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In the drama 『民王』 泰山 asks his associates to ask him questions in order to prove to them he is the real 泰山: おい、なんでも質問してみせろ (more context here) I am fairly familiar with みせる's various usages, but this ...
desmo's user avatar
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How is て行ってくれる used here?

せっかく来たんだし! しばらくのんびりして行ってくれるとうれしいな The character runs a hostel/hot spring and says this to his friend who came... I understand he's saying he wants the friend to relax, but what nuance does て行って give?
LionGate's user avatar
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What does Causative + たる mean? [duplicate]

The character girlfriend criticizes him and he says this: 俺が善がるだけしかできねぇってか!? My reading is akin to "Are you say I only satisfy myself!?" Then he later adds 死ぬほど善がらせたるわ! From context I ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Development of existential verbs ゐる / いる (居る), をる / おる (居る)

How did the verbs 居{ゐ}る / 居{い}る, 居{を}る / 居{お}る develop their function as existential verbs?
Arfrever's user avatar
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Use of ており JLPT N3: 「このような都市はコンパクトシティと言われており、...」

I am studying a reading book for JLPT3 and I came across a grammar I can't seem to find: このような都市はコンパクトシティと言われており、お年寄りも気軽にいろいろな場所へ行くことができる。 Can someone explain the use of the verb おる here?
DotComma103's user avatar
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What does the きた in this sentence mean?

今度は何を覚えてきた? Mother said to her daughter that just got back home I wanna interpret it as "what did you learn? (and got back here home)?" but i don't know if that's correct.
prdel smradkava's user avatar
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苦しんでいる vs 苦しめられる

次の文章を読んで、どう違いますか分かりません。 ① 胃潰瘍に苦しんでいる。I suffer from stomach ulcer. ② 胃潰瘍に苦しめられる。I suffer from stomach ulcer. 両方は「胃潰瘍のせいで、僕は苦しんだ、今も苦しい」。 ②は受身形で、「僕は苦しめられる、誰に?、胃潰瘍に」っていう意味でしょ? それは Suffering Passive ですね。 ...
Francis's user avatar
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If 連用形 can replace て-form in this sentence?

I wonder if the て in 僕を飼いならしてたいみたいだ can be removed? Because I think ならし is the 連用形 of ならす, so it can also used to link two verbs.
Shaw morn's user avatar
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What verb form is してきた?

What is してきた? 文化という言葉は、芸術や学問など人間が生み出した高い達成度を持つもの(ハイカルチャー)を指すとともに、人間の社会が長年にわたって形成してきた慣習や振舞いの体系を指す (source) I suppose it's a conjugated form of する, but I can't find it. I don't know if it has anything ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Trying to figure out the Japanese tale's sentence

ある年のこと、大雨が切れめなく、ザアザアふったので、村は水びたしになってしまい、村人は、 とてもこまりました。 I don't understand the second part "村は水びたしになってしまい". I figured out that this means "The village ended up becoming dipped in water....
Jonie Jackson's user avatar
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Meaning of Verb て form + やる? [duplicate]

Context: Boy challenges girl that he can guess the thing she hates. Girl accepts but jokes that he’ll never be able to guess it. They’re good friends. Boy in response to her comment, thinks in his ...
Parker Ng's user avatar
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What does やってくる mean in this sentence?

宿題をやってこなかったですか? It's something like "Have you ended up not doing the homework?", I think, but what's the difference with just やらなかった? What kind of てくる is this? Is it the same of 寒くなってくる?
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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What does ~てくる mean here?

紅緒に歩みよってきた少尉は、かがんで手をさしのべた。 I don't understand what kind of ~てくる it is. Does it mean that he got closer to her more and more? Or does it mean that he got closer to me, here, like the author wants me ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Understanding 殴られてやる

口の中を切った血を吐き捨てて立ち上がる。思いの外にダメージの少ない、淀みのない動き。 「経験上、実際に聞くまで誰も納得しないから言わないだけだ。時間を無駄にしたくない」 「あァ? おまえ何言って、」 「そのうち話す。……それと、」  言うなりシンはライデンの顔面をぶん殴った。  小柄な体軀で至極コンパクトな振りで、おそろしく効いた。体重の移動と力の伝達が無駄一つなく適切だからで、...
chino alpha's user avatar
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なさい and ください using い-stem instead of う-stem

I'm curious as to why these two verbs use their い-stem, instead of う like ます does after the い-stem and くれる/あげる/おく do after the て form. (I know the two are aru special class verbs.) Does this have to ...
user48723's user avatar
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What does "ふってきて mean in the sentence "これが、突然空からふってきて..."? [duplicate]

I know the sentence means something like "This suddenly came out of the sky...". "これが" means "this is" (side question: why add "が" instead of just keeping it as ...
Gray's user avatar
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When do you use forms of 歩く as a verb to talk about walking?

