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Questions tagged [contractions]

縮約. The omission of sounds or letters from words. Contractions can be characteristic of dialects or modes of speech. A frequently observed contraction may become a new word in a language.

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Can や be a contraction of ば?

I was reading a text using yomitan, and when I highlighted a や that was next to the word 歌, it said 歌や was the verb 歌う in ば form but や was a contraction of ば. Now, in the context of the sentence I was ...
いしす's user avatar
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Meaning of てしまう in this sentence [duplicate]

A group of friends are unsure on which way to continue from an intersection and one says: 「多分左ちゃうかな」 The subtitles translates this as "Let's go left from here" but I think that some nuance ...
Tree's user avatar
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What is 「くりゃあ」a contraction of?

From SAO OVA: 海の中で困ってる人とくりゃあ 人魚と相場が決まってるぜ What is 「くりゃあ」a contraction of? I know that contractions like this happen a lot (そりゃ, etc.), I just don't know which word this comes from.
SIREN's user avatar
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Can't understand a sentence (お前調子のってんじゃねーぞ、ボコっぞこの野郎)

In this video, (, I can't understand this sentence. お前調子のってんじゃねーぞ、ボコっぞこの野郎 I think there are some grammar that I don'...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Does また来なくちゃ mean "I have to come again" or "I must not not come again"?

So, does it suggest that I did not come last time or does it suggest that I did come last time?
Celestial Dragon's user avatar
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Vて+くっから meaning? [3-gatsu no lion episode 1]

I'm confused specifically about what it means, whether it's a dialect-specific thing / commonly used, and when to use it. Here are the sentences I am confused about and their translations from the ...
Junipurr's user avatar
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What does Causative + たる mean? [duplicate]

The character girlfriend criticizes him and he says this: 俺が善がるだけしかできねぇってか!? My reading is akin to "Are you say I only satisfy myself!?" Then he later adds 死ぬほど善がらせたるわ! From context I ...
LionGate's user avatar
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What is んの short for in 「なんで鍵なんか閉めてんの?」 [duplicate]

I'm familar how ん can help form contractions like: んです ↦ のです なんです ↦ なのです but I recently came across んの: あれ お兄ちゃん なんで鍵なんか閉めてんの? What is this short for? My best guess is that ん is short for いる and の ...
George's user avatar
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Understanding 付け忘れんな(ぁ)

This is from a subs2srs anki deck that I'm studying. (Edit: Audio on soundcloud ) The original transcription and translation is: 付け忘れんな # Don't forget to record it. But it sounds to me like: ...
Magnus Lidbom's user avatar
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あっちゃいけない - Grammatical origin

あっちゃいけない I can find multiple example sentences for this but no explanation : そのための売買市場がなぜあっちゃいけないんだろうね? 私だけが特別であっちゃいけないんです そしてその権力者に仕える指導者たちもまた権力を振りかざすのがたまらなく好きだ43いいか、おまえたちは、そうであっちゃいけない! The meaning ...
Unaware17's user avatar
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Is it a hiragana or a kanji or something else entirely?

This is the description of the Japanese book 告白 by Kanae Minato. In the picture, in red, are two instances of a character I suppose to be a hiragana. But I have never seen it and can't find it ...
Francis's user avatar
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Verb-past + にゃいかん

最高の杖を持たにゃいかん。 You've got to have the best wand. The meaning is clear, but I'm baffled by the grammar. First, I'm assuming 持た is a typo for 持った, but maybe not? Second, I'm guessing that にゃいかん is a ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What is 忘れなと a contraction of?

In Meiko Kaji's song "Jeans Blues" there is a verse containing the 忘れなと phrase: 場末の陽気な男達 私の涙にもらい泣き 酒でもあおって忘れなと 財布はたいて飲みあかし I think, it can be neither a contraction of 忘れない + と nor using ...
Quit007's user avatar
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Is じゃ here another way of saying では

なんじゃ, the じゃ here is this supposed to be a way of saying では? I know the expression means what. But I don't get what the じは here does. The inly other I have is that it is a way of saying だ
ToniToni's user avatar
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I don’t understand the meaning of “冗談 通じんじゃん” in below sentence

The whole sentence is: “笑える! コタってつまんない男だと思ってたけど案外 冗談 通じんじゃん。” I checked on the internet and found “冗談が通じる” which means He or she gets the joke. But in the sentence “冗談 通じんじゃん”. the word “じゃん” is ...
farhad gharleghi's user avatar
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How is this で being used as a question marker?

