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Questions tagged [nominalization]

名詞化. Turning a grammatical constituent such as a clause into a noun phrase, often using a nominalizing particle or formal noun such as の or こと.

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Different types of nominalization

I recently learned that you can use a verb stem or its i-stem to get its noun. Before that I learned you can nominalize a verb with base form + こと. I looked at different sites to understand the ...
Dennix's user avatar
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Why is 負ける here used transitively?

This is not the transitive 負ける that means "to reduce the price of a good". During (sort of) mecha-fight, villain responds to hero who says that they will take the helm and fight and protect ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Can “なんて” also serve as an inhabited nominalizer?

I came across a rather interesting sentence spread across two bubbles: 一瞬で空気を変えちゃうなんて シャチ君だけだよ Instinctively, I would read the first bubble simply as something like “To think he actually changes the ...
Zorf's user avatar
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Incorporating a verb phrase into a noun: "Object + を + Verb dictionary form + noun" (波を越す遊び) vs. "Object + Verb masu form + の + noun" (波越しの遊び)

Here's an example: 何も忘れてしまって波越しの遊びを続けさまにやっていました。 For the 波越しの遊び part, is there some nuance involved in writing it the way it is, versus writing it as 波を越す遊び? Thanks in advance!
Aries332's user avatar
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What’s the difference between のは and こと? [duplicate]

I have been very confused lately between these two and not knowing when to use each😭I know that both nominalise a verb but that’s as far as it gets!
レイー's user avatar
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How to use the addition particle も on a whole sentence?

A: 先週の試験で一人だけ悪い成績だったのは、Cさんだそうだ。On last week's exam, (I heard) only one person had bad results: Mr.C. B: そうか。Cさんといえば、彼女と別れたらしい。Really. Talking about Mr.C, (I heard he) broke up with (his) girlfriend. B:...
82474070449770901951's user avatar
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How do you use もの? [duplicate]

I'm not very familiar with もの and have never been able to understand it well. I came across this phrase recently: 付き合い悪いもんあいつ Why was もの used?
menta sugar's user avatar
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テストが( )を知りませんでした。 - what to put inside parenthesis?

The correct answer is 明日なの, not 明日. Why is that? My reasoning is that テストが明日を would mean "the test is performing an action on tomorrow", but we want to apply を to the whole テストが明日, so we ...
Kapol's user avatar
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Why nominalize words instead of using them directly as verbs, adverbs or adjectives? [duplicate]

My question is focused particularly on verbs ending in て form nominalised with の and adverbs ending in く also nominalised with の: かねての instead of かねる 近くの instead of 近くある/近い My understanding of nouns ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Use adjective or adverb for clause + こと

As I understand it, when you make a clause and then put こと at the end of it everything is transformed into a noun (e.g. 食べましたこと is eaten thing.) If it's a noun, it should be modified by an adjective, ...
Trying_to_work's user avatar
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When to use adjective+の over adjective+こと/もの?

In this anwser it says that の after adjectives is interchangable with こと/もの. It gives an example: の after an adjective is mainly もの, but it can be こと ...
hyorogan's user avatar
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Understanding ことのが

幸い、アネットはそう遠くまで行ってしまったわけではなかった。  交差した廊下の、角の壁に背を預け、小さな子供みたいにふてくされた顔をしている。 「……もういい。ほんとに、最後に喧嘩した時のことなんて全然覚えてないみたいだから」 レーナが近寄ると、こちらを見ないまま拗ねた口調で吐き捨てた。 「あたしはシンを助けてあげられなくてそれがずっと辛くて、でも、...
chino alpha's user avatar
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英語とフランス語の勉強をしたいのと海外の友達を作りたい This is a line I saw online in a supposed native Japanese speaker's bio. What seems new/unusual to me is how they nominalize the first part and connect it with the second ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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痛いの慣れた! How is particle の working here?

In response to me talking about how guitar hurts my fingers, a native speaker replied 痛いの慣れた! Which I believe means "I'm used to the pain" How can I generalize this grammar of "い ...
Catdog's user avatar
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〜ような or 〜ように before V-stem + 方 [closed]

I encountered the following multiple-choice question in a JLPT N3 grammar practice test: 仕事と生活の(   )働き方がしたい。 1 バランスをとるらしく     2 バランスをとるらしい 3 バランスがとれるような    4 バランスがとれるように I chose 「3 バランスがとれるような」, but ...
L. F.'s user avatar
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Can we replace the ものか with ことか? And why?

