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Questions tagged [imperatives]

命令. Grammar, syntax, and sentence patterns of giving commands, issuing orders, and related acts such as some requests and the equivalent of English "let's".

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て verb grammar + が?

待て! 待てができるほど俺はいい子じゃないよ? The character is flirting with his girlfriend and she tells him "wait" when he goes for a kiss. Then he replies this to her. Why is 待て here used? It should be noted ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Is じゃないだろう a negative imperative

So the group of characters receive lunch from one of the guy's girlfriend, and one of the members of the group says this: てめー女にメシばっか作らせてんじゃねーだろうな! My confusion is, is this an imperative negative? ...
LionGate's user avatar
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What is the meaning of てこい?

残りの夏休み遊べないのは残念だけど ゆっくりしてこい! So he tells his friend who is moving soon to another town 残りの夏休み遊べないのは残念だけど it's too bad we won't be able to play anymore for the remaining days of summer, but ゆっくりしてこい! ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Negative-imperative for 形容動詞 and 形容詞

For verbs, we can use it's te-form to make imperatives and negative imperatives, such as: 走って! 走らないで! Run! Do not run! Of course there's also 走れ! and 走るな! For 形容動詞 and 形容詞, however, I realize that I ...
dvx2718's user avatar
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Use of Passive form + てみる

男が、そんなこと言われてみろ。一、二もなく、なついちまう How to take the 言われてみろ? "A guy being told that" + "try being"?
LionGate's user avatar
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Confusing use of imperative in a threat [duplicate]

小僧、変なことをしてみろ。ちょっとでもだ、そしたらクリスマスまでずっと物置に閉じ込めてやる。 Boy! Do something weird, no matter how small and I'll lock you in your cupboard until Christmas. Firstly, is してみろ actually imperative here? I don't see ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Is the grammar of いただき in continuative form [連用形] or in dialectical imperative form

I am having trouble deciphering the meaning of this lyric: 指切りげんまん ホラでも吹いたら 針でもなんでも 飲ませていただき Monday Is the word 飲ませていただき in the imperative form as in Kansai [書き -write it] or is this in standard ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Are there any clear hints to where one clause ends and another begins in song lyrics?

Here is a link to the song being discussed. In song lyrics of both English and my native tongue Swedish, it's more often than not somewhat obvious to the listener of a song, or rather, the reader of ...
timseb's user avatar
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Is くれ the short form for くれる?

In the following sentence: ペンを貸してくれ。 Is くれ the short form for くれる?
Quince Blossom's user avatar
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Could verbぞ be an order or request?

For example: 負けないぞ 頑張るぞ Could these sentences be used to ask other people to perform things above?
Iori's user avatar
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Difference between ~てなさい and ~なさい

I encountered this command while reading a piece of fiction: 休んでなさい I learned that the pre-masu form is used with imperatives using なさい. So, I would have expected 休みなさい. But, here, the て form is used. ...
vaer-k's user avatar
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Could not understand why 命令形 (imperative form) is used in this sentence from 1Q84 book

I hope nobody complains that this is about a sentence with adult content. The quote is from the bestseller 『1Q84』, 第14章: 彼はブラウスを「脱がせ」、スリップの肩紐を「ずらせ」、その下にある。。。 I could not understand why 「脱がせ」 and 「...
裕治さん's user avatar
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When is「泣かない」used to mean 「泣かないで」? [duplicate]

『あなたの番です』第12話 has a scene where 黒島沙和, female in her early 20s, comforts 榎本総一, a 14 year old boy. 黒島「猫...それ...」 榎本「動かないんです。病院、知りませんか?」 黒島「でも...もう死んじゃってるんじゃないかな...」 榎本は泣いてしまう。 黒島「泣かない!泣かない!」 It is ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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How to express “<imperative> or <imperative>”?

I want to express the structure “A or B”, where A and B are verbs in the imperative mood. The specific example I want to say is “Stand and rot or fall apart right now.” I assume just saying 「...
aachh's user avatar
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What does かかっといで mean? [duplicate]

「もう一度かかっといで」。 At the beginning, I thought it was 掛かって + ぐ ending verb turned into its imperative mood; then I've found かかってこい, it would make sense. If so, why does で appear? Is と the contraction for ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Difference between two grammars, ろ and るんだ?

