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相手には when speaking of "two third persons"

I want to clarify my understanding of 相手には in the following sentence... 「人見知りをしない相手には強気なところがあるよな」 It refers to a person that usually acts rather shy around others but scolded one of her ...
Himula's user avatar
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Does 考えさせられる小説 make sense?

Something I learned early on when I learnt the causative-passive was that the sentences also make sense when you drop the causative-passive, e.g. 私はパンを食べさせられた。 私はパンを食べた。 Basically, "it's just a ...
hgiesel's user avatar
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Relative clauses types and confusion

I was reading Japanese:Revised edition by Shoichi Iwasaki And he talks about 4 types of relative clauses. A)“Cased Head” Type (Relative Clause): the head noun bears some case relation to the ...
Splikie's user avatar
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Relative Clause Ambiguous

After looking through a few questions on here, I came across the idea of the following being ambiguous. 私が好きな人 Apparently this can have the double meaning of 'the person I like' and 'the person who ...
AMathsStudent1's user avatar
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How to use ワクワクする properly

All examples are example sentences from a dictionary. I read that ワクワクする expresses an instant reaction rather than a state, as in: 彼はその美しい光景を見てわくわくした。 彼女はその有名な歌手に会えると思うとわくわくした。 But here in this ...
初心者's user avatar
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Question about 変な奴だって思う子がいたら

Im reading a manga called Yotsubato and this phrase occurs when Yotsuba dad is talking to a girl witch is his neighbour. He says: 変な奴だって思う子がいたら. The meaning is: If you see a girl that makes you ...
せいのしん's user avatar
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Using prepositions in relative clauses?

Example: Let's say I want to reference "the bridge that I ran underneath". I would presume that the sentence would be: 下に走った橋 I feel like there's a lot of ambiguity here, but I guess that's ...
PolymorphismPrince's user avatar
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Meaning of お世話になる vis a vis place of work or place where someone is being trained

I am aware of the usual meanings of the お世話 in reference to someone helping, taking care of someone. But recently I ran into sentences where it was used to describe a place where someone is being ...
4th Dimension's user avatar
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Meaning of verb stem + たもう

I'm reading a book titled 君死にたもう流星群 and translated (on the book itself) as She Was Killed by Shooting Stars; I'm trying to understand the structure of the title, but I'm kinda stumped by たもう. I found ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Modifying nouns - iku

My textbook (Minna No Nihongo I ch. 22) gives: 私がいつも買い物するスーパーは野菜が安いです (The supermarket I always do my shopping at has cheap vegetables (for sale)). I'm guessing this is ok actually, and it might be ...
buddhabrot's user avatar
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How to make sense of 呪縛から解放されるウソという名の魔法

I'm having problem figuring out the idea or meaning of a sentence while reading manga. The context is that a character A told someone (character B) a big lie, and influenced by that lie, B started to ...
Chrollo's user avatar
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What machine are they talking about here?

For full context: The sentence in question: 式の話を英語で聞くことができる機械も用意しました。 My attempt at translation: "They also prepared a machine ...
Narktor's user avatar
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How to say "the one I sent the letter to"

I sent him the letter - 彼に手紙を送ってあげた  He was the one who sent me the letter - 手紙を送ってくれたのは、彼だった He was the one I sent the letter to - ???
Karl Leitner's user avatar
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コトを appears after the verb

I came across this sentence in chapter 37 of それでも歩は寄せてくる: うるし:「あぶなー… 寒いとか言ってたら歩のことだ」 歩:「オレの学ランをどうぞ」 うるし:「とか言って私がまた照れちゃうコトを」 Now, what I understand the use of the first こと in which there is an ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar