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Questions tagged [suffixes]

接尾辞. Endings which can be added to the end of a word and change its meaning or function in some way. Often divided into inflectional (屈折的) and derivational (派生的), although it's not always clear which category a suffix belongs to. Suffixes and prefixes are both types of "affix". Often referred to as 接尾語.

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Can や be a contraction of ば?

I was reading a text using yomitan, and when I highlighted a や that was next to the word 歌, it said 歌や was the verb 歌う in ば form but や was a contraction of ば. Now, in the context of the sentence I was ...
いしす's user avatar
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How does 化かす meaning to deceive; bewitch or delude work, when it's seemingly the す form of 化ける?

Is it similar to the modern transitive form/す form of verbs with ambiguous transitivity in their archaic form where す just acts as a transitivity agent for the stem of the word and therefore the base ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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How to use the すぎ suffix to mean "too much"?

I'm kind of confused as to how to use すぎ as a suffix to a verb to mean "do something too much" Part of the confusion stems from the fact that (from what I see), we suffix すぎ to the "...
Pie Faced's user avatar
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Sentence ending ど?

I've encountered the following sentence where an elderly woman is talking about a horse, which seems to use ど as a particle twice. 知らない奴が近づくと けっとばされるど この前もけっとばされて 2人死んだど! My current understanding of ...
Zeal's user avatar
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What does 丸 mean here: 「若者をのせた太平丸は歌島港にかえった」

What does the 丸 in 太平丸 mean here: 先刻、まだ残照のあるうちに、若者をのせた太平丸は歌島港にかえった。若者は船主ともう一人の朋輩と一緒に、毎日このエンジンのついた小舟に乗って漁に行くのである。
JeisonAlive's user avatar
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Can you attach たち to a verb?

I was watching an anime and I got stumped on this sentence (Context: the speaker is an old man character explaining the concept of soulmates). "運命の人同士が出会うとき全身にビビーンと衝撃が走りたちどころに互いを好きで好きでたまらなくなる&...
DietSouda's user avatar
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Origin of よろしく's other meanings

The other meanings I'm referring to are from noun + よろしく (as if) and よろしく ... べし (by all means). I wonder why it also lacks some meanings from よく, as よろしい is the respectful form of よい, I think. I ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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What is the meaning of たくない ?

食べない is I don't eat, 食べたくない is I don't want to eat. So, たくない is don't want to where たく is the 連用形/Conjunctive of たい (the desire) + ない? Is this correct?
KK118's user avatar
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Honorific suffix in exchanges between university staff

I am trying to find a short summary of suffixes (honorific) that are in use in universities, in exchanges between staff at different levels. I have found a lot of advice on students addressing ...
F'x's user avatar
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Do some noun suffixes require specific kinds of nouns?

The examples I've seen of [中]{ちゅう} as a suffix seem to only use nouns that can form suru-verbs, such as [準備]{じゅんび}中. I assume I can't use it for most ordinary nouns, because people say 〜の[中]{なか} ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
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Pitch accent for 〜ごろ(に)

I can't find any source for how the pitch accent of 〜ごろ(ni) works. Does it function like any other particle, carrying the pitch of the previous word, or does it act more like a suffix like 〜人 or 〜語; ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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Is か(個)/ヶ a productive component in measure words (助数詞)?

I have only seen か(個/カ/ヶ) in か月、か年(五か年計画)、か国(六か国会議)、か所、か条. Is it a productive component which can be used in making other new measure words?
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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Examples with suffix 完 (かん)

According to Jisho, 完 (かん) can be used as a suffix with meanings "completion; conclusion; end​" and "providing fully". However, I can't find any ...
kanachan's user avatar
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How to tell someone to call you by a certain name, but they're free to use whatever suffix they please?

Say my name is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but since that name is obviously nuts, they can feel free to call me by my nickname "スーパ". But I don't mean for them to just refer to me as ...
chausies's user avatar
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方(かた) suffix pitch accent

When 方 is used as a suffix like these for example: 考え方、作り方、言い方、喋り方、etc. is there a way to guess/know the reading or is it just straight up random?
baconman the legend's user avatar
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What is this "のと" performing here? "とこ" as a suffix? And how to parse this sentence with "別に"?

