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Development of existential verbs ゐる / いる (居る), をる / おる (居る)

How did the verbs 居{ゐ}る / 居{い}る, 居{を}る / 居{お}る develop their function as existential verbs?
Arfrever's user avatar
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Use of ており JLPT N3: 「このような都市はコンパクトシティと言われており、...」

I am studying a reading book for JLPT3 and I came across a grammar I can't seem to find: このような都市はコンパクトシティと言われており、お年寄りも気軽にいろいろな場所へ行くことができる。 Can someone explain the use of the verb おる here?
DotComma103's user avatar
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What does the きた in this sentence mean?

今度は何を覚えてきた? Mother said to her daughter that just got back home I wanna interpret it as "what did you learn? (and got back here home)?" but i don't know if that's correct.
prdel smradkava's user avatar
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If 連用形 can replace て-form in this sentence?

I wonder if the て in 僕を飼いならしてたいみたいだ can be removed? Because I think ならし is the 連用形 of ならす, so it can also used to link two verbs.
Shaw morn's user avatar
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What verb form is してきた?

What is してきた? 文化という言葉は、芸術や学問など人間が生み出した高い達成度を持つもの(ハイカルチャー)を指すとともに、人間の社会が長年にわたって形成してきた慣習や振舞いの体系を指す (source) I suppose it's a conjugated form of する, but I can't find it. I don't know if it has anything ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Trying to figure out the Japanese tale's sentence

ある年のこと、大雨が切れめなく、ザアザアふったので、村は水びたしになってしまい、村人は、 とてもこまりました。 I don't understand the second part "村は水びたしになってしまい". I figured out that this means "The village ended up becoming dipped in water....
Jonie Jackson's user avatar
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Meaning of Verb て form + やる? [duplicate]

Context: Boy challenges girl that he can guess the thing she hates. Girl accepts but jokes that he’ll never be able to guess it. They’re good friends. Boy in response to her comment, thinks in his ...
Parker Ng's user avatar
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Understanding 殴られてやる

口の中を切った血を吐き捨てて立ち上がる。思いの外にダメージの少ない、淀みのない動き。 「経験上、実際に聞くまで誰も納得しないから言わないだけだ。時間を無駄にしたくない」 「あァ? おまえ何言って、」 「そのうち話す。……それと、」  言うなりシンはライデンの顔面をぶん殴った。  小柄な体軀で至極コンパクトな振りで、おそろしく効いた。体重の移動と力の伝達が無駄一つなく適切だからで、...
chino alpha's user avatar
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When do you use forms of 歩く as a verb to talk about walking?

I've come across different usages of 歩く as a verb and was unsure in which scenarios they would be most appropriate to use. Is 歩く used with 来る? 東京タワーまで歩いて来ます。 Or is it used with 行く? 東京タワーまで歩いて行きます。 ...
username__hidden__'s user avatar
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What's the purpose of adding って here?

Wouldn't 連れてくれよ be exactly the same?
Simon's user avatar
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Can't understand 虫に変ってしまっているのに気づいた

I am trying to read 変身 The Metamorphosis by Kafka. I have troubles understanding the following : 虫に変ってしまっているのに気づいた translated by he discovered that he had been changed into a bug First i'm not ...
xavier's user avatar
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What exactly does ておく mean in 食べておく? [duplicate]

The context for this question is from a conversation text. (みんなの日本語中級I第4課)The speaker is leaving a voice message: ……今日ね、急な仕事が入っちゃって、遅くなりそうなの。晩ご飯、先に食べといて。じゃね。 といて here is just short for ておいて, but ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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ていく (auxiliary verb) - Clarification on nuance

I was revising the grammar for ていく and got this sentence from the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. これからは寒くなっていく The meaning the book gave was that "It will get colder (and continue to be ...
DK4739's user avatar
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Verb てform + くる what does it mean?

I'd like to know what is the meaning of the previous pattern I mentioned in the following sentence: 職場ではそんな話ばかりきこえてくるぞ! I guess きこえて is the てform of 聞こえる. But what is the meaning of きこえて + くる ...
Richard Al's user avatar
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~te + oku vs plain masu form

Good evenings folks, Currently I'm here in Tokyo learning Japanese for about 2 months now from scratch, and our sensei is teaching us N4 level grammar structures already. My question is, what's the ...
Jp Arcilla's user avatar
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Could you please explain why the correct answer is 「もらいました」 and not 「くれました」? Multiple choice answers are: ①やりました ②もらいました ③くれました ④あげました Thanks!!!
Sabina Mirzezadeh's user avatar
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くれ in いっしょにきてくれますか?

