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Questions with ~か or without: how to choose?

Studying Japanese on my own, I've learned that in order to make a question, you usually add the particle "~か", like this: 今何時ですか。 It's also true that a question can be asked without it, using the ...
Alenanno's user avatar
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Usage of か after a clause?

Here's a sentence I found: デパートはどこにあるか、知っていますか? Do you know where the department store is? What's the purpose of the か particle in 「どこにあるか」? Under what circumstances do I use it? I'm fairly ...
theycallmezeal's user avatar
17 votes
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Use of ~のか (~んですか) in questions not seeking a yes/no answer

I would like to know if there is a shift in nuance in questions such as these: 誰が参加したんですか。 vs. 誰が参加しましたか。 いつ着いたんですか。 vs. いつ着きましたか。 I wish to limit discussion to only non-yes/no questions (so ...
Derek Schaab's user avatar
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How to use 〜かのよう{に・な・だ}

I understand fine how to use 〜(の)よう{に・な・だ}, but I'm not sure when or how you can add in the か. Here's an example from my book: 4月になって雪が降るなんて、まるで冬が戻って来たかのようです。 How is this different than if it had ...
istrasci's user avatar
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のか - Particle "lamenting reflections on the preceding statement". What?

I've come across this sentence in my manga. そ そうか そういう疑いを持っているのか It's actually fairly easy, but the particle at the end has confused me. I thought it was the two particles の and か, but then I saw ...
AlbeyAmakiir's user avatar
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What does からか mean?

I'm translating the following sentence from a book (exact sentence is directly after dialogue in the picture). 興奮からか銀髪の外国人の口調は、いつになく流暢だった。 I have absolutely zero clue what "からか" means in general ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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How to express “X (and parenthetically Y)”?

When writing in English, quite often I'll want to express a connection between two noun phrases as “X (or Y)” or “X (and Y)”, where the punctuation adds a notion of “Y is a little beside the point, ...
lynn's user avatar
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Difference between か and のか

I am going through 'All About Particles', and came across the following two sentences: なぜ彼がそんなことをやったか、わかりません。 どうして彼女がそんなつまらない本を読んでいるのか、不思議です。 What is the difference between using か in the first one ...
Ruvi Lecamwasam's user avatar
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What does the ~たものか mean in どうやって彼らを誤魔化したものか?

I stumbled upon this sentence: どうやって彼らを誤魔化したものか──と思案するように、ヒューイは愛想笑いを浮かべた。 and I was told that I should understand it as どうやって彼らを誤魔化せばいいだろうか──と思案するように、ヒューイは愛想笑いを浮かべた。 However I can't find in any ...
永劫回帰's user avatar
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What is the meaning of か in といったところか

I have two examples: 噂に違{たが}わぬと言ったところか. -- Then, he really lives up to the rumor! この建物の建設にかかる費用はおおよそ100億円といったところか -- That would mean that we need 10 million to build this building! I would bet ...
永劫回帰's user avatar
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In informal speech is か used or omitted?

I've heard different things - on the one hand saying things like 高いか, きれいか, or 飲むか is too aggressive, but in my grammar book it says that か is used with informal forms. Furthermore I'm told that ...
nehry's user avatar
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「知るか」 and variant phrases

I didn't find any questions about this, except for this one, but it's not really the same thing. I've seen the phrase 「知るか」 a few times in anime and manga before and I've always interpreted it as "as ...
E. Matsunaga's user avatar
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Is there something omitted after だか in this sentence?

The following paragraph is from page 20 of 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱:  ところで今教室に涼宮ハルヒはいない。いたらこんな話も出来ないだろうが、たとえいたとしてもまったく気にしないような気もする。その涼宮ハルヒだが、四時間目が終わるとすぐ教室を出て行って五時間目が始まる直前にならないと戻ってこないのが常だ。...
user avatar
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What is the meaning of "超か" in this news headline?

I saw this in a news article saying that Toshiba had losses of \1T: 東芝、赤字1兆円超か What is the purpose of adding か at the end?
HAL's user avatar
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か as a suffix to mean "a few": Why is 何__かがVERB not allowed

Here is yet another puzzling sentence for me from a dictionary I am using: 何ページ か 欠けている。 A few pages are missing. (研究社) My understanding is that while 何ページ ambiguously means "what/which/how many ...
Yeti Ape's user avatar
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〜か知らない or 〜か不安だ

I came across the following sentence in an exercise: インターネットで注文したセーターは、実際に着てみるまでサイズが_____が、ちょうどよかった。 Although only B and D make sense to me, here are the four propositions: A. 合わなかった B. ...
Right leg's user avatar
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When can か振り and 振り be used?

