがられることが圧倒的に多い花なのだ。 What exactly is the grammar of this sentence? It cannot be "numerous flowers" but it has to be "numerous ...
LionGate's user avatar
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かる・しかる-連体形 cant follow nouns?

i was reading something about adjectives on and as i was reading, i came across this sentence, the なる-連体形 may follow nominals whereas the かる・しかる-連体形 cannot. is there something ...
sieman's user avatar
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Do Negative Downstepped i-adj's have accents on な?

Consider that 上手い is a downstepped i-adj (i.e., pronounced as うまい{LHL}). Question: What are the pitch accents of the following negative conjugations of 上手い? 上手くない 上手くなかった 上手くなくて 上手くなければ 上手くなる (not a ...
George's user avatar
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Understanding 「一番おいしい」 [duplicate]

Why is 一番おいしい grammatical? The phrase 一番おいしい means "number one delicious" or "the most delicious". But 一番 is a noun and おいしい is an い-adjective, and as far as I know (Noun)(い-...
George's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the inflection 若かりき?

I encountered what I think is an inflection of the adjective 若い and I couldn't find a suitable explanation for it. Here is the inflection in context: はにかみて君若かりきさかづきを挙げて銀座に相別れにき… Any clues would be ...
kiyopi's user avatar
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Negative adjective grammar

I wonder what is the difference between these two patterns when using negative adjectives: これは面白いマンガじゃありません。 これは面白くないマンガです。
Poulp's user avatar
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Does 悍ましい derive from a verb?

So I'm confused about おぞましい, because in 悍ましい, there's おくりがな. Atleast I'm sure of it, and as far as I know, おくりがな is added to a verb. So, I'd think that the ま in 悍ましい、is from the irrealis form of a ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Understanding わけでなし

操縦桿を握るパイロットに告げた。普段八五区外に飛ばす機会など全くない、偵察機での長距離飛行を許可されて楽しげな顔なじみのパイロットは気軽く頷く。 「了解です、大佐。……ですが、その辺りは規則では輸送の連中の飛行禁止区域ですよ?」 「何、問題ないだろう。競合区域まで入るわけでなし、それにこの速度なら着くのは夜だ。〈レギオン〉どもは動かんよ」 86─エイティシックス─ 安里アサト Is the ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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When conjugating adjectives, can we use the normal form of the adjective and use the copula です to indicate its form?

This is specifically for い-adjectives, as な-adjectives work this way. For example, when I want to say something is not delicious I'd usually say おいしくない. Would it be possible to use おいしい じゃありません and ...
Fyreflum's user avatar
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What's the difference between 正しく, 正に, 正確に, 丁度, きちんと and ぴたり?

Which ones are interchangeable? Also, what's the difference between their adjective version: 正しい, 正確な, きちんとする, ぴたりする? I don't know if the last two are correct. Please, add similar adverbs and ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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How does 形容詞+かる work in Classical Japanese?

I remember reading previously that かる could not be used attributively(1), but that does raise the question: For what else could a 連体形 have been used in the first place? Was it simply an alternate form ...
John's user avatar
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「仕方なくです」 形容詞の連用形 く+ copula です?

I am stumped by 「仕方なくです」 which I have heard/seen occasionally. 用があり仕方なく広島へ。。。仕方なくですね (source) 一年ぶりに来ました。友人に行きたいと言われて仕方なくですが、、、鶏皮は一人5本に減ってました。(source) 仕方なくです!(笑) (source) I know 形容詞の連用形 く, apart ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What does this paragraph mean in Wasabi's "Japanese Adjectives with Particle が" article?

I'm trying to understand this post on using Japanese adjectives and am stumped by this paragraph under the I-adjectives section When you use i-adjectives as a subject complement, you MUST NOT do the ...
holly's user avatar
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What's the Grammar Form at Work Here and How to Use it? 「あまり難しく考えるなよ」

Looking at the Japanese lines of a game, and I came across this line...: あまり難しく考えるなよ。 ...which I believe translates to "Don't think about it too much" or the like. However, I don't ...
Justin's user avatar
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Why is 暗い conjugated as 暗くsometimes?

I know in past tense, you use く like 暗くない but even in present tense, I see example phrases where 暗く is used. For instance: もう暗くなったから、帰りましょう。 I'm a beginner so bear with me please and thanks!
Owen's user avatar
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Is it not needed to use an adjective in the ta-form when paired with 時 as a temporal adverbial clause?

According to Essential Japanese Grammar by Masahiro Tanimori and Eriko Sato (page 352), we can pair adjectives in the ta-form with 時 to form a temporal adverbial clause. Strangely, the book doesn't ...
Nameless's user avatar
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Using i-adjectives at the end of (Or really anywhere in...) a sentence?

For instance, if I wanted to ask if a food was tasty, I want to know all linguistic options that I have and, preferably, the nuances between them. These are all the short, potentially appropriate ...
wanwandrew's user avatar
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In the sentence, 「リコとマイは会わなくなりました」, is 会わなくconjugated from 会わない?

