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how could a sentence end with (noun + "よ"?)

I'd thought you cannot end a sentence with a noun. Rather: noun + だ。 noun + です。 noun + である。 noun + であります。 noun + でございます。 But in a movie dialogue, I heard: "大切なのは、心よ。" Ending a sentence with a noun ...
davewp's user avatar
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Sentence ending じゃよ

Maruko:「おとおさんはちょっとは遠慮{えんりょ}しながら食{た}べてよ」 Dad:「いいんじゃよ」 Grandad:「そうじゃよ、みんなたくさん食べればいいよ」 Maruko is telling dad to hold back a bit while eating (because the food is a way to thank her grandad). I don'...
user3856370's user avatar
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Function of the sentence final particle こと in this sentence

I am wondering what is the correct way to interpret the こと in this sentence: どこかへお花見に行きませんこと。 It is an example sentence found in the book "All About Particles" (page 120). It's described ...
Jan's user avatar
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Sentence ending でな

レモン・キャンディーじゃよ。マグルの食べる甘いものじゃが、わしゃ、これが好きでな。 A lemon sweet. It's a sweet thing that muggles eat. I like this ??? I understand the concept of role language for portraying different kinds of character. ...
user3856370's user avatar
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