Firstly I have this sentence with のと; the context being a girl helping a boy with a math problem that he got wrong. She is literally sitting next to him and says: でここはマイナスかけるマイナスになるのと計算の順番を注意 At ...
levikara's user avatar
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達 usage as suffix with person's name

The kanji 達 as a suffix is used to make explicit a plurality, like in 私/私たち and 子供/子供達. Also is used with person's name to indicate he/she and his/her group, like in ヒナ達 Hina and her group, サトシ達 ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Where does the abbreviation こ, apparently meaning to be in a state, come from?

I asked this question because I saw a pun in the song デンパラダイム where the producer tuned a lyric stating マッハ木っ端ミジンコ土っ管! I initially translated it as 'in the earthen pipes the negligibly tiny water fleas ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Friendly suffixes after a person's name

How many suffixes there are to refer to somebody in a friendly way? I know ~ん/~っち/~べ, but I would like to know if there are more. Is there any rule to use them? For example, are the following uses ...
kanachan's user avatar
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Usage of っぺら and っぺらい

Are both っぺら and っぺらい used in the same way to emphazise an adjective? Is there any difference between them? For example: 薄っぺら/薄っぺらい Can you use っぺら and っぺらい to every adjective?
kanachan's user avatar
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Suffixes for historical figures

When it comes to historical figures, or at least famous person in the past, the suffixes like さん/様/氏 are used? Like in 足利尊氏さん. I don't know why, but the use of suffix give me a sense of "...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Are 過ぎ and 後 always interchangeable when used as a suffix in time expressions?

Lots of sites say that 過ぎ{すぎ} means past and that 後{ご} means after when using them as a suffix in time expressions. However, when I read sentences with English translations through the internet then ...
ZeroProcess's user avatar
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ギャル語 usage of 系? 買い物系

What is the purpose of 系's constant use in ギャル語? Is it just filler or supposed to give a certain feeling or meaning?
L. L.'s user avatar
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How to read そう in front of pronouns, nouns, and verbs?

I know そう definitions include "so, like that, such, and in such a way," and it can act demonstrative before verbs to describe whatever the verb is happening "like that." I've seen ...
A.T.A.'s user avatar
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What does this expression mean in this context? 見た目通りのおっとり系 (A character is describing his bro-con big sister)

When reading, I encountered this expression and do not quite understand. My guess is: "She is very gentle (?) like her appearance." The conversation: Mc's Big Sister: 「ああ~ 生き返りますそーちゃん、...
4chan user's user avatar
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Is 建て【だて】 ever obligatory after a currency?

I have only come across 建て【だて】 rarely, such as in the following sentence: 給料【きゅうりょう】はルーブル建【だ】てなので、もう紙切【かみきれ】れです My salary is in rubles, so it's just scrap paper now.
Ned Reif's user avatar
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What does "め" mean in this case?

In the book I'm reading, a boy is looking for a tomato, he says "トマトめトマトめ どこ行ったの". What does "め" mean in this case?
2a feira's user avatar
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Augmentatives and Diminutives in the Japanese Language?

Augmentatives and Diminutives are modifications (like affixes) that "increase" or "decrease" the "value" of some word's meaning: Overlord, duckling. I found this question ...
SevenOclock's user avatar
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What's the reading of kanji "入" in "入る", "hai" or "hairu"?

If I look up the word "入る" in a dictionary, it would tell me its reading is はい・る, but does that mean the kanji "入" is read as はい? If I look up the kanji in 漢字源, It's obviously ...
user112563's user avatar
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Why can't I say してますよって感を出す?

It seems 感 in 感を出す often directly follows a noun: 絵に立体感を出そうと苦心した (source) マット感を出したい/ウエット感を出したい (source) 新商品のプロモは高級感を出そう (source) A lot of 漢語 + 感 patterned words seem already lexicalized and are ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What's the origin of "さ", the nonsubjective (dunno how to call it nominalizer)

So, I know that the subjective nominalizer み comes from the imperfective/irrealis form of む, apparently the subjective particle that makes things into subjective verbs?? I just heard this on a website....
Star Peep's user avatar
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Use of 類 as a suffix

Specifically, I was trying to understand the difference between 酸 and 酸類. I'm guessing that adding 類 changes it from a specific acid to the class of all acids, but I really have no idea. More ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What does くらいちゃんと mean here?

「なによそれー!幼馴染にくらいちゃんと悩みは相談しなさい!」 What does くらい modify? ちゃんと has the opposite meaning. Also, I can replace は with を here, can't I?
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Is び the reading for a productive suffix 〜日?

