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"を奪{うば}われた" used incorrectly instead of "が奪{うば}われた"? (Bleach) [duplicate]

In Bleach Sennen Kessen-hen (S01,E04), (slight spoilers) captains have an ability called Bankai. They thought that the enemy could seal this ability. But as KB realizes, the enemy actually steals this ...
chausies's user avatar
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How acceptable is 英語を上手になりたい?

英語が上手になりたい is the correct way to say it, and I have always considered 英語を上手になりたい incorrect. I occasionally see/hear the を version from native speakers, but it didn't bother me that much, thinking that ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Why is が used instead of を in this sentence?

From Shin Kanzen Master JLPT N1 Grammar: あ、本が出しっぱなしだ。 I thought that 出す always follows を, i.e. you (subject) take out something (object). Is it because 本 is emphasized in this sentence, similar to how ...
xji's user avatar
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Direct object marked with a が? [duplicate]

I found the next sentence: 懐かしい。目を閉じれば、彼女との昔の事がまざまざと思い出せる It's marked with a が because of the adverb? Or is it something else?
Alejandro Núñez Valdés's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the 〜たい form with the particle が instead of を? [duplicate]

For example, 寿司【すし】を食【た】べたい。 寿司【すし】が食【た】べたい。 If it is possible, then what is the difference in meaning or nuance? Thank you.
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Why there is a "を" in この素晴らしい世界に祝福を and not a "が"? [duplicate]

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! is translated to English as "A blessing to this wonderful world!" . Why is there a "を" and not a "が" in this sentence? In Spanish (and I assume also in English) "a blessing" would be ...
Pablo's user avatar
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が vs を and the absence of a subject particle

I just read an article explaining that が should not be thought of as a subject particle, since it can also mark the object, which is fine and dandy on its own. However, I also remember reading an ...
themathandlanguagetutor's user avatar
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When using 比べる, should I use を or が for the object being compared?

I have seen sentences 1 and 4, but are sentences 2 and 3 grammatical? My question is regarding the use of を/が with the object being compared, in sentences with 比べる. 植物の世界にも(今年を)去年と比べて著しく相違が見えた。 ...
rhyaeris's user avatar
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Should it be が大好き or を大好き? [duplicate]

I am very new to Japanese language and I am now kind of addicted to learning this beautiful language and the culture. Just a question I want to ask is: Which one of the below one is right? ...
lonelygolfer's user avatar
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ところを 見つかる, this was in a highly reputable dictionary

Is this sentence wrong grammatically, or am I missing something? カンニングをしているところを 見つかる This is an examplensentence from kenkyuusha. More specifically, 見つかる is an intransitive verb, how is it used with ...
PsyFish's user avatar
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知る vs わかる and when to use が and を in "how to" questions

"I don't know how to use honorific language." 敬語の使い方がわかりません。 "Do you know how to make a flight reservation?" 飛行機の予約のし方を知っていますか。 The above two sentences were taken from my homework -...
MorningCoffee's user avatar
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Particle は replacing を - where does the stress lie?

I've recently learned that the particle を can be replaced by either particles は/が. However, the stress on the focus of the sentence doesn't make sense to me. My book gives this example: ご飯を食べました。...
Daniel Martin's user avatar
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What's the difference in usage and meaning when using を with 大好き or 好き versus using が? I would think that using が is stating that the subject that you are talking about is loved, while using を is ...
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What's the difference between -ga and -o when they are used to designate a direct object?

During the past month I've been addicted to Japanese. I've listened to about 10 online tutorial video courses and read about as much printed lessons. I am determined to learn Japanese, but I am really ...
Armen Tsirunyan's user avatar
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Logic behind "が" preferrence when using a "-たい" form

I have learned that when using a "-たい" form, when the sentence would normally require "を", you can use either "を" or "が", but "が" was actually preferred, "を" sounding unnatural. I searched about the ...
Cristol.GdM's user avatar
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Why is it 日本語がわかります instead of 日本語をわかります?

From what I understand, は is the topic marker, が is the subject marker, and を is the object marker. One of the first sentences I learned doesn't seem to fit the rules I described above. The sentence ...
Alan C's user avatar
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The difference between が and を with the potential form of a verb

When using the potential form of a verb, I was taught that the particle を becomes が. However, in real life this seems to not always be the case. I've even heard Japanese people use を instead of が ...
phirru's user avatar
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