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Questions tagged [giving-and-receiving]

Questions regarding verbs of giving and receiving such as あげる, もらう, くれる, also called donatory verbs

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帰路についてくれた translation

全員空気を読んで、立ち止まることなく帰路についてくれたのはありがたい判断だ。 The speaker told his friends to return home first without him, since there was something he has to do. I'm confused about how to translate 帰路についてくれた. 帰路について (...
Amanda Zhang's user avatar
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appending くれる to verbs for unwanted things that someone else did

Appending くれる to the て form of a (normal) verb means that someone else did the work. For example: 食べてくれた - (someone) ate it (and I am happy he ate it) The sentence above has a nuance that the ...
donburi's user avatar
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How to say "the one I sent the letter to"

I sent him the letter - 彼に手紙を送ってあげた  He was the one who sent me the letter - 手紙を送ってくれたのは、彼だった He was the one I sent the letter to - ???
Karl Leitner's user avatar
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Receiving allowance / allowing others to do something using させて+もらう/くれる constructions [closed]

I have reached the topic mentioned in the title and found myself struggling to understand it. First off, my textbook explained it pretty much poorly (but I guess that's enough to understand it at ...
Tawahachee's user avatar
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I need some help with んです/ので/ん

I was studyng from a book and I can't answer this question (and I don`t have the answers) the question is: 普通の言い方に直すとどうなりますか。 私に予約してくれんか。 a)予約してくれないのですか。 b)予約してくれるのですか。 c)予約してくれませんか。 To me all of ...
Bankai's user avatar
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やる and あげる when used with て-form of verb [duplicate]

What's the difference when using やる and あげる with the て-form of a verb. For example: 教えてやる and 教えてあげる.
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ください/くれる and its various conjugations

When asking someone else to do a favour, one would append ください or くれる. For example, 手伝ってください or 手伝ってくれる to either mean "please help me" in the former case and "can you help me" in the latter case. ...
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Could you please explain why the correct answer is 「もらいました」 and not 「くれました」? Multiple choice answers are: ①やりました ②もらいました ③くれました ④あげました Thanks!!!
Sabina Mirzezadeh's user avatar
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くれた and もらった used with 泊まって

Recently, I chanced upon the sentence 友達の家に泊まってくれてしたり... or was it 泊まってもらってしたり... (Couldn't really recall, but they would translate to the same thing) which translates to "do things like me staying at ...
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くれ in いっしょにきてくれますか?

What is the exact meaning of くれ here: Will you come with me? いっしょ に きて くれます か? / Issho ni kite kure masu ka? Why would it not be this instead: いっしょ に きて します か? / Issho ni kite shimasu ka? Or do ...
イ リ ニ's user avatar
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もらう and もらって when used with various forms of verbs

What happens when I post-fix a って to もらう. Example: 手伝ってもらって. I know 手伝ってもらう means I receive the favor of someone helping me. But what does conjugating もらう to its て form does? Also, in its ...
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Using もらう with に/を particle and passive/causative forms

I was learning passive and causative forms of Japanese coupled with もらう and particles, and got very confused. A couple of examples and what I think they mean: AさんはBさんを病院に送ってもらう - A received a favor ...
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注意する conjugation and ~てもらう

I'm to conjugate 注意する and associate it with either of "てあげる", "てくれる" and ”てもらう" in the following sentence: 隣の人がうるさくて眠れないので、大家さんから静かにするように(注意する)_____ことにしました。 I picked "注意してもらう", which gives this, ...
Right leg's user avatar
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Confusion between もらいます and くれます when used as a post-fix to te-form verbs

I was at Japanese class today and I heard these phrases while I was listening to chokai: 休んでくれますか (Can you give me the favour of resting for today) 休ませてもらいませんか (Can you let me rest for today?) ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Who belongs to one's "group" in business?

I understand that family members are considered to be inside one's group, allowing for sentences such as: 先生は母にレポートを送ってくれた。/ The teacher sent my mother a report. Now, in the world of business, who ...
Daniel's user avatar
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What is the function of "に" in the following sentence?

奴隷の分際で王に敬称で呼んでいただくなど……恐れ多いことです。 The slave asked the king to call him by his first name instead of using his surname + "san", so the king asked him why. Then, the slave answered the above sentence. I ...
Nero's user avatar
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Usage of 手伝う and お手伝いをする

I want to say "If I can help with your English studies ...". I thought of three ways, none of which I'm sure is natural: 英語の勉強を手伝ってあげられたら... 英語の勉強のお手伝いをしてあげられたら... 英語の勉強のお手伝いができたら... I looked up ...
user3856370's user avatar
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貸してあげる、貸してもらう USAGES

Today, I've seen a question about 貸してあげる、貸してもらう Here's the context: りえ : きれいなカメラですね。 あや : これですか。山田さん_____ _____。 These are the choices: が、貸してあげました に、貸してもらいました が、貸していただきました。 に、...
Kiw's user avatar
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What does もらえる mean in this sentence ?