In cases where 日 is productively attached as a suffix to an already complete word, what is the canonical reading of this character? I mean cases, when a connecting article の is dropped and 日 becomes a ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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Is the reading of 時【じ】 or 時【どき】here?

I asked about the reading of 時 in this post, What is the reading of 開店時? where the predominant view seems to be that it is 時【じ】. Is it therefore also 時【じ】 in this sentence? 子【こ】どもの学校【がっこう】や習【なら】い事【ごと】...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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What is らしめる or rather (verb) + あしめる?

I stumbled upon 死に至らしめました today and since 死に至る exists, at first I was trying to understand the conjugation but then I saw that jisho consider it as a whole verb or expression. There seems to be a ...
Simon's user avatar
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Can the [くん]{kun} suffix be used for non-binary people?

I recently played a videogame with a non-binary character and wanted to affectionately refer to them as [ロワン]{Rowan}[くん]{kun} but realized that this suffix is normally applied to males. I also found ...
Wimateeka's user avatar
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Understanding japanese verb suffixes

I recently learned the meaning of the verb suffixes す, む and ぶ (respectively to do, to seem like or to indicate volition, to act like). I would have two questions : Does every verb ending with す can ...
Sanjuro Tsubaki's user avatar
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形 at end of verbs

I know that 形 can be used as a suffix meaning shape that I understand but I don't seem to understand what it's used after a verb like in this sentence. とりあえず こっちでやることを 絞り それを検討する形のほうが
user38996's user avatar
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どき vs じ when using 〜時 as suffix

I'm trying to figure out exactly when to read 時 as 〜どき or 〜じ, when used as a suffix, as in for example 空腹時, 食事時, as well as this sentence from a game I'm playing: タウンメンバーの加入時に最大HP+20% 大辞林 defines とき(...
kashi's user avatar
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Do friends continue to use chan/kun to refer to each other as adults or do they switch to using san?

Do friends continue to use chan/kun to refer to each other as adults or do they switch to using san?
minetti's user avatar
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Should I use -Sensei (先生) to refer to a teacher if they aren't my teacher?

Does it make a difference whether they teach at my school, even if they don't teach my class?
minetti's user avatar
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When can か振り and 振り be used?

I know V辞書形 + 振り means "pretending to do V", as in 僕を気付かなかった振りをして、僕をただ通り過ぎた。 However, I've recently come to know the expression [知]{し}ったか[振]{ぶ}り, but why is that か there? It seems to have ...
Elizabeth Middleford's user avatar
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Is 可能 a productive suffix?

I learnt the phrase 再生可能なエネルギー today. The meaning of 再生可能 is clear, but it doesn't appear in any dictionaries I've looked at. In this case 可能 is like adding the suffix '-able' in English. I wonder if ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Use of 物 as a noun suffix, specifically 配達物

More pain with Duolingo. I've come across the word 配達物{はいたつぶつ}. It's supposed to mean "delivery" but it's not in Jisho, it's not in Weblio, it's not in my beginner paper dictionary and it's ...
user3856370's user avatar
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How would Japanese clan leaders address one another aside from the title -dono?

I'm writing a book where several Japanese clans interact with one another in both formal and non-formal settings. I was wondering a few things. How did clan leaders greet one another? What would be ...
Peridottie4's user avatar
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What's the origin of ~み following a 形容詞?

I found a HiNative question where someone asked about the difference between [痛]{いた}さ and [痛]{いた}み. A native Japanese speaker gave this answer: 「痛さ」は形容詞「痛い」が名詞化した名詞です。 「痛み」は動詞「痛む」の連用形が名詞化した名詞です。 I ...
LittleWhole's user avatar
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What is the meaning and pronunciation of 上 in the following sentence?

「新聞・雑誌などの編集上の一区分。」This sentence came from one of the definitions for the word 「欄(らん)」 in the "Super Daijirin" dictionary. I'm having trouble honing in on what specific meaning and ...
BustaYuro's user avatar
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Use of ら in 博士ら、 警察官ら

Typically ら is used to form plurals or groups of people in casual situations, when it is used pejoratively, or in set words such as 彼ら. たち seems to be prefered in other situations ○○さんたち、あなたたち、 私達, ...
James Edwards's user avatar
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What does "焼き" (sorry if i spelled it wrong) mean? [closed]

In Japanese, some foods end in "焼き". What does it mean? some examples: たこ焼き, お好み焼き, 照り焼き, etc. I apologize if I miswrote any of these because I just started learning Japanese. But what does ...
Kieran's user avatar
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