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Why does Luna Haruna use the を particle here?

In the song snowdrop, she says: 今日を笑いながら、しあわせだと明日はきっと呼べるように。 Is 今日 simply the object or is she marking time with this particle somehow?
Dri's user avatar
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Meaning of を作画 at the end of sentence

In a manual about welding I encountered the following sentences: (3)FSWを行う継手について,表面(A)に垂直な直線(B)を作画 (4)表面(A)から距離440mm位置の直線(B)上の点(C)を作画 I am not sure if を作画 means "Drawing of the straight line.....
Marco's user avatar
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Use of 'wo' in "umi no naka wo oyogu yo" [duplicate]

海の中を泳ぐよ umi no naka wo oyogu yo "wo" is the direct object particle, so does this mean "swim the in the sea?" But that doesn't make much sense. This was from a children's colouring sheet showing a ...
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Use of を with seemingly intransitive verbs describing emotions

何を悩んでいるの What is troubling you? 何をそんなに興奮しているんだ What are you so excited about? I keep seeing sentences like the above where verbs, which seem to me to be intransitive, are taking 何 as an object. Are ...
user3856370's user avatar
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に versus を with 会いました verb

I casually used を in the sentence クマを会いました。I was corrected with クマに会いました。Checking references and sample sentences I found no を examples. I think there is something fundamental about を and に that I do ...
guren's user avatar
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What's the nuance behind using を要らない as opposed to が要らない?

I was reading the lyrics of a song and found the following line: あの人あたしをいらない From the original English song, I can tell that the meaning is that "that person no longer needs me", but why does it ...
Ringil's user avatar
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生徒が分かる and 彼が見える and Intransitivity

I have been searching all internet and haven't found an "acceptable" answer for it yet. I hope you guys can help me! I was reading a text in the website KawaJapa about 分かる and the sentence 日本語が分かる. ...
Francisco Carlos's user avatar
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Is "Airman ga Taosenai" grammatical?

I've been listening to this memetic song for quite a bit, but recently I was thinking perhaps the title could be inaccurate. Shouldn't it be "Airman wo Taoserarenai"? There are 2 points I have to ...
rhyaeris's user avatar
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Can を be used when asking for how many of an object?

First Japanese Stack Exchange question :D I'm reading a Japanese book and one of the chapter got me thinking. The book wrote it like this: How many pencils are there ? えんぴつはなんぼんですか。 Can we not not ...
CuriousOne's user avatar
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Particle は replacing を - where does the stress lie?

I've recently learned that the particle を can be replaced by either particles は/が. However, the stress on the focus of the sentence doesn't make sense to me. My book gives this example: ご飯を食べました。...
Daniel Martin's user avatar
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から vs. を in: あちらから出て or あちらを出て? 東から昇る or 東を昇る?

I've learned that when you want to express "to come out of something without obvious boundary" , it's better to replace を with から. For examples: あちらから出てきた人は誰ですか。 (を should not be used here, ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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For which verb is を marking the object [duplicate]

「にわかに目をキラキラさせ始めた友蔵を前に、さすがのおかあさんも、ズバリ、 そんな物は必要ないとは言いにくいらしく珍しく口ごもった。」 I'm struggling to parse this sentence. In particular I don't understand which verb the を in bold is marking the object of. We ...
user3856370's user avatar
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A problem with two を in this sentence [closed]

I was reading a web novel and this sentence shows up (I post the whole paragraph). ホームルームが終わると、一年生は体育館に集合させられていた。これから部活動紹介が始まるのである。その中で栞は周りをきょろきょろと見まわしていた。部活動紹介を目を輝かせて期待を寄せる者、体育館での集合に退屈であくび連発をする者など、...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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The fuction of を in this specific sentence [closed]

I was reading this short 小説 about a difficult love relationship bewteen a man and a woman, and this sentences show up. 叶わない恋は存在するとは思います。 でも、二人が望んでいるなら、 超えられる事を多くあると信じています。 So, despite be able to ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Is this を part of ところを? [duplicate]

彼女は自転車を盗んでいるところを捕まった。 She was caught about to steal a bike (given, and rather awkward, translation) I'm wondering how to parse this sentence. Is 自転車を盗んでいるところ really the object of 捕まった. I hope not ...
user3856370's user avatar
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When should I use で or を particles? [duplicate]

Newcomer here. Trying to learn Japanese on my own for years now. Here's a first question. How can I make sure to learn correctly the difference between using を and で in the context of an action ...
Zeitgeist80's user avatar
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Why does this phrase use "de" and not "o" "te wo furu hito ni egao de kotae"?