I've come across different usages of 歩く as a verb and was unsure in which scenarios they would be most appropriate to use. Is 歩く used with 来る? 東京タワーまで歩いて来ます。 Or is it used with 行く? 東京タワーまで歩いて行きます。 ...
username__hidden__'s user avatar
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What's the purpose of adding って here?

Wouldn't 連れてくれよ be exactly the same?
Simon's user avatar
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What is the たれ in 「もう一本止めたれ」?

In the sentence: "もう一本止めたれ" (spoken) Is the たれ just the "command form" of the たり grammar?
Bob's user avatar
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Can't understand 虫に変ってしまっているのに気づいた

I am trying to read 変身 The Metamorphosis by Kafka. I have troubles understanding the following : 虫に変ってしまっているのに気づいた translated by he discovered that he had been changed into a bug First i'm not ...
xavier's user avatar
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What is the function of おけ in this sentence? 記しておけ [duplicate]

記しておけ what is the role of おけ in this sentence. Another sentence 放っておけ
OptimalComposer's user avatar
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What exactly does ておく mean in 食べておく? [duplicate]

The context for this question is from a conversation text. (みんなの日本語中級I第4課)The speaker is leaving a voice message: ……今日ね、急な仕事が入っちゃって、遅くなりそうなの。晩ご飯、先に食べといて。じゃね。 といて here is just short for ておいて, but ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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Is くれてください tautological?

I was doing some reading on the different honorific forms in Japanese and came across ください being the humble form of くれる. Does this mean that -くれてください at the end of a request is tautological?
marlowe's user avatar
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Use of the "きた” form before するnoun

During my research, I came upon two forms to express the fact of moving to a new house: ここは 三月前に引っ越ししてきたアパートです。 ここは 三月前に引っ越ししたアパートです。 I don't understand the difference between the two, does the one ...
Poulp's user avatar
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Differences in usage between 付ける and 付けて行く

What are the differences between the two usages? From what I've surmised, the meaning is more or less the same. Typically, I tend to associate this usage of 行く to "moving away" from the ...
Jak's user avatar
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ていく (auxiliary verb) - Clarification on nuance

I was revising the grammar for ていく and got this sentence from the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. これからは寒くなっていく The meaning the book gave was that "It will get colder (and continue to be ...
DK4739's user avatar
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活用のないままだと別物だと思われるのですが、例えば「want to keep doing something」と言いたい時、「していたい」とも「し続けたい」とも言うことができそうです。違いはあるでしょうか。それから先日、「英語で話しましょうか」と申し出してくださった相手に、そちらは英語でも構いませんが「こちらは日本語を使っていさせていただきたいです」という言い方をしてみたら、「...
lightweaver's user avatar
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Is こられた (from 来られた from 来られる) here working as a passive helping?

I came across two paragraphs in which こられた is mentioned. 1st paragraph: 萩生田文部科学大臣は、NHKの取材に対し、「報道が事実だとすれば、これまで体調が悪い中でも業務を続けてこられたのに、ここにきて辞任されるのは非常に残念だ。まだお若いので、今後は体調に気をつけていただきながら後輩への指導をしっかりしてもらいたい」...
davidpolygoth's user avatar
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Meaning of 崩れかける

I'm having some difficulties understanding the construction 崩れかけた in 博士たちは崩れかけた門をくぐり、中へ入っていった。 I couldn't find it as a single word, so I take it is constructed from 崩れる and かける. My guess is that it'...
Jak's user avatar
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Interpreting きている

My question is how to understand きている when used after verbs like 入る etc. For example: 太陽の光が中に入ってきているのでとても明るい空間になっていて How is the きている to be interpreted here? I guess in my head the question stems ...
madgadget's user avatar
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Why is であった used in this sentance?

I'm just starting to tackle non-textbook Japanese, so apologies if my question is silly. The sentence below gave me some headache even though I more or less know what it's supposed to say (this is ...
ash's user avatar
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What's the structure of this lyric sentence? 「置いてかなくちゃいけないのかな」

The sentence is: [明日]{あした}の[入]{い}り[口]{ぐち}に、[置]{お}いてかなくちゃいけないのかな? Now I know the former part is "tomorrow, at the entrance (of our school)", and the following phrases: おく ーー 置いて, to put, かな ーー is ...
lincr's user avatar
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すぎ to mean too much but in a good way

From what I understand, すぎ means too much, till the point it is bad. For example 食べすぎ would mean "eating way too much (and it's not good)". So how would one say "eating too much (and it's good)"? Can ...
Newbie's user avatar
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The meaning of 示してみせろ

