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Questions tagged [hiragana]

ひらがな. The cursive form of the syllabary used mostly for (but not restricted to) the grammatical features of written Japanese including verb endings and particles, and for native words written without kanji.

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Why do some rows of hiragana have characters with a different sound instead of making a new row?

I am sorry if this does not make sense. In the は row, there is the ふ character, so if you want to make a "hu" sound, you must combine characters, and to make any other syllable with an "...
Sam Herron's user avatar
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When do people use「お祖父さん」vs.「おじいさん」?

Of course the two are read exactly the same, but in a scenario where you would be reading/writing the word (books, texting, etc.), when would you use the Kanji version of the word おじいさん? Is there any ...
mehkij's user avatar
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Is 百歳 read as ひゃくさい or ももとせ?

When saying that someone/something is 100 years old, is 百歳 read as ひゃくさい or ももとせ? I've Googled around and couldn't find a definitive answer for this. Some language sites use ひゃくさい while others use ...
Pie Faced's user avatar
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What syllables can cause Sokuon?

I started studying kanji and found out about sokuon. But I have noticed that other than the last つ of the first syllable, there are other syllables that also can cause sokuon. What I want to know is ...
Elpanasilver's user avatar
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Sometimes author uses kanji and hiragana for the same word

I was reading this light novel, and these two sentences appear in a matter of minutes between each other. 「ユエナが首を傾げる」 「ユエナがきょとんと首をかしげる」 As you notice the two sentences are pretty similiar in the ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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How would you say the name Shireen Durrani in japanese?

My name is Shireen Durrani and my name is Pakistani. Would it be 『シリーン・ドゥラニ』? Or 『シリーン・ヅラニ』? Would the last name come first? I am not very experienced in japanese so please explain
Shireen Durrani's user avatar
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Do people skip the y in contracted hiragana like in kya kyu kyo?

Im trying to learn the contracted hiragana pronunciation and I'm having a problem with the y part.for example きゃ is supposed to be pronounced kya but i feel like some people pronounce it like Ka . ...
Ellhba Oussama's user avatar
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What is the purpose of katakana?

I noticed in words like アメリカ and イギリス are written in katakana, but why is 日本 (にほん) in hiragana if Japan is a country too? I noticed katana is also used in modern stuff (like smartphone, スマホ). Was ...
Rubyeuby's user avatar
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Is it a hiragana or a kanji or something else entirely?

This is the description of the Japanese book 告白 by Kanae Minato. In the picture, in red, are two instances of a character I suppose to be a hiragana. But I have never seen it and can't find it ...
Francis's user avatar
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Difference between ひらがな and 漢字 in this poetry

A friend of mine shared this poetry to me, and just for fun I decided to translate it in my first language, Italian. The author is 穂村 弘 Homura Hiroshi, a contemporary writer. あした世界が終わる日に あした世界が終わる日に ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Is it 日本人 or にほんじん?

I've been studying Japanese on my own for only three days. Why does the word "Japanese" sometimes appear like this 日本人 and also like this にほんじん?
PurpleInk 's user avatar
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What is the pronunciation difference between ち and ぢ

While several people have asked about the pronunciation difference between じ and ぢ(there is none), the difference between ち and ぢ has not been talked about much. Yet, they seem the same to me, even ...
timtam's user avatar
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Why were hiragana and katakana never merged into one system?

I am familiar with the history of why these two writing systems were invented, and my question comes more from a modern practical standpoint. In my understanding, hiragana and katakana both have same ...
Larper's user avatar
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Will I need kanji in Japan [closed]

So I’m trying to learn Japanese since there is a slim chance that I will go to Japan for a tournament next year,I want to know if it’s necessary to learn kanji just for a few days in Japan??if you are ...
Bruh's user avatar
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Patterns across Hiragana consonants?

I've recently begun studying Japanese just for fun. I rely really heavily on patterns to learn languages. Please do excuse me if I'm using incorrect terminology. This is literally my second day of ...
Day 2 of learning Japanese's user avatar
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Is "入っ" still pronounced "はい" when reading it? (Okurigana question)

I am fairly new to reading kanji and grammar, and I just learned that "入る" is pronounced "はい" because it is an okurigana. My question is, are all okurigana pronounced in their &...
Husk55's user avatar
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I've seen 雄臭い used in some articles and posts but couldn't find the hiragana pronunciation, does anyone what it is?