Here's an excerpt from the article I am reading (link to the article): あくまで私の個人的な評価ではありますが、この中からあなたのお気に入りの本がきっと見つかるはずですよ!また、今回取り上げる本は文庫版がほとんどなので気軽に買って読んでもらえる作品ばかりです。 Last line is where I am stuck ...
vadasambar's user avatar
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In AてBてもらう does もらう operate on A and B?

Regarding stickers put on apples to make pictures: シールを作った会社が毎年、農家の人にお願いしてこのりんごを作ってもらっています。 Every year the company that makes these stickers receives requests from farmers and receives the apples ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Use of ともちょうだい and speaker consistency

チケットが二枚余ってて~とかいってくる男がいたから、いらないなら2枚ともちょうだいって言っただけ it's cuz there's a guy that said he had 2 extra tickets, "if they aren't needed, i'll accept them" is all I said. The latter half is the ...
charu's user avatar
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Meaning of もらってもらう?

I found the combination "もらってもらう" in a text in 新完全文法N1, page 142: 「これ、もらってくれるとありがたいんですけど……。」と言って、わたしによく服を譲ってくれる友人がいる。彼女がもう着ない服だ。自分が要らない服を人にもらってもらうのは、意外に難しい。二人がとても親しくて、服の好みが合っている場合に限る。 My questions ...
Nicolas Louis Guillemot's user avatar
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くれる: A verb of volition?

In this answer, user4092 raised the aspect of volition when using giving-and-receiving verbs. Curious to learn more, I did some research and found the following article:
Nicolas Louis Guillemot's user avatar
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Changing verb subject after a favor - Is this a reliable pattern?

Consider the following example sentences from 新完全文法マスター N1 and N2 respectively: Sentence A その仕事は川田さんならやれる。川田さんに頼めばきっとやってくれるだろう。 Sentence B 道に迷ってしまった。通りかかったおばあさんに道を聞いたら、親切に教えてくれた。 In both of these ...
Nicolas Louis Guillemot's user avatar
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How to understand 態度を片付け

私は奥さんの態度をどっちかに片付けてもらいたかったのです。 これも usage of ぎりで in this sentence とおなじで、夏目漱石の「こころ」の一文です。 この「てもらいたかった」はこれによると「てもらいたい」の過去時制だとわかっています。 質問は、 この「てもらいたい」は「てほしい」と同じ意味ですか。 「片付け」は「部屋」や「書類」などに使う語のはずです。いみは「...
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Interpretation of "ゴミとして引き取ってもらった"

まあ、新居で邪魔になりそうなものはゴミとして引き取ってもらったけど。 An internal remark from a couple moving into a new place. well, 新居で邪魔になりそうなもの -> the people visiting new place, aka me/us ゴミとして -> me/us as garbage 引き取ってもらったけど -...
charu's user avatar
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What does ~てやってくれ mean?

As in the following sentence: 藤岡、いろいろ、教えてやってくれ。 I know ~てくれ is a command, but I don't understand what ~や means
Tamires Carpi's user avatar
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「〜てもらう」の文法は知っていますが、この下の文章の「〜てもらおう」の意味がわかりませんでした。 例)「一度に全部わかってもらおうなんて、思っちゃいない。」 この「〜てもらおう」を説明していただけませんか。 よろしくお願いします。
蛍火_'s user avatar
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The direction of くれる and あげる: Is 「彼はこじきに一番よい上着をくれてやった。」 a wrong usage?

I've always understood the direction of くれる as such: Outsider ⇒くれる⇒ Me / In-group and あげる as: Me / In-group ⇒あげる⇒ Outsider I was told this direction marks your feeling towards a person as well, so ...
Yeti Ape's user avatar
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How to interpret 喜んでもらえて私も嬉しいです

In reply to my thank-you-message I received the following: 喜んでもらえて私も嬉しいです。 Can it be interpreted as "I am glad that you enjoyed it"?
user1602's user avatar
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送ってくれた : Why is both "sending" and "giving" being used together here?

I encountered the sentence: 両親が私にはがきを送ってくれた。 I understand that: 送って translates to a verb meaning "to send", or I assume in this case "sending" due to the "te-form" being used. I also understand ...
Cmaxster's user avatar
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Can 呉れ mean "I give to you" as well as "you give to me"?