While reading, I came across the following: Translation: Riko and Mai stopped seeing each other gradually. My question is very similar to A negative verb conjugated as an adjective?. However, I would ...
Nameless's user avatar
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What does き do in this sentence: あんな目に遭ってもなお 気高き兵士のままだ! [duplicate]

I saw this sentence in an episode of Attack on Titan, a soldier is having a panic attack and the speaker says あんな目に遭ってもなお 気高き兵士のままだ! What does き do here? What's the difference from い? あんな目に遭ってもなお ...
k-on fan's user avatar
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I adjective ku/katta

I am wondering if the ku/katta conjugation for i adjectives has (had) a meaning by itself. For example tanoshii becomes tanoshiku. In the past tense then tanoshikatta. Clearly the tta is the indicator ...
RZA Chris's user avatar
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usage of 懐かしい for self

I have a question about 懐かしい. I see it translated as "nostalgic", but i seem to understand it would be closer to "(something) that makes you feel nostalgic". My question is : can ...
Wignam's user avatar
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What does だなんて mean? [duplicate]

I came across with the next sentence: 「そんな呼び方をして、馴れ馴れしくはありませんか?」 「そんな、馴れ馴れしいだなんて」 Why is there a だ with a いadj? And what is the meaning or nuance of that だなんて?
Alejandro Núñez Valdés's user avatar
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What's the difference between 【Noun + が + いadj】 and 【Noun + の + Verb】

I was reading and I found the next sentence: そこから動きの鈍った魔物がもぞもぞと入り込んでくる And I had that question, What's the difference between that and saying そこから動きが鈍い魔物がもぞもぞと入り込んでくる
Alejandro Núñez Valdés's user avatar
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How to properly translate the last three colours of the rainbow in Japanese?

When I use Google Translate to translate from Russian to Japanese, I get the same Japanese word for two different colours of the rainbow. 💙 ➡️ голубой ➡️ 青い ➡️ blue 🔵 ➡️ синий ➡️ 青い ➡️ blue These ...
mig81's user avatar
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Potential form verbs followed by adjectives to end a sentence have to be in te form?

Do potential verbs followed by adjectives ending a sentence have to be in te form? For example 見られて嬉しい instead of 見られる嬉しい.
Alex's user avatar
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い-adj in く form + する what is the meaning?

I was reading an article at nhk news web site and I found a sentence which I'm not pretty sure what the meaning really is. Here's a fragment: 試験ではまず、日本の県や町などで、将来どんな問題が起こるかが書いてある文章を読みます。そして、...
Richard Al's user avatar
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む verbs and corresponding ましい adjectives

In studying words like 羨ましい and 勇ましい, I've noticed that there are almost always corresponding (mostly transitive) む verbs: 羨む -> 羨ましい 勇む -> 勇ましい (transitive version seems to be archaic) 好む -> ...
Five Peaches's user avatar
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Why are 近く and 多く nouns?

The く-form of 近い and 多い can be used as nouns and adverbs. For most adjectives, however, the く-form is only used as an adverb. So why do these exceptions exist?
kennysong's user avatar
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僕が強くならなきゃ from 月の大きさ song [duplicate]

I believe that it means I have to become strong but I don't really know how the grammar works in the sentence. I know it's using 強い and I guess なる in potencial form Pleas explain to me how this works
Oscar's user avatar
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What does “stem” mean in “Adj (na) stem”

In A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, I have (at least tried to) read the grammatical terms and list of abbreviations very carefully, but maybe something is missing. Or maybe I missed something. ...
JKVeganAbroad's user avatar
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i-adjective + noun: is there a difference which part negate?

Is the following two sentence correct? And is the translate correct too?: それ は おそくない くるま です。- That car is not slow. それ は おそい くるま じゃ ありません。- That car is not slow. Or has it somthing difference in the ...
ZeroProcess's user avatar
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From what I looked up and understood, it means "Writing in a clear and concise manner is difficult, isn't it?" 分かりやすく簡潔に書くのは難しいですよね But I thought to connect i-adjectives くて was needed, and ...
El Toro Lucky  Patient Zero's user avatar
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Turning い-Adjectives into Adverbs

I recently listened to a song named アザトカワイイ and I started asking myself about the grammar behind this one simple phrase. According to this site, the title means "Cunningly Cute" which makes ...
minty港's user avatar
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How many true verbs and i-adjectives are there in Japanese?

I have read that verbs in Japanese are a closed class. That is to say: not counting inflections, there is some relatively fixed number of "true verbs" in the language. By "true verbs&...
M. Sperling's user avatar
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What is the proper form of a short question with an i-adjective vs. a na-adjective?

I have read that great answer about i-adjectives being predicates. How does it reflect in questions? Say, I have a dialogue: — Is your city a beautiful one? — Yes, it is. — Is it big? ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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Why does やすい conjugate to やすく in 分かりやすくいえば?

I was wondering how やすい becomes やすく in 分かりやすくいえば? Here is the full sentence: 分かりやすくいえば あいつらにとって葉山は友達で
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