This phrase "te wo furu hito ni egao de kotae" is translated as "Smiling back to the people who waves their hands" "te wo furu hito ni" I suppose it's "to the people who waves their hands" , kotae is ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Will expression retain the same definition if particle is changed?

「ここにじっとしていてもしょうがない………か」 自分を奮い立たせるために、わざと自分の考えを声に出し行動を始めた。 I came across the expression 声を出す on I don't know if replacing the expression's を with に (because を is already used earlier in ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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Do I say えいがにみました or えいがをみました ?

Do I say えいがにみました or えいがをみました?
anna's user avatar
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知る vs わかる and when to use が and を in "how to" questions

"I don't know how to use honorific language." 敬語の使い方がわかりません。 "Do you know how to make a flight reservation?" 飛行機の予約のし方を知っていますか。 The above two sentences were taken from my homework -...
MorningCoffee's user avatar
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What does adding お at the end of a word change?

An example would be: "watashi wa cake o(お) tabetai". What does the お do? I tried on google translate and it seems it gives pertenence to that it belongs either to you or me..but I still ...
Bryan Arbelo - MaG3Stican's user avatar
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Why is が used instead of を in this sentence?

From Shin Kanzen Master JLPT N1 Grammar: あ、本が出しっぱなしだ。 I thought that 出す always follows を, i.e. you (subject) take out something (object). Is it because 本 is emphasized in this sentence, similar to how ...
xji's user avatar
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Use of を with 進める

2020年の開業に向けて、JR東日本が東京の山手線の品川駅と田町駅の間で建設を進めている新しい駅の工事現場が、初めて報道関係者に公開されました。 The construction site of a new station, that JR are progressing between the Yamanote and Tamachi stations with the aim of a ...
user3856370's user avatar
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It seems that 「ご覧」 is treated as a noun (with a verb origin) in phrases such as 「ご覧になる」. One may reasonably expect that when used with 「ください / いただく」, 「ご覧」 can, or even should, be followed by 「を」. ...
null's user avatar
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Why is the particle を used in this sentence? [duplicate]

I found this example in a japanese textbook: 外を歩いている人はみんな傘をさしています: Everyone is using umbrellas outside. Why is を in that sentence?, and because it is a japanese textbook I doubt that it is ...
Luis Fernando Badel Méndez's user avatar
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understanding the grammar of "XをYに"

兄さんをエサにホムンクルスを引っ張り出します Is there an implied verb after に, or not? Is this sentence more along the lines of the situation when you have two verbs connected with the ~て form, or is it more along the ...
Axe's user avatar
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Unclear ~れる/られる usage

I came across this sentence: 私を人質に取られて I'm parsing this as "I was taken prisoner" but I'm not quite sure about the grammar behind that を, it's the first time I'm seeing something like that....
Barcia's user avatar
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causative without に

I'm reading this story and am trying to understand the use of the causative in this sentence: あの人{ひと}のマントをどちらが早{はや}く脱{ぬ}がせることができると思{おも}う? According to textbooks and this answer, the "causee&...
joriki's user avatar
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What does particle を mid sentence without a verb mean?

I'm reading a magazine article and I've come across a sentence that I'm not too sure about. そんな濃密な5年間を、記事担当のコラムを交えつつ振り返る。 I think the sentence means something like "These rich 5 years will be ...
Sophia's user avatar
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を particle detached from verb with comma

I have the following sentence from this article (at the very bottom): 政治{せいじ}に使{つか}うお金{かね}を、キャバクラで遊{あそ}ぶために使{つか}っていたこともわかりました。 This answer leads me to think that the verb is the one in the latter ...
user154989's user avatar
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を at the end of a sentence?

せっしゃは…!!ひっく いつかこの国を!! Why is there a を there? Is it a word or does it have a specific structure?
Pink Cat's user avatar
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What are the adverb + 何 +を doing in the following sentence?

In this book I'm translating, the narrative character is told the following line of dialogue by a girl before the sentence I'm asking about (bolded below). 「あなたには、生まれついての才能があるのよ 人を殺す才能。 生き残る才能。 ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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Why there is a "を" in この素晴らしい世界に祝福を and not a "が"? [duplicate]

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! is translated to English as "A blessing to this wonderful world!" . Why is there a "を" and not a "が" in this sentence? In Spanish (and I assume also in English) "a blessing" would be ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What's the difference between particle を and に when used for location

I've been learning about particles lately. As I'm still new to the language, I can't tell the difference between these two particles when used for locations for example: 街を歩く Does this mean walk ...
Hamzeh's user avatar
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Strangely-Ordered Sentences vs. Attributive Phrases