Based on the kanji and what I gathered I'm assuming it means "smells manly" or "reeks of a man". The thing is I couldn't find any hiragana reading on the kanji and wanted to know ...
Kramernator's user avatar
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How to understand combined characters (kanji) more easily?

A lot of Japanese restaurants, mangas and just paragraphs of texts in general (or not in general, used basically anywhere) use combined characters to make things appear shorter. And I can’t understand ...
Arixi's user avatar
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What fraction of Japanese words contain digraphs?

I'm curious as to what the percentage of native Japanese words that contain digraphs, or to put it another way, the average number of digraphs (or individual kana) in a Japanese word would be. I'm a ...
JShoe's user avatar
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Are the Hiragana characters ぢゃ, ぢゅ, and ぢょ (still) used?

I am learning Hiragana, and I pulled a couple of charts off the internet to use as study aids. One of them has the line of characters ぢゃ, ぢゅ, and ぢょ, but they are not in the other chart. Are these ...
Rabet's user avatar
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は is pronounced differently in two words

In こんにちは(hello), it is pronounced like 'wa'. But in おはよう(good morning) its pronounced like 'ha'. Can someone explain the catch here(Please keep in mind that I'm an absolute beginner)?
Ambica Govind's user avatar
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Dakuon on kanji and hiragana where it's not normally used [duplicate] 小林さんと酒゛が゛飲゛み゛た゛い゛! In this tweet dakuon is used after a kanji and on these hiragana where I've never seen them used before, which I've ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Are hiragana characters related based on construction?

I've noticed that certain hiragan characters are written in the same way. For example one could look at の め あ ぬ as progressions on a similar theme. If I could put it crudely, we have swoop, line+swoop,...
BSD's user avatar
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What methods are used to teach hiragana and katakana to 6 year olds?

I understand that in Japan children start school at 6 years of age and that they are expected to learn the 46 hiragana and 46 katakana syllables by the end of that year. I'd like to know more about ...
BSD's user avatar
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Looking for website / tool / help in showing what typed Kanji on a keyboard should look like if hand written [duplicate]

Just as the title suggests, tons of Hiragana Katakana & Kanji look different when you type them on a phone compared to how one would learn to write them on pen and paper. Is there a tool I can ...
Oliver Gardner's user avatar
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Need help on translating

I am confused with this, I am new to Japanese and I am still learning it, but isn't this supposed to mean "Tawapon Sanha?" ?, also why is the Sa symbol different from the usual symbol that ...
Marcel's user avatar
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is it grammatically correct to write ニ as ンイ

I was looking at the list of kana, and I realized something. Say, you wanted to write the syllable “ni”, you would write “ニ”, right? Is it possible to write “n” syllables using “ン” and vowels? For ...
Ninja Eagle's user avatar
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Popular conventions that Japanese people use the Japanese characters to draw or type Emoji

This question is about the popular conventions that Japanese people use the Japanese characters to draw or type Emoji. What are some principles and conventions that Japanese people follow? Here is one ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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鋼 pronunciation

I know that one of the kanji for Steel is 鋼 and one of the pronunciation is はがね (hagane). But in some mangas I read this kanji with the pronunciation がね (gane) without the は; like 黒鋼 (くろがね/Kurogane). ...
Sara's user avatar
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Is no the same as not?

is いいえ/no the same as not? For example, if I said,いいえ きょう, would that mean Not Today? Or No Today? I know google translate is known to be inaccurate, but it shows both Not and No as the same, いいえ. ...
justyourlocalme's user avatar
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What are the Hiragana columns called in Japanese? [duplicate]

For instance English texts to learn Japanese will refer to ま、み、む、め、も as the Ma column, and I've even seen this terminology used in translations of Japanese material (although I unfortunately couldn't ...
minetti's user avatar
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Does Japanese have characters in small size and in capital size?

In English it's normal for the sentence to start with a capital letter. In German also. Additionally, there are classes of words that are written in German with an initial capital letter. How is it in ...
Alfred.37's user avatar
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Rules to leave spaces between words when using kanji and kana

I'm trying to understand when I should leave blanks (spaces) between Japanese words when using either kana or kanji. My understanding is that blanks should be left when otherwise the text is confusing....
Martel's user avatar
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Hiragana chart: yi, ye, wu - where and how?