Excerpt from よだかの星. Before the Nighthawk leaves, he stops to speak to the kingfisher and says: 「はちすずめへ、あとでよろしく云ってやって呉れ。」 I'm having trouble resolving the 呉れ with へ in this sentence.It seems like ...
Hyperglyph's user avatar
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Different inflectional forms of くれる

In what situations would someone use one of the following forms over the others when requesting the action やる? やってくれる? やってくれない? やってくれ やって(ください) My assumption is that the first two would translate ...
lightweaver's user avatar
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〜てくれますか or 〜てあげますか

Which one of the following is correct? いつお金を返してくれますか。 いつお金を返してあげますか。 And what's the difference?
Omae wa mou shindeiru's user avatar
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What is the correct way to ask someone if he or she can do something?

I want to ask someone if he can translate something for me. However I do not know what the correct way of asking is. I do not want to ask if he wants to do it, but rather if he has the knowledge to do ...
2hTu2's user avatar
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Does てもらう imply that a service has been requested?

I read this question about the sentence: 野菜をたくさん買ったので、店の人に家まで届けてもらいました。 Without thinking too hard I translated this as a) Because I bought a lot of vegetables the shop keeper delivered them for ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Meaning of ~てもらう in this sentence

I encountered this sentence in a textbook 野菜をたくさん買ったので、店の人に家まで届けてもらいました。 Which one of the following would the sentence is supposed to mean? Since [I] bought a lot of vegetables, [I] had a guy ...
Petch Puttichai's user avatar
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why is "わたしはお客様に満足してもらう" not "わたしはお客様に満足してあげる"

お客様に満足してもらう? kind of strange to think.
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Particles that goes with 案内 in a ~てあげる sentence

I'm using Goukaku Dekiru N5·N4 book, and I'm confused about a question there. This is the question: 私が りーさん(  )あんないしてあげましょう And the possible answers: を 2. に 3. から 4. が So, I answered ...
Víctor's user avatar
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Question about もらう/いただく

I just encountered this question: Conversation: 男の人:森さんに、お伝えいただきたいんですが。 女の人:はい。 It's asking something like 誰が伝えますか and have 3 choices: Question:(男の人 女の人 森さん)が伝えます。 Answer: ...
Suzi's user avatar
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Understanding the pattern "〜から、〜に耳打ちしてもらう"

I am trying to interpret the sentence: ――ラファから、長に、そう耳打ちしてもらう You can see this in context here, but I'll describe a little of the situation in this post. The line is said by a character named Ian to ...
Locksleyu's user avatar
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Incorrect use of あげさせます?

I drafted a sentence practicing causative form: 私はフレイザーに筆入れをあげさせます。 desired meaning : I made Fraser give me the pencil case. But when I put this sentence on a correction site someone corrected it ...
lois.e's user avatar
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nuances of the verb 連れる ending in くれた vs もらった

Here are two sentences with the (compound) verb 連れる. I wanted to know the nuances and how the two meanings differ. 今日は、ルーカスさんが車でアパートが探しに連れて行ってくれた。 今晩は、ルーカスさんの知人の家のパーティに連れて行ってもらった. I ...
cgo's user avatar
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What particles and what verb forms to use when attached to もらう or くれる

I was speaking with a friend and at one point in making plans said something like: 田中さんに連絡されてもらった後で… but was corrected to: 連絡してもらった後で. I understand how the particles and such work with the もらう ...
lehtia's user avatar
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Usage of「が」and 「は」in ~くれる [duplicate]

everyone. May I know why does different particle is used in the following examples? 小林さんは私にチョコをくれた。 友達が私にチョコをくれた。 姉が娘におもちゃをくれた。 Thanks.
Ritsuji's user avatar
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Difference in nuance between causative form and てもらう

This question is inspired by this one (unanswered at the time of writing). それは田中さんに教えてもらってください。 Get Mr Tanaka to tell you that. それは田中さんに教えさせてください。 Make Mr Tanaka tell you that. I feel that ...
user3856370's user avatar
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もし and たら. verbs of giving and receiving

もしつごうよかったら、どこかゆうめいなところをあんないしてあげてくれませんか. In the above sentence if both もし and たら translate to "if", why are they both used? Does あげてくれませんか mean "Won't you do it for me"?
jap gakusei's user avatar
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How do I have to understand that phrase [duplicate]

In an exercise in my textbook, there's the following instruction in one of the exercises: 友達のいちばん好きな言葉を書いてもらいましょう。その読み方と意味を質問してください。 The bold もらいましょう really confuses me. I'd expect something like -...
Narktor's user avatar
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Can I translate くれる in the following way?

I do know about くれる and あげる that mean "to give" and it depends on the speaker's perspective and the concept with "uchi" and "soto", because that's how I learned them, but I still have trouble, even ...
Alice B. Rabbit's user avatar
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Usage of 方 to mean person, interchangeability of くれる and もらう and passive form

So I stumbled upon the following sentence: 特に日本人以外の人に日本語を教えてもらっている方に質問です I was having a problem with translating it because of the parsing, but now I kinda get it. What I could translate was "...
Felipe Chaves de Oliveira's user avatar