What is the exact meaning of くれ here: Will you come with me? いっしょ に きて くれます か? / Issho ni kite kure masu ka? Why would it not be this instead: いっしょ に きて します か? / Issho ni kite shimasu ka? Or do ...
イ リ ニ's user avatar
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What does てくる mean when used with 選ぶ?

I don't understand what the difference is between this sentence: おいしそうなカップ麺を選んできます。 and this sentence: おいしそうなカップ麺を選ぶ。
Sante Kyaku's user avatar
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What does もらえる mean in this sentence ?

Here's an excerpt from the article I am reading (link to the article): あくまで私の個人的な評価ではありますが、この中からあなたのお気に入りの本がきっと見つかるはずですよ!また、今回取り上げる本は文庫版がほとんどなので気軽に買って読んでもらえる作品ばかりです。 Last line is where I am stuck ...
vadasambar's user avatar
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What's the difference between てform+行くand てform+いる?

I know what both mean and are used for, but when I look at my reference materials, the former is often used to express the same thing as the latter. Are details to this that I'm not getting?
Roy Fuentes's user avatar
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What is the conjugation form, grammar of もうすぐ込んできそう ?

アナウンス:皆様、本日はご来場ありがとうございます。午前十時現在の各館の 混雑状況と催しものの お知らせをいたします。まず、ロボット館はただいま、 一時間待ちとなっております。ロボット館のレ ストランではロボットがランチ をお席までお運びをするサービスをしております。お昼近くになります と、さ らに混雑が見込まれます。次に、未来館は現在すぐにお入りいただけます。なお、 ...
JoisBack's user avatar
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besides meaning of preparation, what is other meaning of Te Oku

I have learned that Te Oku means "to do something in advance for preparation". However I have encountered this sentence : その紙は いらないのですてておいてください This paper is not needed, please throw it away. I ...
japaneselearner's user avatar
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What's the meaning of やっていける or いける?

The sentence in question: しかし、子育てに親が専念できる環境になってきたので、親がおんぶをしなくてもだっこだけでもやっていける。 For full context: my attempt at ...
Narktor's user avatar
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auxiliary verb くれた being used in context of "having questions"

This question is closely related to a similar question I asked not long ago: 送ってくれた : Why is both "sending" and "giving" being used together here? I now understand くれた being ...
Cmaxster's user avatar
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送ってくれた : Why is both "sending" and "giving" being used together here?

I encountered the sentence: 両親が私にはがきを送ってくれた。 I understand that: 送って translates to a verb meaning "to send", or I assume in this case "sending" due to the "te-form" being used. I also understand ...
Cmaxster's user avatar
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Is it more natural/popular to use ~てしまう form in a context of "finish sth completely'' or "do sth by accident''?

Is it more natural/popular to use ~てしまう form in a context of "finish sth completely'' or "do sth by accident''? I mean if I said a sentence like this: ケーキを食べてしまった。 What would a Japanese native ...
Haikuku's user avatar
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How to understand おきます in this sentence?

The following is an excerpt from a conversation between me and my language partner: 私の Skype ID を書いておきますので、もし良かったら登録しておいてください。italki と Skype のどちらでメッセージを送ってもいいです。今すぐ使わなくても、将来役に立つときが来るかもしれません。 So, ...
Narktor's user avatar
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Understanding てくる in these sentences

Coming across lines such as (two separate contexts): 「ご飯をよそってきて食べなよ」 and 「そんなに驚かないで。頭を冷やすために下でお茶でも淹れてくるよ」 I'm having trouble understanding the usage of 来る in both of these sentences. I was ...
user26484's user avatar
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Is it possible ~ておく in continuous state (~ている)?

I'm curious now since I read in Tae Kim's Guide that ておく means to prepare/do something for the future. So for example, if one is currently in the progress of studying for the future would it be this? ...
HiddenArmy's user avatar
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なかで after past tense verb

The narrator says that he has a life flying around the world as a pilot, and then says: そんなふうに生きてきたなかで、僕はいわゆる有能な人たちと、ずいぶんつきあってきた。 Living in this way, I have come to associate with many people ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Grammar of すぐ医者に連れていこう

I'm learning japanese on my own and face a sentence below. この子、熱が高くてすごくつらそうだよ。 "すぐ医者に連れていこう。" What i don't understand is the grammar in the last sentence. It seems that the book uses a Ving format. ...
cindy50633's user avatar
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Why is it wrong to say 覚えていきます?

if you conjugate a て形動詞 with いく does it mean "I'll do this from here on"? I understand that it's natural to say 覚えておきます because of the meaning you get when you conjugate with おく (doing in preparation,...
Pootan's user avatar
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新しい発明をした場合、特許を取っておかないと、すぐにその アイデア を使われてしまう

新しい発明をした場合、特許を取っておかないと、すぐにその アイデア を使われてしまう。 The problem stems from the fact that I can't handle some elements in this sentence and therefore also have issues determining the exact meaning of the ...
Narktor's user avatar
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「外国人登録をする時もいっしょについて」 Why ついて?

