I was studyng from a book and I can't answer this question (and I don`t have the answers) the question is: 普通の言い方に直すとどうなりますか。
a)予約してくれないのですか。 b)予約してくれるのですか。 c)予約してくれませんか。
To me all of the answers are the same :(
I was studyng from a book and I can't answer this question (and I don`t have the answers) the question is: 普通の言い方に直すとどうなりますか。
a)予約してくれないのですか。 b)予約してくれるのですか。 c)予約してくれませんか。
To me all of the answers are the same :(
The ん in 予約してくれんか is a contracted form of ない. Thus, the sentence is the same as 私に予約してくれないか. The polite version of this sentence is 私に予約してくれませんか, so I think the answer is c). (I hesitate to call the polite form 普通の言い方, though...)
The other options contain explanatory-の, but it is not included in the original sentence. 予約してくれないのですか means "(Does that mean) you aren't going to make a reservation for me? (That's disappointing!)". 予約してくれるのですか means "(Does that mean) you are going to make a reservation for me?" These are not simple requests.
To distinguish the two types of ん:
食べない → 食べん
要らない → 要らん
食べたのだ → 食べたんだ
要るのです → 要るんです