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Sentence ending でな

レモン・キャンディーじゃよ。マグルの食べる甘いものじゃが、わしゃ、これが好きでな。 A lemon sweet. It's a sweet thing that muggles eat. I like this ??? I understand the concept of role language for portraying different kinds of character. ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Grammatical correctness of 〜好きくない

I saw 未来のミライ the other day. The boy said 〜好きくない regarding many people. Was he making a grammar mistake?
完全ハチ's user avatar
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“よいか” in the meaning of “listen”?

I’ve encountered this sentence in a novel: 「私はもう助からない。だからよいか、[名]…」 Followed by some instructions what to do after the speaker’s death. What is puzzling me is the よいか at the end. From the context ...
Glutexo's user avatar
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How to use 終助詞 -わ

I've looked up a lot on how to use the feminine 終助詞 "-わ", but I still don't understand concretely grammatically where it is ok and where it is incorrect. I do not use it for multiple reasons, but I ...
krs's user avatar
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Grammar of "なかれ"

When I read the story, I found "なかれ"this word occurred several times. 「若い衆、知らない人を信用するでなかれ。」 「お前の持っていたお守りのおかげで命拾いしたのじゃ。望みすぎるなかれ。ここに幸なかれ。」 I looked it up and the sentences my dictionary provide ...
chika's user avatar
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Function of the sentence final particle こと in this sentence

I am wondering what is the correct way to interpret the こと in this sentence: どこかへお花見に行きませんこと。 It is an example sentence found in the book "All About Particles" (page 120). It's described ...
Jan's user avatar
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plain present verb + ちょる

While reading a manga, which takes place during the samurai era, I came across the statement: 弟の鉄之助は中岡隊長の言うちょった犯人の特徴とピッタリ合うちょるきに…! I'm pretty sure it translates roughly to something like The ...
Lyle J's user avatar
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Sentence ending じゃよ

Maruko:「おとおさんはちょっとは遠慮{えんりょ}しながら食{た}べてよ」 Dad:「いいんじゃよ」 Grandad:「そうじゃよ、みんなたくさん食べればいいよ」 Maruko is telling dad to hold back a bit while eating (because the food is a way to thank her grandad). I don'...
user3856370's user avatar
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Meaning of じゃろ and じゃろう

カトちゃんだって、実際は別に毎日長さんに怒られてるわけじゃないじゃろから、本当は ”人気者で怒られない人” じゃろうね。 In reality it's not really the case that even Katochan gets told off by Chou everyday so, in truth, people who don't get told off by ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Trouble with もう二度と列車や車には乗らん

I've been trying to read a manga book and there's one bit that I can't get my head around. The sentence: もう二度{にど}と列車{れっしゃ}や車には乗{の}らん I'm fine with most of it but I'm confused about why the は ...
Emily Lewis's user avatar
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How do you use ”~じゃんよ。” and what exactly does it mean?

At the end of sentences in casual form I know you can use ~じゃない or ~じゃん to say "~isn't it?" similar to ~ね. And I know ~よ at the end of a sentence can be used like "I tell you" or ...
Candice Miller's user avatar
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how could a sentence end with (noun + "よ"?)

I'd thought you cannot end a sentence with a noun. Rather: noun + だ。 noun + です。 noun + である。 noun + であります。 noun + でございます。 But in a movie dialogue, I heard: "大切なのは、心よ。" Ending a sentence with a noun ...
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