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ゲーム. Japanese grammar, expressions, vocabulary as used in the context of video games.

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Decoding the Use of the と Form in Place of the て Form

I have been playing The Witcher 3 in japanese and encountered this sentence: メエメエ黒ヒツジ、毛糸を少し分けとくれ! I am curious as to why the form とくれ was used instead of てくれ. I am aware of the famous quote from Son ...
kpw kpw's user avatar
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Is this a wordplay?

I came across this sentence while playing the game UFO: A Day In The Life. おいチ わかいチ とってもおいチ! The context is the following: You caught a flea that was stinging a girl, and after you do so it says the ...
スシー's user avatar
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Reading of 氷円弾 and other similar made up words

In this RPG video game I'm currently playing, monsters attack you with different techniques with made up names, such as 氷円弾. Since I don't know how I should read that kanji compound I searched this ...
Juan Martín de Iparraguirre's user avatar
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In Dragon Quest, the self-destruct attack is called "Kamikazee" in English, and "メガンテ" in Japanese. What is メガンテ referencing?

Many games have a "suicide" attack where you die and inflict damage on the enemy. In Dragon Quest, the main attack of this form is called "Kamikazee" in English (a clear nod to ...
chausies's user avatar
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Disjointed dialogue in Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

Near the beginning of the game, an NPC says this dialogue, explaining some controls: This seems to defy all conventions of building a complete sentence, which seems strange since it's supposed to be ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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The meaning of つま先を突っ張らせて in this context (describes a person's toes)

I met this expression in an eroge, but find it's hard to understand. My guess is "Her toes were constricted "( ? ) but i'm not sure. Context is a H-scene, where the protagonist
4chan user's user avatar
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Need help about the meaning of a character's thought about his cousin (今の流れは、そういう“振り”だと思うじゃん)

(今の流れは、そういう“振り”だと思うじゃん) Hope someone can explains Mc's thought correctly about his cousin here (My guess but not sure : "You know I'm about to punch you , so you're pretending to avoid that aren'...
4chan user's user avatar
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'~ような' to modify nouns after adjectives [duplicate]

Konnichi wa ! I got this sentence from an 岩田【いわた】聡【さとる】 speech concerning Nintendo. 私【わたし】たちは、これからもきっと、非常識【ひじょうしき】と言【い】われるような提案【ていあん】をするでしょう。それが任天堂【にんてんどう】と言【い】う会社【かいしゃ】のありようだと、私【わたし】は思【おも】っております。 ...
Z Ea's user avatar
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What does this means in this context ?古物収集が趣味で色々と集めてるとは思ってたけど。 (MC found an old bronze mirror inside his uncle's warehouse/ storage room)

When reading, there is a sentence which i'm not sure about its meaning, since I'm new at JP. Appreciates if someone can correct my understanding if it was wrong o/ 古物収集が趣味で色々と集めてるとは思ってたけど。 (my guess : ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Need help with a few very confusing sentences, talking about fortune telling and people's fate/ destiny

Appreciates if anyone can help me understand the meaning of a few hard parts in this conversation. Context: MC is in an isekai world. MC met a fortune teller while he's looking for a missing girl, she ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Need help with a few hard parts in this context - MC is talking with a male classmate, about the final test exam and the summer vacation

Context: MC is talking with his friend about the final test before the summer vacation start. His friend is confident that he will pass the exam (with an acceptable grade, enough to pass the red mark :...
4chan user's user avatar
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Confused about 1 character's question in this context (MC is discussing with his party members, about the origin of the Demon King)

Context: MC are discussing with his party members about the meaning of a Demon King's saying ,after he had defeated her. Then 1 of his party member ask him 1 question ,it's hard for my JP level to ...
4chan user's user avatar
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What is the meaning of もう何度目になるだろう? in this context ? ( MC is remembering about his friends back in an isekai world)

When reading, I don't understand much about 1 sentence especially because "目になる" part, appreciates if someone can explain to me the correct meaning of this sentence o/ Context: MC used to be ...
4chan user's user avatar
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What does this means in this context ? それならそれでもいい /sore nara sore de mo ii

Context: MC is living with 3 big sisters (春姉 is the eldest big sister, 冬花 is his 2nd big sister, and 夏希 is his 3rd/the youngest big sister). Now he's trying to hide the fact that he and his 2nd big ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Need help about a really difficult explanation of a science fiction term (霊子反応 / Spiritual Particles Reaction ??) [closed]

I'm reading a game with science fiction theme, and there is 1 part I don't understand what the F was the writer trying to conveys here, so much thanks if anyone can even decipher what he wrote here (...
4chan user's user avatar
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What does「あればっかりは見た方が早いですって」​mean in this context ? (A conversation of MC, eating lunch with his office colleagues in a coffee shop )

Context: MC is having lunch with his office's colleagues, inside a coffee shop. They're talking about the shop owner. The MC asked "Does she handle everything in this shop alone?" Then one ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Confuse about the meaning of this sentence with プリプリ/puripuri?

