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64 votes
3 answers

The difference between が and を with the potential form of a verb

When using the potential form of a verb, I was taught that the particle を becomes が. However, in real life this seems to not always be the case. I've even heard Japanese people use を instead of が ...
phirru's user avatar
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この道をまっすぐ行ってください。 Why を and not で?

In a quiz, I got a question where one had to complete with に、を、で or が the following sentence: この道(?)まっすぐ行ってください。 The correct answer being: この道をまっすぐ行ってください。 It always seems more natural to me ...
Thomas Moulard's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Does the particle "を" (wo) have a special use when at the end of a sentence?

I thought the character "を" (wo) was only used for the particle whose only job was to indicate the direct object of a verb. But today I saw it at the end of an exclamation on a sign I think on a shop:...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Why can は and を sometimes be used interchangeably?

For example: 肉は食べますが、すしを食べません。
O.O's user avatar
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Particle は replacing を - where does the stress lie?

I've recently learned that the particle を can be replaced by either particles は/が. However, the stress on the focus of the sentence doesn't make sense to me. My book gives this example: ご飯を食べました。...
Daniel Martin's user avatar
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ところを 見つかる, this was in a highly reputable dictionary

Is this sentence wrong grammatically, or am I missing something? カンニングをしているところを 見つかる This is an examplensentence from kenkyuusha. More specifically, 見つかる is an intransitive verb, how is it used with ...
PsyFish's user avatar
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What is the difference between using を and と with the verb 言う?

I apologize if this is a basic question, but it's something I've never been entirely clear on. When using the verb 言う (to say), I can never figure out whether to use the particle -と or the particle -...
rurouniwallace's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

Why is it 日本語がわかります instead of 日本語をわかります?

From what I understand, は is the topic marker, が is the subject marker, and を is the object marker. One of the first sentences I learned doesn't seem to fit the rules I described above. The sentence ...
Alan C's user avatar
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What's the difference in usage and meaning when using を with 大好き or 好き versus using が? I would think that using が is stating that the subject that you are talking about is loved, while using を is ...
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18 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between -ga and -o when they are used to designate a direct object?

During the past month I've been addicted to Japanese. I've listened to about 10 online tutorial video courses and read about as much printed lessons. I am determined to learn Japanese, but I am really ...
Armen Tsirunyan's user avatar
10 votes
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Why are we allowed to use を particle with na-adjectives?

Can someone explain the usage of a na-adjective with the を particle? I cannot understand why we can say ほうれん草を嫌いな人もいる。 because I'd thought that it had to be a が or の particle instead of an を. ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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Differing explanations of 〜ところを

My textbook has this example sentence: 試験中、となりの人の答えを見ているところを先生に注意された。 The interpretation of this sentence hinges around ところを, and I'm not 100% sure what that means. The textbook simply indicates ...
Nahcirn's user avatar
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Is 感じる {かんじる} transitive or intransitive? Which particle to use?

Please consider 一段 {いちだん} verb 感じる {かんじる}. Sometimes I see particle に applied and sometimes particole を. In the vocabulary it is not specified if this verb is 他動詞 {たどうし} (transitive) or 自動詞 {...
Andry's user avatar
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What is the function of を in this sentence? [duplicate]

彼は高齢を理由に社長を辞めたよ。 I found this example sentence in some core flashcards, and the translation says He gave up the company presidency due to age. Which makes sense to me, but I don't understand the ...
OKUMA's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is を used in real Japanese?

One of the first things people learn in Japanese class is the old 私はケーキを食べます。 Once you begin to get more experienced with Japanese you soon learn that the initial watashi wa is not good form and is ...
Jim's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How do you pronounce を after a subject?

For example :日本語を勉強します. Do you pronounce ni hon go wo or ni hon go---
Michael's user avatar
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Use of から vs を with 出て行く?:

Why are we using から and not を in the following sentence?: 出て行く:同居している恋人が家から出て行って、別に住むようになる。 I ask because the normal particle with 出る is を (eg 家を出る) so why do we have から here? My dictionary has ...
Tim's user avatar
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Will expression retain the same definition if particle is changed?

「ここにじっとしていてもしょうがない………か」 自分を奮い立たせるために、わざと自分の考えを声に出し行動を始めた。 I came across the expression 声を出す on I don't know if replacing the expression's を with に (because を is already used earlier in ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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は/が and を with the Passive form

I've recently started learning the passive form of verbs and noticed a few different usages of particles that have been giving me a lot of trouble and I wanted to clarify/confirm. From what I've ...
mattb's user avatar
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Help with sentence 私が外国を歩くようになったのは・・・

This clause is from a book that I'm reading called "日本人が知らない世界の歩き方". It's the first clause of the first sentence in the book and coincidentally the first one that I'm having trouble with. In ...
rurouniwallace's user avatar
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Why is を used instead of の? [duplicate]

I was looking at one of the example sentences in a kanji learning app I use, and the particle choice struck me as strange. In the sentence "青空を背景に木々を描く。", I can't understand why を is used after 青空. ...
jimbotherisenclown's user avatar
2 votes
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知る vs わかる and when to use が and を in "how to" questions

"I don't know how to use honorific language." 敬語の使い方がわかりません。 "Do you know how to make a flight reservation?" 飛行機の予約のし方を知っていますか。 The above two sentences were taken from my homework -...
MorningCoffee's user avatar
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が vs を and the absence of a subject particle

I just read an article explaining that が should not be thought of as a subject particle, since it can also mark the object, which is fine and dandy on its own. However, I also remember reading an ...
themathandlanguagetutor's user avatar
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About を in 再稼働をてこに収益改善

Can anyone please tell me what does を in 再稼働をてこに収益改善 in the sentence below indicate? I know that を is followed by a verb, but how come in this case it's followed by a noun てこ? 広島高裁による四国電力伊方原発3号機(...
laser2302's user avatar
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Difference between を話す and で話す

日本語を話す 日本語で話す I found that those two sentences can be translated as "I speak Japanese". Is there a difference regarding the particles?
Snaut's user avatar
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Why are these particles used here?

The following sentence is from a blog called Nippon Talk: お湯{ゆ}を使{つか}える洗濯機{せんたくき}のパワーに感動{かんどう}した夫{おっと}は、沖縄{おきなわ}旅行{りょこう}から帰{かえ}るとすぐにその洗濯機{せんたくき}についての情報{じょうほう}を調{しら}べ始{はじ}めた。 I'm trying to pick ...
EtherealScribe's user avatar