やめろ and やめるんだ both can translate as "Stop" as a command, but what is the difference? From the last answer on this post:
Ragaroni's user avatar
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The grammar of present progressive in imperative tense -ていろ

What is the nuance of this sentence here: 自分の巣の中で オナニーしていろ 童貞 Translated as: "Go jerk-off in your nest, you virgin" Does -ていろ imply to "to keep on doing something". So that a ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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でねえ in anime - Negative Imperative?

So でねえ is used in the following sentences in Great Pretender [S01E01] as a negative command and has been translated as such: 来るでねえ ! Dont come [closer] ! And here as: ふざけるでねえ! Stop messing around ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Interpreting “顔を曇らせ” in a song lyric [duplicate]

In Someday / いつか, Tatsurō Yamashita sings: 二度と会えない素直な愛に さよならをする人など居ない だからいつまでも顔を曇らせ つらい日を送る事はない I don't understand the meaning of the last two lines. 顔を曇らせ looks like an imperative. But I doubt the ...
lynn's user avatar
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What does ''食べろっていう'' mean

ちょっとこれ1本でどうやって食べろっていうのよイヤがらせ? I was watching Gabriel Dropout, Episode 2, and then I came across with that sentence, but I don't get the logic behind it. Why is taberu even in imperative form? What ...
Normyee's user avatar
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謝れとは言ってない quoting someone's words or my own?

I'm having a little problem with some dialogue between two characters and I'm not sure about something. These are the lines in the dialogue: Character A: あの時の事は謝る。。。説明もするし。。。 Character B: ...
Alice B. Rabbit's user avatar
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Obscure verb forms?

Question 1. It my understanding that you can form a negative polite volitional by attaching まい to the ます of the verb. For example, 食{た}べます becomes 食べますまい. Is it therefore also possible to turn the ...
Trevor Kafka's user avatar
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Confusion on imperative forms?

I have heard of all of the following conjugations as being imperative forms in Japanese by various texts. なさる → なさい くださる → ください いらっしゃる → いらっしゃいませ Are these all part of the same category ...
Trevor Kafka's user avatar
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What's difference between うるさくないでください and うるさくしないでください

Don't both of them mean "Please do not be loud"? What's the うるさく? Is it うるさい and change い into く to make it a noun? Could you guys suggest the topic that I can look into and study more about them? ...
Chayutpong Leartrattanaporn's user avatar
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How is な used here?

鈴木よ、聞いてやるな。そちらの道には君の息子が気に入っている娘がいるのだ Context: 鈴木 asks his son what was in that direction since his son was looking that direction. Then someone else said the above sentence. I'm confused about the ...
Agent Squid's user avatar
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待った! as an interjection [duplicate]

I've just noticed that in the 逆転裁判/Ace Attorney series, the interjection translated as "Hold it!" is 「待った!」I would understand if it was 「待って!」, but why would the past tense be used as an interjection? ...
Skaohgwaih's user avatar
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Is there a difference in (im)politeness between ~てくれ and ~て?

I understand that ~てください is the polite request form, and that both ~てくれ and simply using the ~て form are both more colloquial. I'm just not sure how they compare, my guess would be that ~てくれ is more ...
Skaohgwaih's user avatar
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What does よ bring in 「〜ないでよね」?

I sometimes hear or read sentences such as: 行かないでよね! 聞かないでよね! I get 「行かないでね!」and 「行かないでよ!」 but I wonder what nuance is added when both of them are used like in these examples. I have the feeling ...
Gumamori's user avatar
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What is the meaning of まさか...お前が ...喜べ

I read in a manga that a character said "...まさか...お前が", "...喜べ" does it make sense to add imperative form here or the 喜べ isn't connected to the omae ga
Lernie's user avatar
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What is the difference between the imperative forms of the -aru verbs?

What is the difference between these imperative forms: nas-ai nas-are nas-aimase nas-aimashi (As far as I understand these verb forms apply only to the honorific –aru verbs irassharu, ossharu, ...
user18849's user avatar
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About くれ in 契約を守ってくれなくては困る

In the sentence below, is くれ imperative form of くれる? 契約を守ってくれなくては困る
laser2302's user avatar
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しろ vs. せよ imperative forms

While browsing Youtube, I came across a comment which said the following: はじめしゃしょーを思い出した人は返信せよ My question is about the ending. I understand that せよ is an imperative form of する just like しろ. ...
M Palmer's user avatar
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Usage and meaning : 寝ろ vs 寝てろ?

Source: page 32, Ch.82 of よつばと! My translation of the highlighted text bubble is, Now, sleep quietly okay. But I am confused as to why 寝てろ is used here as opposed to 寝ろ? Is it because sleep is a ...
vadasambar's user avatar
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Why does 逃げよ mean 'Escape!"?

