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漫画. For questions about language usage in the context of Japanese comics (manga).

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Understanding 一人分は自腹で来た

In Quintessential Quintuplets chapter 61, Uesugi won a raffle and it earned him and his family a vacation. The below is a conversation between family members I am not sure what 一人分は自腹で来たかいがあるってもんだ ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Meaning of サイケデリック in this Non Non Biyori excerpt

This is from a scene in volume 1 of Non Non Biyori. During the chapter, Renge is concerned that "we might live in the countryside" (田舎) and lists several evidences of it. Renge mentions ...
Sheklon's user avatar
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Understanding いちゃもんつけよって [duplicate]

I understand that いちゃもんつける means to start a fight but I don't get what いちゃもんつけよって. What does the ending よって mean here?
weeab00's user avatar
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Is 愛しくなる a typo for 愛したくなる here?

In the below panel, 清香 and くるみ were sleeping together. To make sense of their conversation, I ought to mention that 清香 has a symptom where she forgets everything that happened in a day every time she ...
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What does に mean in 口止め料にこうして色々やらせてもらってる [duplicate]

I am uncertain about the function of に in this sentence: 口止め料にこうして色々やらせてもらってるし I think this に indicates a reason. So, 口止め料に mean "because I receive hush money"? (Source: she is beautiful ...
weeab00's user avatar
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What does っつぅ mean?

example sentences (from wind breaker anime): 食べるものっつぅよりこうやってみんなでワイワイしながら食べることが好きなんだよ 俺がてっぺんだっつぅこととなんの関係もない simple sentences despite the fact I've never seen っつぅbefore. It feels similar to って but its ...
what is this channel even's user avatar
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Understanding 旅行やゆーてえらいイキッとんなあ

An old man told a boy, who was excited for a field trip: 兄さん、旅行やゆーてえらいイキッとんなあ、まあ若いモンはそれくらいでええ I am not certain about やゆーて and キッとん. I think they both correspond to だと言って and イキっているの. But what ...
weeab00's user avatar
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Does Japanese advertises selling something with full price?

Context: I am reading a manga. The girl is promoting a new kind of cloth hanger. The final part she said "今ならお値段 フルプライス!" which may be "(buy) it now for its full price". Does I ...
Suratraak's user avatar
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What does 二人ならおっぱいも二倍の四つだしね mean?

I am confused about this sentence, especially 二倍の四つ 二人ならおっぱいも二倍の四つだしね I am familiar with 倍 in sentences like あの山は東京タワーの3倍の高さだ but not in this sentence. Since each woman has two breasts, I think ...
weeab00's user avatar
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Japanese readers/speakers, does the term Bishojo have a specific age range?

I was wondering this about the term Bishojo. So about the 美少女? , I was curious on some points. I read Fairy Tail and there is one character(Lucy) whose 17 at the start and time passes and when it ends ...
Zain Alleck's user avatar
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A: だが 今ある最高の戦力であることには違いない。 B: ああ、そりゃあ重々承知している。   なんせ今回も俺ら調査兵団の作戦は博打しかねえからな。 このやりとりで「なんせ」とはどういう意味で使われていますか?文脈としては、急遽差し迫った戦争に対し、Aが今の時点で集めることができた、最低限の最高の兵士と武器が選ばれていると述べています。 また、「なんせ」、「なにしろ」、および「なにせよ」...
Blake's user avatar
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How to create poetic readings for names?

Can I create poetic readings for invented Japanese names? Based on [小鳥遊]{たかなし}, I would like to create the name [冷]{つめたい} with this special reading, referencing the adjective 冷たい. If I am doing ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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Who is the subject in the sentence「その娘にまで苦しめられなきゃいけないの…」

どうしてあの男だけじゃなくその娘にまで苦しめられなきゃいけないの… I have came across this sentence and have first assumed that it meant something along the lines of Why am I not only being tormented by that man, but also his ...
82474070449770901951's user avatar
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Understanding そりゃ起きてはいるだろうけど

A guy plans to invite a girl to a date but she is busy at work. He texted her, asking when she will be back. She replied that she will be back around 11pm. He thought 23...結構遅いな、...
John Davies's user avatar
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Can 男の子 refer to an 18-year-old?

