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35 votes
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~うございます - keigo い-adjectives

I'm not sure if this is actual keigo, or just a polite form of adjectives. Anyway, there are several that we're all familiar with that are still used today. はやい → おはようございます ありがたい → ありがとうございます ...
istrasci's user avatar
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13 votes
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Omission of く in negative form of い-adjective

I learnt that the negative form of い-adjective is: remove the trailing い, then add くない. Example: 赤い→赤くない However, I've been watching Japanese livestream and following her twitter. Sometimes, she omit ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
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~うございます construction

I already know that it's hardly used anymore, but for sentences such as 嬉しゅうございます, is this humble? That is to say, is it inappropriate to use the form for someone of higher social standing (provided ...
Angelos's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is おはようです just weird

I'm watching the anime ひぐらしのなく頃に. There's a character in it who greets people with おはようです. At first I thought it was just a cute affectation, but then I wondered, if おはようございます is okay then why not ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What's the い in ない?

I've heard that the non-past negative form ends in nai. However, other forms will aswell have na alone (na katta). Is there some meaning behind this い or is that how the form is?
asker of prophecy's user avatar
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What does "gataku" mean in this sentence?

守ってもらいたいわけでもないのに、なぜこんなにもこの場所を離れがたく思うのだろう. What does "gataku" mean in this sentence? I don't know if this is some kind of suffix or grammar point I'm unfamiliar with?
Lokitan's user avatar
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Is it correct to use the word "戦うて" instead of "戦って"?

I'm watching a Japanese TV drama. It is the story of a student whose body sometimes is possessed by the spirit of a samurai. When the body of the student is owned by the spirit of the samurai, the ...
farhad gharleghi's user avatar
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Meaning of からはよ in this sentence

A character is trying to cross a checkpoint, but an official is asking for a pass. The character answers: 知らん! 急いでるからはよ通せ。 Using this this StackExchange question I came up with this translation: &...
ash's user avatar
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When are less syllables or words MORE formal / LESS casual? Eg Goodbye: じゃあね vs just じゃあ

That Japanese Man Yuta seems to say じゃあね (jaa ne) is actually LESS formal / MORE casual compared to じゃあ. Btw, is the n supposed to be in red too? What's up with that MORE syllables are actually LESS ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Understanding the conjugation 危のう

「わかってる」   くどいほどに念を押す少女に、苦笑して応じた。   けれどフレデリカはその答えにこそ苦笑する。 「わかっておらぬ。……その時は、危のうなったら無理をせず退くが良い」   見下ろした先、フレデリカはこちらを見ない。 「忘れておったのだ。──人はたやすく死ぬのじゃな。どれほど先を望んでいても」 86─エイティシックス─Ep.2 ─ラン・スルー・ザ・バトルフロント─〈上〉 安里アサト ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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what is the function of "口惜しゅうて" in below sentence?

I searched for the word "口惜しゅうて" on the internet but I found "口惜しい". I want to know how "口惜しい" changes to "口惜しゅうて" in the below sentence: "おぬしの生きざま,...
farhad gharleghi's user avatar