
The girl tells her boyfriend/senpai this after they kiss, etc

He hugs her and replies this to her:

これが素か...こっわ... (可愛すぎてびっくりした!)

What does 素 here exactly mean?

2 Answers 2


See 素 on jisho:


Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. plain; unadorned; undecorated; unadulterated; au naturel

素【す】 refers to a plain state of something as opposed to its decorated, modified or processed state. For example, 素のフライドポテト is a French fry without even any salt added, and 素の発言 is a straightforward statement without any joke, sarcasm or euphemism involved.

In your context, the senpai seems surprised at her attitude, thinking, "This is her/your true nature!" This implies that she usually presents a different appearance externally.

(But... did he really say this to her? While feeling a little anxious because someone is "too cute" is understandable, saying こっわ directly to someone in a romantic situation would usually cause a misunderstanding.)

  • So, is こっわ just 怖? What's っ doing here? In other words, how do you read っわ? Contextually, it woulds seem to mean "wow" or OMG, is that correct?
    – A.Ellett
    Commented Jun 27 at 14:40
  • @A.Ellett 怖 is the straightforward interpretation. The っ is just eye dialect for some emphasis in the delivery. Commented Jun 27 at 20:03
  • Maybe English "wo" would be better than "wow"? I'd need to see a larger passage.
    – Ragaroni
    Commented Jun 27 at 20:13
  • @A.Ellett こっわ is 怖, but semantically it's more explicitly "this is scary" rather than "OMG". I'm not sure what's scary about the girl, though. He might have said it in a sense similar to "irresistible", but I would say saying it directly to someone can easily lead to misunderstanding.
    – naruto
    Commented Jun 28 at 6:30

I think it best translates to unbridled.

  • 1
    How do you read 素か? スか? もとか? Something else?
    – A.Ellett
    Commented Jun 26 at 18:39
  • I mean, Naruto's explanation is correct, and I accept his reading. However, the correct localization is unbridled.
    – Ragaroni
    Commented Jun 27 at 20:10

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