その中間、デスクの前に『休め』の姿勢で立つシンは眉一つ動かさない。独断専行の数々と軍規違反。必要だったからしたこととはいえ、詰問も懲罰もむしろ当然のことだ。  違反の内容からして拘束くらいはされるだろうと思っていたが、今のところ尋問程度で済んでいるのは、扱いを測りかねているものか。 86 ─ エイティシックス ─ Ep.2 ─ ラン・スルー・ザ・バトルフロント ─〈上〉 安里アサト Is the ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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What's the origin of "さ", the nonsubjective (dunno how to call it nominalizer)

So, I know that the subjective nominalizer み comes from the imperfective/irrealis form of む, apparently the subjective particle that makes things into subjective verbs?? I just heard this on a website....
Star Peep's user avatar
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How exactly are 準体助詞 and 形式名詞 different? In what regard? And where does の stand?

I have read several definitions (e.g. here and here) and explanations (here for example), but I am not sure any real differences are drawn except one is 助詞, the other 名詞. The list given for 形式名詞: ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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I-Adjective nominalization

For 面白い, why is the noun form commonly 面白 instead of 面白さ? Isn't さ supposed to be the way to take i-adjectives and make them nouns?
Catdog's user avatar
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Difference between であること and ということ when nominalizing a noun?

Let's take this example from wasabi-jpn: 田中さんが女優であることは言わない. What is the difference if we were to use ということ or even simply ってこと instead. Is the difference perhaps simply that it's less formal and more ...
Simon's user avatar
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Does the legality/idiomaticness of verb+のの+方 depend on the verb?

Today when discussing language learning, I was corrected by a heritage Japanese speaker friend who changed what I said 多分書くのの方が難しいと思う to 多分書くのの方が難しいと思う However, the discussion emerging from this ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What does のに比べて mean? In "一人の相手を幸せにするのに比べて"

一人の相手を幸せにするのに比べて、倍の時間を彼女のために使える必要があるはず Compared to giving only one of your partner happiness, you need twice the time to make your partners happy. Is this の used as a nominalizer? Can の be replaced ...
339jff's user avatar
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What exactly does the の do in this sentence? [duplicate]

What exactly does the の do in this sentence? 男役ばかりな[の]{L}を気にしてんのか
Zach's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use the の particle (along with が) when saying "I like (something)"?

I have read this sentence: 私は絵を見るのが好きです。 and I don't understand why is the の required. As far as I understand, が is used to indicate the subject of the sentence, in this case a picture (what is liked)....
Martel's user avatar
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Nominalizing a sentence ending in サ変 verbs

Here are two examples of nominalized サ変 verbs. あす必ず任務を達成することを約束する。 彼らは私たちがこの薬を試用することを認めた。 Given that the stems of サ変 verbs are nouns, is it okay to just drop the する (and こと) in the above sentences? ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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What does の in this sentence do/mean?

最近、忙しくて。昨日だって帰ったの12時すぎだったよ。 Please explain the use of の in the above sentence.
Thanaphat Ik's user avatar
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Problem with choosing のは or は with と思います

So in my textbook there are examples like あまり便利じゃないと思います いいと思います But I was wondering, how would you say something like "I think it's ok to eat food". From my knowledge it should be ...
Bondalton's user avatar
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Meaning of の in this sentence [duplicate]

The sentence is それがいかなる彼女の琴線に触れたのかはわからない I believe that かは is embedding the question (as seen here) but I'm a little confused at what role の is playing here. Is it simply nominalizing the previous ...
Xanadulo's user avatar
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Syntactic structure of "what is something which is done"

What is this sentence syntactic structure? お国では何語を話すのですか。 If what the sentence is all about is "which language", why does the action verb ("to talk") need to be nominalized? I ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Why does noun-connecting form (の、こと)work in this example?

So my tutor and I have been talking about this example and I still can't ascertain an answer I understand from him as to why it works (the piece in bold). ただ走るのではなくて サーかを しながら走るのがいいです What I ...
hs3690's user avatar
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Nominalization and conjugated form

As far as I understood, the nominalization is made with the neutral form of the verb followed by の or こと, as in the example 私は読むことが好きです。I like to read. Though, I found this example where the verb is ...
Starckman's user avatar
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What's the origin of ~み following a 形容詞?