その点に不服があるのなら、学校側が納得するようにこの1年間で示してみせろ。 示す: 1. to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to tell; to exemplify; to make apparent​, 2. to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)​, 3. to indicate; to ...
Amanda Zhang's user avatar
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帰路についてくれた translation

全員空気を読んで、立ち止まることなく帰路についてくれたのはありがたい判断だ。 The speaker told his friends to return home first without him, since there was something he has to do. I'm confused about how to translate 帰路についてくれた. 帰路について (...
Amanda Zhang's user avatar
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人のことをいっときながら DB Chapter 2

This is Bulma alone complaining about Goku rudeness. Translated as: "I can't believe he had the nerve to call me stuff like witch or fairy". 人のことを = things to people (like in saying things to people) ...
Yuta73's user avatar
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Verb てform + くる what does it mean?

I'd like to know what is the meaning of the previous pattern I mentioned in the following sentence: 職場ではそんな話ばかりきこえてくるぞ! I guess きこえて is the てform of 聞こえる. But what is the meaning of きこえて + くる ...
Richard Al's user avatar
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What does 仕入れて来る mean here?

Person A: そのちょっと変な写真だったって、えっと心霊写真みたいな Person B: どこで仕入れて来たんだそんなような話 What does 仕入れて来た mean here? I know the dictionary definition of 仕入れる which is to stock up but I don't know its meaning here and ...
Miko Michael's user avatar
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What does おけない mean in the following sentence?

I'm having some trouble finding out what おけない means in this sentence, この程度の条件を達成できなければ安心して娘たちを任せてはおけないよ. In the second clause of this ば sentence, the speaker is saying something about his peace of ...
UCProgrammer's user avatar
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~te + oku vs plain masu form

Good evenings folks, Currently I'm here in Tokyo learning Japanese for about 2 months now from scratch, and our sensei is teaching us N4 level grammar structures already. My question is, what's the ...
Jp Arcilla's user avatar
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What does 断っといたから mean?

I'm trying to read manga and came across this sentence. How is "から" used here? It does definitely not mean "because", as you can see from the picture, the character is explaining his action, he does ...
Zsófia Szentkirályi's user avatar
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Could you please explain why the correct answer is 「もらいました」 and not 「くれました」? Multiple choice answers are: ①やりました ②もらいました ③くれました ④あげました Thanks!!!
Sabina Mirzezadeh's user avatar
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くれ in いっしょにきてくれますか?

What is the exact meaning of くれ here: Will you come with me? いっしょ に きて くれます か? / Issho ni kite kure masu ka? Why would it not be this instead: いっしょ に きて します か? / Issho ni kite shimasu ka? Or do ...
イ リ ニ's user avatar
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Meaning of「〜てみたいと思います」

I've gathered that と思う means to think about but isn't it a little redundant to add the みたい? 彼らに聞いてみたいと思います。 The みたい adds the sense of looking like or seeming but so does 思う so I don't quite ...
jacoballens's user avatar
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How to interpret intransitives in non-past tense

I've been reading linguistics books lately and they've gotten me reexamining things I've learned in Japanese textbooks for foreign learners. Susumu Kuno's book The Structure of the Japanese Language ...
Fluffer's user avatar
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Question about おきます [duplicate]

In the following sentences, what is the use of 'おきます'? And what is the difference in nuance if the sentences end without 'おきます'? 実家にいるうちに、母の料理をたくさん食べておきます。 お金があるうちに、ほしいものを買っておきます。
cgo's user avatar
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What does てくる mean when used with 選ぶ?

I don't understand what the difference is between this sentence: おいしそうなカップ麺を選んできます。 and this sentence: おいしそうなカップ麺を選ぶ。
Sante Kyaku's user avatar
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Regarding chau and cha contractions, what happens in -って and -んで cases?

When contracting -てしまう or -でしまう to -ちゃう or -ちゃ, what happens in the -って and -んで cases? For example, does 洗ってしまう become あらちゃう or あらっちゃう? Similarly, does 喚んでしまわない become 喚んじまわない or 喚じまわない? I'm trying ...
jtsoftware's user avatar
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け as a contraction of 来い [duplicate]

I’d like to confirm my theory that 来い at the end of a sentence can be colloquially contracted to け. I met this sentence in a comics: 置いてけ。 A meaning “Leave it here!” would be very appropriate ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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Difference between 尽くす and きれる

I know both 尽くす and きれる mean to do something fully/completely eg(these are my own examples) 色々やり尽くす。(I have tried all the methods or I have exhausted all the methods.) generally I have heard of ...
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