A very naïve but logical question: Why are these missing in the Hiragana chart? yi, ye, wu If there are, where can I find them? How to write them?
wonderich's user avatar
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When should I replace hiragana with kanji?

When should I write わたし instead of 私?
Phước Bùi's user avatar
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Can 案が検討されまして also be used to mean "implemented"?

I'm not sure how to make sense of this section of text. Either it says that buses were considered for use but ultimately left without stranded passengers, OR that sightseeing buses were used and ...
SomaRise's user avatar
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波比不部保 ([B] sounds) → はひふへほ ([h] or [f] sounds)

Hiragana (平仮名 or 平假名) has its cursive form originated from the Chinese cursive form 草書. You can read from Also
wonderich's user avatar
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Is Japanese に related to the Chinese character 仁?

Is Japanese に (pronounced as "ni") related to the Chinese character 仁 (pronounced as "ren" in Chinese mandarin)? Does the に have the root from the Chinese character 仁? They both ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Is there an error in this song's subtitles or I'm not understanding it correctly?

Here is the song. My confusion comes in first seconds of this song (also repeated in the end): ずつと ずつと (Zutzuto Zutzuto) → "one by one" (?) or ずっと ずっと (Zutto Zutto) → "forever forever&...
ScienceDiscoverer's user avatar
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Is my Hiragana and Katakana handwriting correct? [closed]

I don't have a teacher and I'm not going to any Japanese classes. I learn Japanese by myself and on the internet. but Content on the Internet is contradictory. I freaking out that I learned all this ...
Sania san's user avatar
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How to tell if a なり is the なる form or if it is the hiragana form of a word?

I am uncertain if the bolded なり below is the hiragana form of the kanji 鳴り 'ringing, sound' or if its the なる form for the そぞろ. (which would come out as 'to become restless/ to become on edge (and ...
Toyu_Frey's user avatar
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How do I write the equivalent ofトー (tō) in hiragana?

I am trying to write a character's name, given to me in katakana, in hiragana. The character's name ends in "トー" (tō). I'm brand new to Japanese and learned that ー is the "chōonpu,"...
Ted Desmond's user avatar
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Seemingly random use of Katakana? [duplicate]

I've noticed sometimes, especially in video games, that some parts of sentences that would normally be written in hiragana is instead written in katakana. For example, I've seen "です" written ...
J. S.'s user avatar
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How would i say "in ten minutes"? [closed]

I'm writing a paragraph for my Japanese oral exam and want to say "i have class in ten minutes", or "i will go to my class in ten minutes", how would i say this?
Sen's user avatar
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When not to use です [duplicate]

さくらは青い = Sakura is blue さくらは青いです also = Sakura is blue Google use the first one as default. How do we know when it's ok not to use desu?
Perdu's user avatar
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Why is 測 written in hiragana sometimes?

The dialog in this PDF document has the word はかります but when I search the word in romaji, only 測ります (and some other variations), show up in the results. Why is it that the kanji word 測 is written like ...
rraallvv's user avatar
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Kanji or hiragana? 駄目です vs だめです [duplicate]

Which is the correct or more common way of writing 駄目です or だめです? My text book says it means "it's is not possible".
bitbonk's user avatar
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When is Kanji REALLY used? [duplicate]

Whenever somebody tells you about kanji, they say something like this: Kanji are used for writing nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. However, the further I go, the more realize that this ...
dvx2718's user avatar
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サッと: Mix of ひらがな and カタカナ in the same word?

So, I've come across this sentence そのとき、陽が当たった石版に何かの影がサッと横切った。 which I'm fairly sure it means something like At that time, something's shadow quickly crossed the sunlit lithograph. Now, what ...
Jak's user avatar
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How do you write cho, chu, che and cha in Japanese using hiragana? [duplicate]

I'm not completely sure on how to write cho, chu, che and cha in Japanese (using hiragana). I have a rough idea that includes having the ち (chi) character followed by any of the 'y' characters (yo, yu,...
simp4tingle's user avatar

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