Can 男の子 be used to refer to a young adult male? The character they are referring to is 18-19 years old. Two others characters, who are 18, are also referred to as 男 (adult male). Does it just ...
Zain Alleck's user avatar
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The Meaning of "百万ボルト" in Doraemon Comic Strip

I was trying to translate something, and I came across this phrase: 幼女の瞳は百万ボルト ..."A young girl's pupils are 1,000,000 volts"? (That is right, correct? 100*10,000...) Anyways, this made no ...
BigRigz's user avatar
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Understanding この足場のやつにしろお互い六道仙人の力の恩恵だ

Here is an excerpt from Naruto chapter 681. I have trouble with this sentence この足場のやつにしろお互い六道仙人の力の恩恵だ. First, I am not sure if this にしろ means にしても or is an imperative form for にする. I suspect the ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Is 夜だから some kind of idiomatic expression?

In the following dialogue from a manga: A: 漫画かよ…! B: わははどうしたみつや、寝ぼけてた? A: …別に、なんで泣いてんのって思って B: うーん、あー、夜だから? A: 何ソレ The character wakes up and tells his friend who was crying over reading a manga &...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does そういうのができたんだよ mean in this context?

In the manga strip below, they received a report that graphics used in their game are too explicit. I am not sure what he meant by そういうのができたんだよ. What does そういうの refer to?
John Davies's user avatar
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Why the つ after あのね?

What's the contrasting action over here?
homoflores's user avatar
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What does でしょなんでだ mean?

What is the meaning of the sentence on the left exactly? She seems to be given the reason the forest is called like this is because of the fungi?
LionGate's user avatar
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Is 明朝 a typo for 早朝?

I am puzzled by the use of 明朝 in the below panel. Using 明朝 here would be quite a wordy way to say 5日後の早朝. I checked an English translation today and it seems like 明朝 actually means 早朝?
John Davies's user avatar
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What is omitted after でも in this panel?

From Oshi no ko ch. 126, Ichigo, the guy in the panel below, realized that he was conditioned by Aqua to go to a particular store from the very beginning. Notice that in the second panel, 時間の問題でも ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Can you suggest a name for an energy in a magic system that incorporates the kanji 真霊? [closed]

I have decided to choose a more flashy and direct title for my new work. Specifically, I am creating a magic system and I have chosen the name "Rei" (霊) for it, but I don't want to offend ...
MindfulTraveler's user avatar
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Meaning of 「まだ跡継ぎとしては幼い弟———私を護ってくれる姉上のことだ」

Reading a manga and it says まだ跡継ぎとしては幼い弟———私を護ってくれる姉上のことだ Here's the image. It's the first page of the manga and introducing the story. I'm reading it but its meaning is not exactly clear, and machine ...
フィラシマカロト's user avatar
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Unclear usages of の in 「Xとの対話を」 and 「諦めないのと同じ理由」

While reading this page in the Attack on Titan manga, I had a problem understanding some particles used in this text bubble on the bottom right. (Possible spoilers, read at your own risk) As I ...
Orel Vaknin's user avatar
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コトを appears after the verb

I came across this sentence in chapter 37 of それでも歩は寄せてくる: うるし:「あぶなー… 寒いとか言ってたら歩のことだ」 歩:「オレの学ランをどうぞ」 うるし:「とか言って私がまた照れちゃうコトを」 Now, what I understand the use of the first こと in which there is an ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Noun modifying clauses and なんて

This is about this scene from volume 33 of Attack on Titan (hidden to prevent spoilers, continue reading the question at your own risk) I feel I'm close to understanding this sentence but some parts ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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なきゃ and とこ usage and translation

I've come across this conversation in それでも歩は寄せてくる: This is the transcript: 田中歩:「何してるんですか」 八乙女うるし:「お 田中 いいとこに来たな」 八乙女うるし:「新入部員も入ったことだし 名前を入れてやらなきゃなーって 今書いてんだ」 I'm having trouble with Urushi's ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Other meaning of ふたたび?

I'm reading Cardcaptor Sakura (Clear Card edition), and there is this sentence at the beginning (to explain to the reader who Eriol is), but I can't figure out the second part at all, please help! 「...
Titania313's user avatar
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Double 者 (read もの) in a compound sentence

While reading manga of 進撃の巨人, we stumbled upon a compound sentence having 者 mentioned twice, both marked with は and at the end of that sentence. While we managed to understand (at least in our opinion,...
Orel Vaknin's user avatar
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と as verbs connector?

Me and my friend read manga in Japanese as a tool to study. We are currently reading 進撃の巨人 and we had a problem understanding the role of the kana と mid sentence. Here is the manga panel for context ...
Orel Vaknin's user avatar
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Why is this reading like this?