I am confused by this sentence in my textbook and I hope somebody will help me. (talking about the host family, specifically the mother/wife) 外国人登録をする時もいっしょについて来てくれました I think this is saying the ...
VictorySaber's user avatar
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Problems with -て 来る

A: あの番組を見ましたか。 B: いいえ。見ようとしたら、息子が友達を連れて帰って来たんです。 I only know of ~て来る as an indicator that someone goes to do something and then returns, for example: ちょっとたばこを買って来ます。 But recently my textbook ...
Narktor's user avatar
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How do you "try" a suru verb? Like "to try to cook"

According to the internet, to say you try an action you need to use the volitional form + to suru. So miroutosuru is "to try to see". But what about suru verbs like ryouri suru ("to cook")?
Dylano Stewart Rodrigues's user avatar
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食べていました and its use

I was wondering about __ていました and its use. By this I mean, is it possible to turn a て form verb into ていました? For example, would you ever use 食べていました instead of 食べました? Just wondering if it is possible ...
J.Treutlein's user avatar
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What does ワインを買っていくよ mean?

I am very confused about the meaning of the expressions 'ていく' and 'てくる' and seems that every website I look has a different explanation. Translations that I think are good: 'Go in order to buy wine'; '...
Pagginelli's user avatar
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Is 〜てある commonly used with verbs other than 書く?

This question is prompted by @Abi's comment on meanings of 「書{か}いてある」 and 「書かれている」: 書いてある seems to be commonly used, while with other verbs 〜てある is not so common, right? And indeed, I don't ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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Meaning of おられる姿

小池百合子都知事の頑張っている姿、私は最大限評価している。ある意味の古い政治と向き合って戦っておられる姿、共鳴もする。 How do you understand おられる姿?
wingman1985's user avatar
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Can we replace 持っていく with 持ってくる in this case?

Consider the following situation. Both the teacher and her student are not at school when the following occurs. The teacher posted a picture of a cake in her facebook wall. The student posted a ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Different ways of saying "X continues / keep doing X"

I am trying to figure out the differences between all of these forms listed below. The examples are all part of these two pages: http://...
Michael's user avatar
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How ~てある and ~ておいた differs?

晩ご飯が作ってある Dinner has been made. (intentional) 晩ご飯を作っておいた. (I) made dinner (so I can eat it). They seem quite the same. Btw what are some cases in which -てあった are used? I can't recreate one.
Dekiru's user avatar
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Are there any ways to know whether Verbてくる is about time or space?

Are there any ways to know whether Verbてくる is about time or space ? My friend told me that when the verb involves changing from a state to another state, ~てくる is usually about time, when there's ...
Narutokage's user avatar
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How to grant permission for something in Japanese

I know that させてくれないか is won't you let me? But how do I say allow? させてあげる I'll let You!. I want it to be "something + the auxiliary ageru". Btw. Why is 借りしてもいい right but not 借りてもいい ?!?!? I want it ...
Grallak's user avatar
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Help parsing a sentence with possibly embed relatives

“はっきりとしてくれないわたしが好きな人”より“はっきりとしているわたしを好きな人”を憎からず はっきりとして=Be clear くれない=not give to me わたしが好きな人=The person I like [はっきりとしてくれない]>わたしが好きな人 so はっきりとしてくれない modifies わたし or はっきりとしてくれない modifies 人 The ...
Splikie's user avatar
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Why is しまいました needed here?

According to a grammar book I'm reading, the sentence "宿題をしないで、学校に出掛けてしまいました" translates into "He went off to school without doing [his] homework." However, I do not understand either why (or even if) ...
CosmicGenis's user avatar
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落としちまった - what form is this?

The phrase is pretty simple: デスノート 落{お}としちまった Which is obviously, "I dropped my Death Note". The verb (and the kanji) is for おとす or おちる, which is "to drop" or "to let fall", yet this is a ...
Sophie Proud's user avatar
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もらわれていくの grammar

I have problem understanding grammar in this sentence: アニー、もらわれていくのがいやになったの。。。 Could you help to translate it and give links to grammar?
T_T's user avatar
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Use of くれる with 信じる

「...そんなはずがあるか」と信じてくれなかった。 ...Is such a thing to be expected? He didn't believe me. I'm used to くれる being used to express the idea that the verb was done for the benefit of the speaker. I don't see ...
user3856370's user avatar
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