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Confusion on usage of か marking alternatives with verbs

Most textbooks note that using か to mark two noun alternatives, the last one can be omitted. However, what about verbs? Would a textbook sentence such as 今晩の食事はステーキにするか、すしにするかまだ決めていません。 Stay ...
user9771's user avatar
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How do you interpret an "interrogative word + non-polite form + か + 知る" construct? [duplicate]

Came across this sentence that has this "interrogative word + non-polite form + か + 知る" structure but not too sure if this is a kind of question or answer. どこの会議室か知りません。 Is this a question or an ...
Edwin  エドウイン's user avatar
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Usage of か after a clause?

Here's a sentence I found: デパートはどこにあるか、知っていますか? Do you know where the department store is? What's the purpose of the か particle in 「どこにあるか」? Under what circumstances do I use it? I'm fairly ...
theycallmezeal's user avatar