I know V辞書形 + 振り means "pretending to do V", as in 僕を気付かなかった振りをして、僕をただ通り過ぎた。 However, I've recently come to know the expression [知]{し}ったか[振]{ぶ}り, but why is that か there? It seems to have ...
Elizabeth Middleford's user avatar
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Unsure about this usage of か

I recently encountered this sentence: 床には血痕が残っている。かなり時間が経つのか血が固まっている。 I believe I understand that the second part is saying the blood is dry (or has hardened) because quite some time has passed. I'...
Oren Ronen's user avatar
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Use of question particles in plain speech

I'm becoming increasingly confused about the correct way to form questions in informal speech. I originally learned that I should replace か with の. Then I learned that that was a bit girly. Then I ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What does っか mean after the imperative form?

I was watching Chainsaw Man and found these sentences. 動けっか? Or the second sentence below: Person 1: 殺すのはもったいない顔だけど、死んでちょうだい Person 2: 胸を揉む前に死ねっかよ
bulgur69's user avatar
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What is the difference between ないんですか and んじゃないですか?

Do they both mean "is it not/isn't it"? e.g. Do この車は新しくないんですか and この車は新しいんじゃないですか both mean ”Isn’t this car new?”?
wd950's user avatar
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When should an embedded question take と?

From this article: NHKは6月〜7月、18歳と19歳の人に平和についてどう考えているか(*)聞きました。 Between June and July NHK asked 18 and 19 year olds what they thought about peace. この日を知っているかと聞くと、... When they were asked if ...
user3856370's user avatar
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when no ka question mark is used instead of ka?

when should I use ka as question marker and when should I use no ka?
Pablo's user avatar
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Seemingly non-interrogative use of sentence-ending か

I keep on coming across the particle か at the end of sentences without it having a clear or necessary interrogative nuance. An example. The 1st Angel in Neon Genesis Evangelion is regenerating itself ...
Miketrocadero's user avatar
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かな ending in a sentence where the speaker is not uncertain of something

I've been going through a Japanese script of the popular anime "Fairy Tail" and trying to make sense of the translations in the English subtitles to become familiar with the language. I came across ...
Cole Fudge's user avatar
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Confusion between 誰でも and 誰か

I was practicing and tried to write the following sentence in Japanese: Anyone playing games on PS4 or Switch? 誰でもPS4でゲームをやっていますか。スイッチでゲームをやっていますか。 A few minutes later my sentence was corrected to ...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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を after particle (であるかを)

This is probably an easy question, but I can't find a clear satisfying answer to it after looking it up so I figured I'd ask here. 自分がどんな人であるかを知ってもらいたい 1) Why can を act on a particle? I understand ...
Amerain's user avatar
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やっぱり <Noun> か - why is it ok to have both?

Example: やっぱり初心者か I'm confused how a sentence can have both: やっぱり, which IIUC suggests that in the end, the speaker found that the things are just as expected か which indicates that the speaker isn't ...
max's user avatar
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How to express alternative options where the options use different verbs

I was about to answer this question when I realised I had a problem. If I want to say "Please do A or B" where the actions involve different verbs then, hopefully: 本を買うのに店に行くかインターネットを使うかどちらかしてください。...
user3856370's user avatar
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Word choose between か and のか

I have a question about the following sentence: お母さんが、八百屋で長いこと、何を買うか決まらず迷っています。 Is it possible to replace "か" with "のか" without misunderstanding in this sentence? Namely, お母さんが、八百屋で長いこと、...
chika's user avatar
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Common origin of uses of the か particle

The particle か pops up in various places (among others): Turning interrogative pronouns into indefinite ones: なに -> なにか, だれ -> だれか, etc.; Listing alternatives (like the English conjunction 'or'); ...
anomaly's user avatar
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What is 素か when used by itself

先輩のこと好きすぎて死にそう The girl tells her boyfriend/senpai this after they kiss, etc He hugs her and replies this to her: これが素か...こっわ... (可愛すぎてびっくりした!) What does 素 here exactly mean?
LionGate's user avatar
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Is ためか the same as ために?

I think this sentence: あまり日がささまいためか、どれもひょろひょろとした貧弱な木だ means something like "Since they get too much sunlight, they are shabby trees", but while I know ために I can't find anything about ためか in my ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Can the particle か have an exhortative value?