Why is this reading like this? Looking this up I had to search the radicals individually on Jisho. The furigana reading... is it just flat out wrong? Furthermore, why is the word structured like this? ...
フィラシマカロト's user avatar
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How to interpret の here?

For context, a speaker got her friend to help her to carry her belongings to a storage room and her friend collapsed. The below panel shows the speaker explaining her situation to somebody. I have ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Understanding されて返ってくる

For context in the below panel, the girls just took photos together and is heading home. I have trouble understanding the nuance of ...されて返ってくる. Why されて not して? Why it is passive? Also what 返ってくる ...
John Davies's user avatar
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How could you improve the word Hikari-tai (火雷隊) as a name

This might be a subjective question Okay first things first, this question is more about trying to come up with a better name that doesn't disrespect or butcher the language. And I'm not really ...
Zay's user avatar
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Is there a name for this genre of Japanese manga/anime that features VR MMORPG storyline?

Is there a name for this genre of Japanese manga/anime that features VR MMORPG storyline? スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました 転生したらスライムだった件 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います 自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う ...
alvas's user avatar
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Kaguya-sama: Dropping keigo when narrating?

Related: Kaguya-sama: 女の子 (onnanoko) as an opposite for 男子 (danshi)? In Kaguya-sama Chapter 52 / S02E02, there's a character named Moeha Fujiwara (the imouto of a main character Chika Fujiwara) who ...
BCLC's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets - Difference between うそうそ (uso uso) and 冗談 (じょうだん jōdan joke)

From The Quintessential Quintuplets 1 - S01E01 Related: The Quintessential Quintuplets & Higurashi - What does it mean to repeat a word? Does たのしいたのしい means fun-filled? See here 2:36 - 2:44. The ...
BCLC's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets & Higurashi - What does it mean to repeat a word? Does たのしいたのしい means fun-filled?

1 - Higurashi / Umineko When They Cry Minor spoilers for Higurashi season 1 and NSFW / violent content: See 1:41 here when Sonozaki wants to go to the 'fun-filled' underground torture chamber. I ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Why does 「G」 stand for "excessive depiction of violence" (on ニコニコ)?

The website ニコニコ marks manga with sexual content with the letter H and with excessive depiction of violence with the letter G. If you really feel the need to see an example, this manga is marked with ...
Dodezv's user avatar
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Use of the pronouns 彼/彼女 and あなた/君 in fictional media

From what I've studied, pronouns like he/she and you are not really common in everyday conversational Japanese, but I see them used more often in media like manga or video games, like a character ...
Jet's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets: Can you use 1st name with the honorific -sensei?

From S01E06 of the anime adaptation of the manga The Quintessential Quintuplets: The male protagonist Fuutarou Uesugi is a smart but poor high school student who is tutoring these 5 (currently 3 in ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Kaguya-sama: 女の子 (onnanoko) as an opposite for 男子 (danshi)?

Related: Kaguya-sama: Dropping keigo when narrating? In Kaguya-sama Chapter 52 / S02E02, there's a character named Moeha Fujiwara (the imouto of a main character Chika Fujiwara) who talks about Kei ...
BCLC's user avatar
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5個入りという usage, and nuance?

I just saw this thread which might be answering my question, but as I am unsure, I would like to clarify why という is being used here? Does anyone have any ideas? Counter modifying noun with という
L. L.'s user avatar
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Understanding てもってね

A guy has a girlfriend who usually goes out for a whole day for training and arrives late. But on a day before 本番, she arrives early. He asked what happened and she said まあ本番前日に根詰め過ぎてもってね I don't ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Meaning of のs in this sentence

The below sentence is inner thoughts produced by the guy going out with a hot girl (from manga). I get a general idea but I am not sure about its grammar. 俺みたいなのに、付き合ってるの、なんて時間の無駄くらいに思ってて、当然なのに... I ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Japanese onomatopoeia for shattering glass?

I'm seeing both ガシャーン/ガシャン and just ガシャ. Are either of these correct?
Jet's user avatar
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What does “ズオオオオオ” mean?

I am currently reading a story titled “妖艶くのいち~濡れた花弁” (Unofficial translation: “Voluptuous Female Ninja: Wet Petals”). Early on in the story, a female ninja named Hasumi foils an assassination attempt ...
Micheal Gignac's user avatar
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When is ō romanised ou Vs oh?

Top of my head, I think of these 6 anime/manga: ō's that are 'oh' Tamaki Suoh (須王 環 Suō Tamaki) from OHSHC Ōtsuki (大槻) from Kaiji - ok I can't find on the fandom page, but I swear the subs say ...
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