I found a HiNative question where someone asked about the difference between [痛]{いた}さ and [痛]{いた}み. A native Japanese speaker gave this answer: 「痛さ」は形容詞「痛い」が名詞化した名詞です。 「痛み」は動詞「痛む」の連用形が名詞化した名詞です。 I ...
LittleWhole's user avatar
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How do I connect verbs with nominalisation?

For example: I like dancing and singing. My hobby is studying Japanese and playing guitar. How do I connect "studying and playing"? Do I have to use te form? I'm really confused 😃 upd. ...
Daniela's user avatar
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Difference between embedded question and noun phrase [duplicate]

Inspired by this question, I thought of two ways to talk about checking the truth of something, though I think my question applies much more generally than with just the verb 'to check'. ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Is my understanding of こと correct?

While translating a book, I noticed early on that こと is often used as a nominalizer when its placed behind a dictionary-form verb and written in hiragana. Having jumped back on the translation ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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What are the grammatical roles of the two のs in the following sentence?

What are the roles of the two の particles in the following sentence? 彼はこういうのがうまいのです。
Quince Blossom's user avatar
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What does "でいる" mean? [duplicate]

I've heard the sentence "一人でいるのが好きです", meaning "I like to be alone". Is this a substitute of "です", could I for example say "学生でいるのが好きです"? If so, how is it different from "である"? Thanks in advance.
Alejandro Jimenez's user avatar
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I don't understand Genki1's explanation of using の after verbs [duplicate]

Can someone explain? I just don't quite understand it. Thanks.
batv1's user avatar
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I don't understand 私なのを

I have this sentence 隣の席が私なのを、感謝しなさい What does 私なの mean in this case? Why is there a を with a comma right after?
Can't Read's user avatar
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How did 優しさ derived from 優しい? The rule is? [duplicate]

How did 優しさ derived from 優しい? The rule is?
Bruce Wu's user avatar
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How do I know when to use の with が in a "good/bad at" sentence? [duplicate]

In all sentences that describe someone being good or bad at something, as well as liking/disliking doing something, the particle が is used. I know for a fact that you use が for like/dislike. In some ...
Pat's user avatar
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How to say "the one I sent the letter to"

I sent him the letter - 彼に手紙を送ってあげた  He was the one who sent me the letter - 手紙を送ってくれたのは、彼だった He was the one I sent the letter to - ???
Karl Leitner's user avatar
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Is the の[か] in my sentence a 準体言助詞 の[か]?

こんな訓練が何の役に立つのか不思議だったが、アインが言うにはバランス感覚は射撃の要になるらしい。 I hypothesize that the のか in question is a nominalizing の followed by a questioning か, as its preceded by the verb/expression 役に立つ. This verb-...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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Questions about a correction, nominalizing, and particles

I was practicing writing sentences and tried to write the following in Japanese: I heard he escaped from the island. I originally came up with 彼が島から逃げるのを聞いたそうです。 But then I was corrected by 2 ...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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Nominalizing verb with い-ending vs ーの

In my Japanese class today, we were supposed to say a sport we liked. I said: 泳ぎが好きです。 We haven't learned this way of nominalizing verbs or the names of many sports, so my 先生 shook her head no and I ...
ringo's user avatar
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Trouble understanding のも in this sentence

I am having trouble understanding the significance of のも in this sentence: そう考えるのも当然だ。
Ryan's user avatar
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豊かになることが sentence construction

能力のある人や努力した人が豊かになることが本当の平等というものだろう。 why did we use が two times in this sentence, and what does the mean of 豊かになること sentences
Sam's user avatar
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怒られるのが sentence construction

怒られるのが怖くて嘘をつくのは、子供にありがちな行動です。 why did we use 怒られるのが as subject ?? what is the sentence constructon
Sam's user avatar
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Nominalization of です?

Basically I’m wondering if です can be nominalized. For example how would you say: ”I don’t like being mean.” or ”It’s good to be nice!” Can I say: 酷いであるのが好きじゃない? 優しいであるのがいい? These are my attempts ...
jacoballens's user avatar
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すっごいレンジの音がしてるのが気になる。What does the second の mean in this sentence?

すっごいレンジの音がしてるのが気になる。 What does the second の mean in this sentence?
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