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ed9w2in6's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
9 votes

Where does the な in 大人 (otona) come from?

9 votes

Use of 遊ぶ (asobu)

8 votes

What's the frequency level of 時々?

3 votes

Should I use 竜 or 龍?

3 votes

How do you say "what do you care?" in japanese?

3 votes

内 (uchi) 肉 (niku) - is there a third word with 3 人 in its kanji?

3 votes

Seemingly Inconsistent Particle Usage with the Verb 手伝う

3 votes

Difference between AとB and AやB

3 votes

"Eyeball analysis of data" equivalent japanese word

2 votes

Problems with elements of this sentence

2 votes

Exceptions to kanji readings

2 votes

What is the difference between 鋼{はがね} and 鋼鉄{こうてつ} (two ways to say "steel")?

1 vote

What is this て-form at the end of a sentence: 「まったく可愛くねー起こし方しやがって!」

1 vote

Why いた is used instead of いる here?

1 vote

Why aren't these sentence elements placed in a different way?

1 vote

Can どのぐらい or どれぐらい mean "how often"?

1 vote

Nuance of というので here

0 votes

For the まで・から time based meanings of てくる and ていく , are they grammatically required? If not, how do the meanings change?

0 votes

Difference between future use of てくる・なってくる vs base form・なる for state change verbs

0 votes

Why can てもらいたい mean "someone else wants me to do something for them"?