Screenshot **I'm reading a VN ,and encounter this sentence in a H scene . The "puripuri" part make me confuse because it stand after 感触が and before と俺 . (Is it an adjective for "俺のペニス&...
4chan user's user avatar
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What does this mean in this context ? もしかして、なりきってる残念な……じゃなくて本物のレイヤーか? (MC did not believe that his favorite character in a mobile game is real)

Context: MC can't believe that his favorite character in the mobile game, which he has been playing, is real. He is going to buy a new smartphone in a smartphone shop, to replace his broken one and ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Break down the sentence 喧嘩{けんか}が強{つよ}い上{うえ}に、男前{おとこまえ}

I can't get the correct translation and understand the structure of this sentence: けんか{kenka}  が{ga} つよい{tsuyoi} うえに{ueni}、おとこまえ{otokomae}。 喧嘩{けんか}が強{つよ}い上{うえ}に、男前{おとこまえ}。 This is a quote said by a ...
Kaneda's user avatar
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What does the phrase 「かかってこんかい」 mean?

It is said by a boss before a battle begun in a video game. Does the こんかい mean 'now' in this phrase? Does it share the same meaning with 「かかってこい」(bring it on)?
George's user avatar
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What does 見切り最少の動作で mean in this context ? (describing a girl dodging an attack from a robot)

Much thanks if anyone can help me understand the correct meaning 名状しがたい唸りを発して長い右腕をしならせ、鞭のように放つ。 Girl「ハッ!」 それを完全に見切り最少の動作でかわすと、美麗な戦姫が軽やかに舞い上がる。 (my guess is "After she had completely dodged that ...
4chan user's user avatar
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What does this mean in this context? なんかもう、色々とグダグダだ

There is a sentence describing MC's thought, but no subject at all. Context: MC is trying to rescue his childhood friend from an aliens princess. She ordered a robot (I assumed its shape looks like a ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Is there a character that looks like "ot," or is it a different language? [closed]

I'm playing a game and don't recognise this character. It looks like an "ot" or "of" to me, but that might just be the font. I can only read the following: どんな夢も[ ]うんだって Can ...
Himeko's user avatar
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What does the word 「よいな」 mean in this sentence?

It was said by an old man to a boy named 'X', for example, that he would be waiting for him at a kind of vehicle. わしは天の箱舟で待っておる。 じゅんびがすんだら お前も来い。 よいな Xよ! If it means 'good', I think it looks not ...
George's user avatar
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Is やんろー a version of 野郎?

I’d like to make sure that I understood this correctly. このやんろー!! appears in Cave Story (洞窟物語) game. トロ子 calls this after the player enters her hideout. I’d suspect the word やんろー to be a version of ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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Meaning of 心さえ in 探索する心さえ忘れなければ

I encountered this sentence in the Cave Story (洞窟物語) game. It appears when I pick up a device that gives me ability to look at a map. 探索する心さえ忘れなければ、いつか外に出られよう。私はそれを願う。 Unfortunately I can’t get the ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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What does the phrase 「ああなんだべか」mean? [duplicate]

I came across this phrase from a video game. After having a discussion, a boy named ナムジン left from the place and a guy who still remained there with others said this sentence. はあ ナムジンさま どうして ああなんだべか…...
George's user avatar
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Does the slogan「やればやるほどディスクシステム」only mean, "if you play, play more, Disk System"?

There are a lot of different translations out there all over the web for this slogan. This is the one I generally trust the most since it appears on page 4 of the book "Hardcore Gaming 101 ...
SomaRise's user avatar
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videogame "longplay" translation Would a good translation of "Longplay" be "攻略"? It seems to be used in a similar way, but just about the only translation I ...
ORTA's user avatar
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What does the word 「いっこめ」mean? [duplicate]

I came across the word from the sentences. いっこめはサービスだポ。もっていくポ。 Does it possible come from a combination of 「一個」, which means a piece or an object, and 「め」, which means somewhat or quite?
George's user avatar
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What is the difference between 「でがす」 and 「です」?

Here is the sentence I came across the word 「でがす」. とりあえず これはアッシからのおみやげでがす。 受け取っておくんなせえ。 I'm not sure if it is an archaic form of the copula「です」. Is there any nuance between them?
George's user avatar
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what does に do in this sentence これがある限り俺たちに拒否権はない

I saw this sentence in the final fantasy 16 trailer これがある限り俺たちに拒否権はない I'm aware it means as long as we have this we have no right to refuse but I'm confused by why に is used here I was under the ...
k-on fan's user avatar
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恋 written as 恋ひ and 恋ふ?

A song in Final Fantasy 14 named Sunrise has a line listed as such, from an official source: 清らに優し 恋ひ恋ふ吾が君よ ⇒きよらにやさし こいこうあがきみよ What are the purposes of the い(ひ) and う(ふ) being written outside of the ...
wanwandrew's user avatar
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What is the difference between ギャンブラー, 博徒, and 博奕打ち?