From からかい上手の高木さん episode 1 高木 is pulling a prank on 西方 while borrowing his eraser, in which she starts to convince him that he wrote his crush’s name on his eraser; thus it makes him believe that his ...
levikara's user avatar
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休ん and 違うん . I don't get if this is a verb form, conjugation, a contraction or some grammar that I still don't know

I found these phrases reading and didn't get if they were a verb form, conjugation or what, I neither could find them on a dictionary. I assume they are colloquial forms of speaking and this is the ...
Akagami Kuroh's user avatar
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Why is the verb 変えれない instead of 変えられない

the only two reasons I can think of are politeness(he is talking to himself) or because it might be confused with the passive(because it's potential)
Walid Banana's user avatar
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What is the meaning of しちゃ?

ダメだよ喧嘩ばかりしちゃ you can't keep getting into fights like that What does しちゃ mean?
HAMOODY 001's user avatar
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What do よって and りゃあ mean in this sentence?

Here is the sentence. It's from a show called midnight diner, its right at the beginning. It's like an intro that plays at the beginning of every episode. I kinda get the gist of what it says but ...
TheWerefox's user avatar
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why does "ru" turn into "n" at times?

Since the first time I saw this occurrence I've been wondering how Japanese people conjugate the "ru" into a n" (ex: 邪魔すんな or なにしてんの?)
TheOtaku's user avatar
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Are すっど and すっがら contractions of すると and するから?

I encountered these words in トロ子’s speech in a game 洞窟物語 / Cave Story. …あたしがスーと仲良くすっどキングが機嫌悪くすっがら。 I am not really sure what the words すっど and すっがら are supposed to mean. I guess they are ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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What contraction is this?「何言っとんだ」 [duplicate]

I occasionally see 何言っとんだ? where I would expect 何言ってんだ? but I am not sure that とん comes from ておくの. I thought ん 縮約形 only occurred with ら行. 今さら、何言っとんだ? (source) 何言っとんだ。ようやってると思ってたのにこれでマイナスポイントだよ。 (...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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How to parse わかってるって 例のニセモノがやったに決まってんだ

Shoudn't there be a nominalizer after やった? I think it's just a casual contracion, but have not seen it before. Moreover, I have seen 決まっているだろう, or contracted to 決まってんだろう before, but in this particular ...
美しい孤独's user avatar
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What is せんな a contraction of?

In a Manga a character says: 神域{しんいき}とはまたゾッとせんな I guess it is a contraction of しない because of the phrase ゾッとしない - pretty disgusting. But (1) I am not completely sure and (2) how does the contraction ...
Quit007's user avatar
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Tokyo Dialect, 東京弁 : 形容詞 vs 形容動詞

In Tokyo Dialect, they transform some i-adjectives so that they become sugoi - suggee/sugee yabai - yabee itai - ittee / is there any in na-adjectives? Like shizukana shizukka genkina - genkki
Sunny's user avatar
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『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』 ハイジャッカー:こんな後ろにいるんじゃねぇ、前へ行け! ジョジョ:ハイジャックされたのはスピードワゴンの爺さんだろう。一緒にいただけの僕には関係ないね。ここで漫画読んでっから、いいから、気にせず勝手にやってくれ。 My understanding is 「ここで漫画読んでっから」=「ここで漫画読んでいるから」, but what is this ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What's the meaning of じゃねーよ and じゃねえん?

I'm actually getting a little confused about these words' meaning, The original sentence is: 生まれちゃった☆ じゃねーよ! ハムスターじゃねえんだぞ! Does じゃねーよ mean "Not....., you know?" Something like that? Is it ...
Atul Kumar's user avatar
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What does なきゃともがいてる mean in this context?

What kind of meaning does "なきゃともがいてる" convey in both of the sentences in one of the panel above?
smeraldofw's user avatar
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Is there any difference between でしょう and でしょ besides politeness level?

I understand that でしょ is a contraction of でしょう used in very casual speech. Besides that difference in the degree of politeness, do they also have any difference in meaning or usage?
max's user avatar
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What is the たれ in 「もう一本止めたれ」?

In the sentence: "もう一本止めたれ" (spoken) Is the たれ just the "command form" of the たり grammar?
Bob's user avatar
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What does 冷静になんかなんなよ mean?

This is from the manga Blue Period. Meaning of the sentence aside, I also want to understand what role is なんか and なん playing here.
smeraldofw's user avatar
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Understanding 「いん」in なんでお前がここにいんのよ [duplicate]

I'm following Tae Kim's grammar guide, and am confused about this sentence: なんでお前がここにいんのよ, which is translated as 'why are you here?'. I'm pretty sure that いん is some form of いる but I can't figure out ...
Binbent's user avatar
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What does 「見ちゃいない」mean?