So actually rather often in Japanese music, I see phrases like this: 汚れきった言葉を with some sort of verb modifying the noun, and with the noun having the direct object particle, but no verb. I always ...
Smoothie's user avatar
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why this sentence has this grammatical structure? 話し手も相手も共通に知っている場合

The phrase "話し手も相手も共通に知っている場合" was translated in this board as "When both the speaker and listener know the subject" I dont understand 2 things about this sentence. What's the use of ni in this ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Meaning of を in 東京都庁をスタートする

「東京マラソン」は、東京都庁をスタートして、銀座や浅草など観光地を走る人気のマラソン大会です。 The Tokyo Marathon is a popular race that runs through tourist areas like Ginza and Asakusa and starts at the government office. Clearly this を is ...
user3856370's user avatar
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を particle usage

in the quote "you, help me" why do i have to use を and not が IE: あなたは、私を助けて!instead of あなたは、私がたすけて! Why 私 is a direct object? I thought that only objects and nouns could be a direct object, so I ...
Felipe Chaves de Oliveira's user avatar
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does it make sense to talk about サ変名詞{さへんめいし} as 他動詞{たどうし} or 自動詞{じどうし}?

Does it make sense to talk about サ変名詞 as being 自動詞 or 他動詞? If so, surely some are 他動詞: 車{くるま}を運転{うんてん}する。 日本語{にほんご}を勉強{べんきょう}する。 庭{にわ}を散歩{さんぽ}する。 But, what about 自動詞? Perhaps this posting of mine ...
davewp's user avatar
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Why use に instead of を in 彼に会います/連絡します

Please explain to me why に is used instead of を in these sentences 彼に会います 彼に連絡します Is that because 会います is a transitive verb? Please give me more detail.
Lemon Tolemonade's user avatar
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Are で and に particles interchangeable when using them with 乗ります and 降ります verbs?

I'm reading a book that translates these two sentences as following: スミスさんは東京駅で電車に乗ります。-> Mr. Smith will get on the train at Tokyo Station. スミスさんは新宿駅で電車を降ります。-> Mr. Smith will get off the train ...
Martel's user avatar
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What is the implied-verb represented by the sentence-ending を in the following context?

I am trying to understand the dialogue being spoken by the narrative character on the page below, specifically the fourth line of dialogue from the right in the picture. 「……さっきは何で、あんなことを?」 What is ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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can を particle be used twice

First of all I wish to say: "I forgot about eating steak." Is it possible to use を in this sense: ステーキを食べるのを忘れた。 Is this correct and if so does it translate to what I want to say?
Hamzeh's user avatar
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What particle do I use for the one who received the favour in -てくれる?

In sentences with ~てくれる the one that do us a favour goes with は・が particle. Which particle do I have to use for the one who receives the favour? Can I use both に and を or only に? I've seen both. Is it ...
Yaoi purinsesu's user avatar
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Questions about multiple particles 「は」and 「を」and interpunct in this sentence

Here is the sentence. 左ジャブと右ストレートのワンツーを覚えた矢吹丈は、力石徹を殴り倒すことだけを目的に地獄の中で生き抜くのですが、改めて読んでみて、これほど面白く・感動的な物語りはそう滅多にはないと、僕は思いました。 Note: This sentence is written vertically. For the second bold 「を」, I am not ...
George's user avatar
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Does the 「の」 can be used as 「を」?

Here is the sentence spoken by Kansai speaker. そのフォークみたいの貸してください。 Other than the question I put on the topic, if the 「の」 is not used instead of 「を」, I would like to know if I can omit the 「の」 in ...
George's user avatar
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Can を be left out for this phrase 文句をつける?

In the light novel that I'm reading, the protagonist says 「人の趣味に文句つけるなよ!」 After performing the research, I've finally worked out this translation, "Don't complain about a person's hobby!" ...
MingShun's user avatar
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ところを 見つかる, this was in a highly reputable dictionary

Is this sentence wrong grammatically, or am I missing something? カンニングをしているところを 見つかる This is an examplensentence from kenkyuusha. More specifically, 見つかる is an intransitive verb, how is it used with ...
PsyFish's user avatar
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Do Japanese's sister languages have equivalents of the particles は and を?

Okinawan definitely has a particle equivalent to the Japanese subject particle が. But I can't seem to find something like the topic particle は or the object particle を. Then again I only have ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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雨を降っています - grammatically correct sentence or just typo? [closed]

It seems that there are around 14-17K Google results on each of "雨を降って" and "雪を降って" keywords. Is 降る yet another intransitive verb that are used with を? Does it mean something like "rain on me" and "...
Lukman's user avatar
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