
The slave asked the king to call him by his first name instead of using his surname + "san", so the king asked him why. Then, the slave answered the above sentence.

I don't understand the function of the particle "に", because it seems to imply that is too much to call a king with honorifics, although with the context, it's exactly the opposite: to call a slave with honorifics. Is "に" linked to "いただく"?

1 Answer 1


It's the other way around. "王に敬称で呼んでいただくなど……恐れ多いことです。" means it is too much for the king to call him with honorifics. The form Aに<てVerb>いただく simply means A is doing the action for the speaker.

  • Thank you, John. I just wanted to be sure about that peculiarity.
    – Nero
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 12:26

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