I came across this in a manga, and I still can't figure out what the ちゃいない means. Does any help please?
HeathNoNihongo's user avatar
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っちゅう after a verb

To be clear, I am not asking about なか after a verb (which can mean "during"/"while"). While reading, I encountered: うちらに確実に勝てるっちゅうんか!! Presumed meaning: You think you can ...
MegaZeroX's user avatar
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Questions about dialogue in this picture (omitted を、一歩も歩けん) [duplicate]

The dialogue in this picture is simple enough for me up until 一歩も歩けん. The first half makes me expect the whole sentence to be 一歩も引かない but the sentence as a whole confuses me. What is this 歩けん ...
usagimaru's user avatar
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What does かかっといで mean? [duplicate]

「もう一度かかっといで」。 At the beginning, I thought it was 掛かって + ぐ ending verb turned into its imperative mood; then I've found かかってこい, it would make sense. If so, why does で appear? Is と the contraction for ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Casual speech - できんでえ / てやんでえ

I've come across both できんでえ and ~てやんでえ today but I'm not sure what they mean or what their origin is. There's some information relating to ~てやんでえ online which seems to point to it being a question (&...
NobleGuy's user avatar
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Unknown contractions and grammar in harsh language using 置いてくもん

I'm playing a game and I came across a dialog where a person says: 置いてくもん置いてきゃ 許してやらなくもないぜオラァ! And I'm having a difficult time understanding how this grammar was formed. I am mainly lost on the ...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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Grammar confusion with use of 頼みてえ [duplicate]

I came across this sentence: ちょうどいい! 頼【たの】みてえ事【こと】がある! My translation: Just in time! I have a favor to ask! I'm not really sure what grammar rule is being applied to the bold part. It seems like ...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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Sound change of verbs (違う → ちげー)

I find some (young?) people say ちげー when they mean 違う. Is there other verb that is frequently sound-reduced? (BTW, what is the correct way to describe this phonological phenomenon or the word for this ...
5ru8ek's user avatar
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How would I translate ’期待されとっても倒れたら’ in this sentence

Here's the full sentence: ’なんぼ期待されとっても倒れたら元も子もないんやから。’ And here's where I ended up: 'Because no matter what you say, even if you have hopes, you'll lose everything if you burn out.' The context ...
Bobby Spiecher's user avatar
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How to interpret 入っちゃって as a command?

A mother is telling her kid: 「お風呂わいたから入っちゃって」. From the context, I am guessing it means "The water's heated up, come in (take the bath)!". I don't understand how「入っちゃって」 could mean a request / ...
max's user avatar
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What's the structure of this lyric sentence? 「置いてかなくちゃいけないのかな」

The sentence is: [明日]{あした}の[入]{い}り[口]{ぐち}に、[置]{お}いてかなくちゃいけないのかな? Now I know the former part is "tomorrow, at the entrance (of our school)", and the following phrases: おく ーー 置いて, to put, かな ーー is ...
lincr's user avatar
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What is "られん" in "付き合ってられん"? I can't found it in dictionary?

Context: The google translate split "付き合ってられん" to words as "付き合って られん" but it seem is not a regular word I can't understand what do "られん" meaning or find out ...
illiterate's user avatar
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How is たる being used here? [duplicate]

I got this sentence from My hero academia anime and I am confused on the usage of したる. The line is said in season 3 episode 9 at the 4 minute 45 second mark. こいつらの方針が変わんねえうちに2~3人ぶっ殺して脱出したる! The ...
UCProgrammer's user avatar
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What does the verbal contraction/suffix -kkya or -kya at the end of a clause mean? [duplicate]

I seem to hear and read this construction often, but can't seem to find any information about it on Google (or other search engines), as well as other sites I've checked. I've tried several different ...
Szubxero's user avatar
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Meaning or nuance of 調きょ?

Here's the line I'm trying to understand: 責任をもって調きょ…指導してあげるのよ I've gotten a bit over my head reading a comedy yuri manga written by one of those big Twitter authors... It's chock full of slang, ...
Flash Trance's user avatar
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がってんなら - what kind of contraction am I dealing with in this sentence?

I'm trying to understand how to parse the がってんなら in this sentence (it's from Tales of Vesperia, in case anyone's curious): 帝国がってんなら、 この旅の間にも 何度か見てきたろ? This is how it's translated in the English ...
MancombSeepgood's user avatar
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What does ガッポォオォイ mean?

I tried searching in with different iteratons of the オ to no avail. Thanks in advance.
Julio Arriaga's user avatar