I have been watching some anime recently and I often hear people say にげよ (逃げよ in kanji maybe?) and it is usually translated as "(Let's) escape!". I want to know why it is translated this way. ...
Sweeper's user avatar
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What form of imperative is this? 是非この機会お見逃しなく!

The following statement seems like an imperative but does not have the structure of the imperative: 是非{ぜひ}この機会{きかい}お見逃{みのが}しなく! Make sure not to miss this opportunity! Is なく 連用形 of ない? If yes, ...
user1602's user avatar
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What is the meaning of と in this sentence?

Its from the song "Stay with me"; 帰らないでと泣いた Also, is there a better way to translate the 'naide' form of a verb than "without doing"? It sounds quite odd I think.
nehry's user avatar
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こと as an Imperative

I just came across the grammar being metioned here It states yet another way to form the imperative. To my ...
Michael's user avatar
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Please help me understand 思い巡らせた

ネビルはずっとメソメソしていた。罰っていったい何だろう、とハリーは思い巡らせた。 Neville kept sniffing. Harry wondered what their punishment was going to be. Please help me understand 思い巡らせた in the sentence above, especially its ...
Narutokage's user avatar
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Is な used for emphasis or negative imperative in this sentence?

「おまえ、そんな体験したこともねぇのにわかったようなこと言うなっ」 Even though you've never had such an experience, (you say things like you understand)/(don't say things like you understand). Is this な the negative imperative ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Imperative form is rude...?

So I've been digging around some more and found this image from a PDF here. Basically, it said that the Imperative form (such as 見ろ{みろ} or 飛べ{とべ}) is usually considered ruder than the ~て form (such ...
Williem F.'s user avatar
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The meaning of ~がいい

I've read a lot of mangas and I've noticed the use of がいい after a verb e.g. 見る{みる}がいい。 諦めた{あきらめた}ほうがいい。 Does it work as an adverb?
Williem F.'s user avatar
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君の元へ飛んでゆけ - imperative or optative?

This is the context. Yura yura to yuganda sora e Kimi no moto e tonde yuke Konna ni mo chikaku ni kanjiteru Futatsu no omoi ゆらゆらと歪んだ空へ 君の元へ飛んでゆけ こんなにも近くに感じてる ふたつの想い This is my try: Through the ...
nino83's user avatar
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Imperative with masu stem [duplicate]

I just had my first karate lesson and was puzzled. When the instructor wanted us to start or stop he would say はじめ and やめ. I would have expected to hear はじめろ or はじめて for example. Is it proper grammar ...
user3856370's user avatar
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何も言うでない ! meaning and origin

I have found this sentence in Odin Sphere. I guess it's kind of old fashion for a strong interdiction. I first thought it came from the negative form of である but it doesn't seem to be replaceable by ...
SmallPox's user avatar
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Meaning of 〜たつもりでも〜ても~。

I understand the meaning of something such as 食べたつもりで寝る。My idea of this is "I go to sleep convinced that I've eaten". Or along those lines. In the book I'm using, the following, similar phrase has ...
Keir Simmons's user avatar
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What does 楽しめよ really mean?

I've been listening to the song "If I die tonight" by KOHH and at the end of the second verse he says 楽しめよ and the subtitles say it means "live it up". But when I look for translation elsewhere it's ...
jonas's user avatar
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Positive Imperatives When Telling Someone Not to Do Something

A lot of times, when someone says something stupid or ridiculous, the reply they get is「バカいえ!」, or when someone says something that's obviously a lie, they will be told 「ウソつけ!」. I've also heard 「ふざけろ」 ...
Kurausukun's user avatar
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Which conjugation is this 進む → 進め

I'm translating a song and came across the following sentence: 明日の岸辺へと夢の舟よ進め If it was 明日の岸辺へと夢の舟よ進む it would mean "move on the dream boat to the shores of tomorrow". What changes with this ...
Gabu's user avatar
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When to use these plain Te-Forms?

I've studied the use of a polite(?) te-form conjugation that is used to enumerate actions or for a request (adding ください). Examples would be 聞いて, 死んで. But what about non-polite(?) te-form conjugations?...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
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Help with translating a certain sentence ending: ~なくしろ

Context: Translated lyrics, (source) English -> (content in question) Japanese. Stanza context: English (source): Put him in the back of a squad-car / restrain that man. Their translation: 彼【かれ】...
Kennedy Ryan's user avatar