I was looking up a character from a Japanese game whose profession/specialty was gambler and saw that the word used in Japanese was ギャンブラー. My general distaste for katakana-English inflamed, I looked ...
Justin Sewell's user avatar
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What does the word 「かまっちって」mean?

Here is the sentence which includes the word. あたし エラフィタの近くにいる かまっちって 魔物がときどき落とすよるのとばりが どーっしても必要なの! In my understanding, it comes from 構う{かまう} which mean to concern about. However, I cannot find the ...
George's user avatar
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キミの心が、綺麗なのがいけないんだよ? >> What does this mean ? "Why is your heart ,it's beauty made me so hopeless/defenseless against you ?"

Context is a girl talking with MC ,looks like they're about to H Girl: キミとひとつになるってことに……私、期待してる。 身体の奥、熱くなって……胸の鼓動が早くなって なんだろう、この気持ちは……もしかして、一目惚れってやつなのかな。 私にはそんなこと、絶対にないと思ってたのに キミの心が、綺麗なのがいけないんだよ? I ...
4chan user's user avatar
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ほいほい騎士団が誘い出された時点で、半ば勝負はついてるんだよ >>What does this mean?

Context: A servant is talking with a prince, about an sealed egg that had been stolen from the cathedral. It can be resurrected to summon back an ancient being who can destroy the world. Meanwhile the ...
4chan user's user avatar
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もっとわきをしめて。インパクトの瞬間に力を集中させる。 Relating to JP sword art. What does this mean?

Context: MC is giving advice about sword practice to a young knight. It seems that MC practiced JP sword art "kendo" back when he was still in his original world. もっとわきをしめて。インパクトの瞬間に力を集中させる。...
4chan user's user avatar
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今更自分で突っ込まないでよ。追加料金払ってるんだからいいでしょう >>What does this mean in this context

Context : MC is talking with a girl after he brought food to her place from a restaurant, where he is currently staying and working. The girl complains the food is a little bit cold, and suggests he ...
4chan user's user avatar
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What does 張ってた (hatteta) mean in this context?

Context: a detective is talking with the police who is the real culprit behind the recent crime. This police threw away his disguise costume to erase evidence, but it has been found by the detective. ...
4chan user's user avatar
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1から10まで (ichi kara juu made / 一から十まで) >> What does this mean in this context?

Full context: The MC is talking with a detective who pretended to accused MC as the murderer to the police — put him in jail to trick the real culprit — and then helped him escape from prison. D1: ...
4chan user's user avatar
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“I got it!” / “もらった!” in Rocket League

Recently, I have switched a video game I play, Rocket League, to Japanese to get some more exposure to the language. For those who may not know, it’s basically soccer with cars. In the game, players ...
Matthew Wahner's user avatar
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Pronunciation of long o (e.g. in Street Fighter)—"oo" or "ou"?

I have very little knowledge regarding Japanese, but I'm curious about the pronunciation of the long o. In Street Fighter, according to my basic research, the "ō" in "hadōken" is ...
Josh Grosso's user avatar
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How to translate「業魔灰燼剣」"Gouma Kaijinken" to English?

How would I translate 「業魔灰燼剣」"Gouma Kaijinken"? This is from Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (テイルズ オブ デスティニー ディレクターズカット) And here is a short video showing what it looks like: https://www....
Peter's user avatar
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What does the phrase 「こうしちゃおれんな」mean?

Here is the sentence that includes the phrase. なんと 忘れてしまった! 格好だけに こうしちゃおれんな!
George's user avatar
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Kanji for „Pro“? [closed]

What would be the Kanji for „Pro“ (Professional or athlete), in a context like Pro-gamer.
Stefan's user avatar
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Circle inside a circle character. What is it?

So I started playing Steins;Gate in Japanese the other day. And in one of the Tips about a character from the 雷ネット翔 , キラリちゃん is described as 頭が良くて、スポーツ万能。しかもカワイくて性格も〇 (But inside of 〇 is another ...
SkillGG's user avatar
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Meaning of Mako variant Kanji from Final Fantasy 7

What does 魔晄 really mean and how is it read? The FF VII Wiki lists Mako (Kanji is 魔晄) as meaning "magic light". I am assuming the furigana for this Kanji is 魔{ま}晄{こう} based on the English word Mako. ...
greg's user avatar
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What is the etymological origin of the word キノピオ (Toad in Super Mario Bros)?

I just found out the Toad character from the Super Mario Bros is known as キノピオ in Japan. Where does that name come from? I know 茸 (きのこ) means mushroom, but what does the suffix -ピオ stand for? Thanks ...
Julio Arriaga's user avatar
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Understanding 「やったこと」 and 「〜んだ」。

This is a line from a game that I'm attempting to take apart and understand. A man has committed a murder, and is panic-thinking he doesn't want to be caught for it. He thinks/says out loud this ...
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