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Logic behind "あった" meaning "found it" [duplicate]

For example, when someone is looking for something and sees it, they will say "あった”. I understand that the literal translation of あった is just the past tense of ある and means something like "...
Mark Chen's user avatar
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Why いた is used instead of いる here? [duplicate]

Why いた is used instead of いる in the dialogue below? なんでえ 生{い}きてたのか 楓{かえで}ばばあ。
Narutokage's user avatar
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Why is た form used instead of る form here? [duplicate]

するとその横で、耶倶矢がむうとうなる。 「ふん、本条蒼二が女だったとはな……我が目をたばかるとはなかなかやりよる」 「あ、耶倶矢も知ってたのか?」 士道が問うと、耶倶矢はこくりと首を前に倒してきた。 「当然だ。颶風の御子は大衆の娯楽にも通じておるわ」 耶倶矢 previously thought 本条蒼二 was male and just realized 本条蒼二 was female. ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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Non conventional usage of the past tense

Why is the past tense used in this verbs (which doesn't make sense to me at least) 生きていた…?違うな…死ねなかったのだよ…! 再生機能を持ったこのアーマーに押し込みおった and the translation uses present tense Survive? That's easy... ...
Jon's user avatar
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Confused about って in this sentence

A man and a woman who had undergone hardship together as children before being forced to part meet again and remember their last words to each other. The woman says: 生きてて良かったって、心の底から思える瞬間って、...
Noob's user avatar
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まだいたとはね meaning

I'm trying (to no avail) to translate this sentence: まだいたとはね. I think it means something along the lines of here we go again, but I'm not sure. I don't really understand what いた means here. Is it a ...
pgt42's user avatar
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What is the difference between びっくりした and びっくりするじゃないの

What is the difference between びっくりした and びっくりするじゃないの? The only thing I can think of is that one is just a general way of saying that something scared you, whilst the other is a way of "blaming" the ...
macko's user avatar
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What is the difference in meaning between じゃなかった vs じゃない?

Context: It was agreed upon that there will be a class meeting at 4.30pm later. However, someone wrote the wrong time on the blackboard. And so, one of the characters replied: これ4時半からじゃなかったっけ? My ...
DK4739's user avatar
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What ご苦労なこって means here?

I struggle to understand the nuance of ご苦労なこって part in the One Piece panel below. なこって is short for なことで right? I checked the English translation, it reads "No thank you." So, can I ...
Ray Siplao's user avatar
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Difference between あったんだった and あったんだ

A「お昼休みなのに忙しそうだね」 B「午後から会議があるんだ」 A「ずいぶんゆっくりしてるけど、大丈夫?」 B「あっ、そうか!今日は午後から会議があったんだった」 A「今日一緒にご飯に行かない?」 B「ごめん、今日は彼女との予定があるんだ」 B「ごめん!さっき外食する約束をしたけど、今日は別の予定があったんだ」 Here are two dialogues. What would be the ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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why ひどい神もいたもんだ means "that's a mean god"?

the english version of the material Im reading says "that's a mean god", and a friend told me that means "there is a bad god ,isn't it?" , but I don't understand why. I know ひどい神 (bad,cruel, God) I ...
Saul olmos's user avatar
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Difference (if there is any) between 知るか and 知ったことか

From what I researched online, I have read that most of the times these phrases are interpreted as "I don't care", "Who cares?" " "I don't give a damn!" "It's ...
Alice B. Rabbit's user avatar
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How to choose the aspect of 困る?

I've just started learning Japanese, and I'm very confused by how 困る is used. For example, we had a sample dialogue that went (in response to some bad news): A:「全然良くないですねえ。」 B:「ええ、困りましたねえ。」 I'm ...
éclairevoyant's user avatar
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When to use んだ inside your head?

Since the start of this year I have been thinking to myself in Japanese several times throughout each day. I am not sure if it's ever appropriate to use んだ in such self-directed speech. One scenario ...
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