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How do I turn a phrase into an adjective [duplicate]

日本語が分からない人 Is a phrase that means a man who doesn't understand japanese but how does this grammar work I mean you do I turn a whole phrase into an adjective do I have to but the inter phrase and then ...
Sefania's user avatar
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How to ask a relative clause to describe an object that is marked with に。 [duplicate]

OK so I understand that to say "He is lying to me", you would say: 彼は私に嘘をついている。 My question is how would i say "The person he is lying to is me." or from "I gave the book to my brother" ...
I dunno what to call myself's user avatar
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日本語における relative clause (関係詞節?) とは?

[relative-clauses] のタグをなんとなく眺めてみました。これは、直訳すれば「関係詞節」らしいですが、日本語にこのような文法は存在しますか?というのも、いまいち日本語の文法でこのような文節を意識したことがなく、はたして日本語の文法において関係詞節なるものが存在するのかふと疑問に思ったからです。そして、試しに Google で検索すると英文法についてのサイトがひたすらヒットします。 ...
Yuki Inoue's user avatar
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How to say "that" as in "the cow that ate" in Japanese?

I'm sure there are plenty of resources on this topic, but I don't know what keywords to use to find them. I want to know how you might create a noun by saying that the noun does something. For ...
PolymorphismPrince's user avatar
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Is the grammar of 心の冷たい人 idiomatic?

The phrase 心の冷たい人 (which is given by Japanese-English dictionary on OS X) looks wrong to me, but given that it's an example in a respected dictionary and confirmed by tens of thousands of Google hits, ...
sartak's user avatar
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is this sentence gramatically correct? "ano ko ga futteita makka na sukaafu"

This phrase from a song "ano ko ga futteita makka na sukaafu" is gramatically correct? shouldnt be ano ko ga makka na sukaafu o futteita ? BTW, ko is translated as "girl" . Ko has many meanings, ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Qualifying Nouns With verbs and adjectives in japanese [closed]

If possible could someone explain this to me? I have the Genki I book that explains it pretty well but I guess I'm still having difficulty grasping it. I'll leave a example sentence in case my ...
Nate's user avatar
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「は」vs 「が」 in subordinate clauses

I'm confused about「は」vs「が」 in subordinate clauses. Here are a few examples from (very basic) grammar books: 僕が 電話したとき、ナツミは もういなかった。When I called, Natsumi had already left. 弟が 日本に来たら、私は 日光に連れて行きたい。...
oh no the klaxons's user avatar
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Why wa in Karaoke wa suki desu ka?

I recently came across an example in a text book カラオケは好きですか。 and was not sure why wa was used here instead of ga?
Ignas's user avatar
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Meaning of 足のつかない?

I wasn't able to find any matches through dictionaries for 足のつかない or 足がつかない. Here is the sentence: 消えても足のつかない人間をさらっては上の集団に引き渡すらしい The context is thugs kidnapping people for money. I don't ...
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Does 考えさせられる小説 make sense?

Something I learned early on when I learnt the causative-passive was that the sentences also make sense when you drop the causative-passive, e.g. 私はパンを食べさせられた。 私はパンを食べた。 Basically, "it's just a ...
hgiesel's user avatar
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Why is こと used in 「私に何かできること」?

How does it turn this into a noun clause? All I get from it is “I can do something” but I don’t see where こと fits in.
jacoballens's user avatar
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nowa , to in the phrase "kimi o shiawase ni dekiru nowa boku dake da to shinjite imashita"

I'm trying to make sense of this phrase to me 君を幸せにできるのは僕だけだと信じていました。 Kimi o shiawase ni dekiru nowa boku dake da to shinjite imashita. which I found translated as I always believed I was ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Can aru be used as an adjective?

So I have this sentence すべての会社は、才能ある人材を育成すべきだ. I'm focusing on 才能ある人材. I'm guessing that 才能ある is short for 才能がある. But then aru is followed by 人材 which is another noun. The translation is "people ...
Rommel Bagasina's user avatar
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The exquisite depths of 和菓子's mind

和菓子は季節とともに変化するもの。パッと見て何を模したかわかる形もあれば、どんな意味が込められているのか考えるものもあり……。(source) As I understand it, the last clause is supposed to mean "there are ones (i.e. certain 和菓子) that make you ponder about what ...
Mixel's user avatar
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