開戦といきますか! Judging from the exclamation mark and from the context (a battle immediately starts after the commander of an army says this), I think that in the sentence above か could have an exhortative ...
Marco's user avatar
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What is the correct question 何だろう or 何だろうか

How to ask a question with だろう in the correct way? Should I add か in the end? Like 何だろうか? I saw a lot of examples and almost always guys omit か in the end. And just say 何だろう;いつだろう。。。
Max's user avatar
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Is んでしょう(か) grammatical, and what does it mean?

I've learned that んですか can be used to check an educated guess, as in: (upon seeing someone dragging a piece of luggage) ねえ、旅行するんですか。 Hey, you're going to travel, aren't you? I've also ...
rhyaeris's user avatar
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What does か do in a rhetorical question?

From 『スーツ』 A: ど…どうしたの?(Seeing B is unhappy: "What's going on with you?") B: どうしたのかって?人が死んだ。("You know what's wrong! Someone died!") What I usually hear is that the part before a ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Meaning of XかXないうちに

ハリーは試してみた...しかし、振り上げるかあげないうちに、老人がひったくってしまった。 Harry gave it (the wand) a try, but no sooner had he raised it than the old man snatched it back. I read this post on XかXないかのうちに with a translation of &...
user3856370's user avatar
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difference between のか/か in question clause

i want to settle this once and for all since i cant find any legitimate source about this grammar pattern and i see very different answers online. some say they are interchangable, some say the nuance ...
Dani1911's user avatar
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Indirect question marked with かが

My questions relate to the following two sentences taken from the website referenced below. The goal of the lesson was to explain the uses of ということ but I'm more concerned with the choice of particles ...
G-Cam's user avatar
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か at the end of a news story title. Is it a question?

The title of a story on NHK News Web Easy is バスの事故{じこ} スピードを上{あ}げながら走{はし}り続{つづ}けたか Which, with my abilities, translates as Bus accident. As speed increased it kept running? I don't understand ...
Benjamin Lindley's user avatar
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Omitting か in polite questions

I have been wondering about how frequent and in what situations people use rising intonation to signal a question without か in polite speech. Specifically, I’ve heard these kind of sentences: そう思いません?...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Parallel marker (か) "ka" – Repetition & particle elision

When the か particle serves as a parallel/disjunctive marker (A or B = AかBか), is there a strict requirement that it must follow each noun? Or when joining more than two items, should they be replaced ...
1110101001's user avatar
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is there any reason why "waratteru ka naiteru noka" uses first the ka particle for the first part and no ka for the second?

Dragon Ball Super ending 9 in a part of the song says "waratteru ka naiteru noka" which is translated as were you laughing or were you crying? Is ...
Pablo's user avatar
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"correct" formation of questions

A comment in some code is as follows: 現在の時刻が設定時間と一致しているか確認する Meaning, (the following bit of code) checks if the current time matches the configured one. According to what I learnt from ...
Pootan's user avatar
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Questions about phrase 「てもよいか」 and prefix 「うえ」

The sentence came from Nintendo 3DS instruction manual explaining about transfer data from the earlier version, Nintendo DSi, to the newer one, Nintendo 3DS. New 3DS本体にはDSiウェアのみ引っ越しされ、...
George's user avatar
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Usage of か I keep encountering

Maybe I'm an idiot, but no matter how much I Google I can't seem to grasp the concept of か being used mid-sentence. I've already run into it a number of times. Like here: アメリカやヨーロッパなど6つの国は、...
Miss Lavelle's user avatar
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What is the meaning of か in phrases such as ~ばかりか and ~のみか?

I'm studying N2 grammar and I was surprised by the meaning of ばかりか and のみか when I first came across them. E.g: あの人は、学校の成績がいいばかりかスポーツもできる。 I can see these か forms are the same as ばかりでなく and のみならず (...
HappySetHayes's user avatar
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ビーデルさん、ちょっといいだか?(source) 少将、ちょっといいだか?(source) と、ずっと横で聞いていたシャンロウが手を挙あげて、「ちょっといいだか?」と発言を求めた。(source) 「ちょっといいだか?」「なんです?」ウドリガが出ていこうとした職員を呼び止める。(source) This seems to contradict what we know about だか: ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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is this そうなんだか a valid sentence?

If そうなんですか (sounandesuka) is formal, how come it's not often that I hear of そうなんだか (sounandaka) as casual version or maybe that I just don't hear enough? thanks.
John Adams's user avatar