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How do you translate 笑っておく?

I was thinking about something like: " I will laugh" but it seems kinda unnatural
Hisix's user avatar
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のける after て form

I was reading モンスター while learning verbs and read this: 「君は院長のために、あのオペを絶対に成功させなきゃならなかったし、期待にこたえて見事成功させてのけた。」 On Jisho it says that のける can be used as an auxiliary verb behind a て form meaning 'to do ...
Aardappelkrokket80's user avatar
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When do you use forms of 歩く as a verb to talk about walking?

I've come across different usages of 歩く as a verb and was unsure in which scenarios they would be most appropriate to use. Is 歩く used with 来る? 東京タワーまで歩いて来ます。 Or is it used with 行く? 東京タワーまで歩いて行きます。 ...
username__hidden__'s user avatar
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What does the expression "外ばっか見てる" mean?

I am unfamiliar with this expression, but I'm curious as to what it means and when it's used. 外ばっか見てる If I were to try and translate it literally, it would be something like "I can only watch ...
Metroill's user avatar
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Difference between conjugated and te-form listed verbs? 「置いて行かないで下さい」

I came across the phrase「置いて行かないで下さい」. I am unsure as to whether this means "please do not leave it there", or "please put it down and don't leave". I'm thinking it's the first one, and that if it was ...
Noktis's user avatar
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てきた grammar form

Can you explain me the difference between these two sentences : 誰かが電話した。 誰かが電話して来た。
Poulp's user avatar
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What does 仕入れて来る mean here?

Person A: そのちょっと変な写真だったって、えっと心霊写真みたいな Person B: どこで仕入れて来たんだそんなような話 What does 仕入れて来た mean here? I know the dictionary definition of 仕入れる which is to stock up but I don't know its meaning here and ...
Miko Michael's user avatar
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I'm wrestling with the first って in 借金が雪だるま式に増えてってるって噂だよ

The sentence in question: 借金が雪だるま式に増えてってるって噂だよ My best guess is that the first って is a contracted from of いる. Whatever it is that we're addressing seems to be suffering from a financial crisis. ...
grandpha's user avatar
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俺は考えてみた - Literally translates to I'll think and see?

It literally translates to that but does it actually mean I'll try to think? Or I'll give it a thought?
Kent's user avatar
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Understanding て+助詞

Frequently, て (te form) is used to indicate simultaneous, sequential, or causal relationships between the part of the sentence that comes before and the part of the sentence that comes after. ...
Trevor Kafka's user avatar
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What is キノピオ saying in Super Mario RPG? (includes picture)

I'm watching a Mario RPG translation video: What I think I understand so far is: ながい おつきあいなだけに、= "Given that I've known you a long time," ...
Grumpy Bread's user avatar
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Concept of Negative Form of Auxiliary Verbs

I was studying different auxiliaries and I am having a hard time understanding those auxiliaries which have their meanings attached with them. Following the those auxiliaries and questions: てみる - ...
APK's user avatar
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Is this phrase untranslatable?

(For context, it's said by one character attacking another) The phrase is 「やってやんよ」I've read somewhere that やます can mean 'to do/go' (google says the translation is 'I'll do it' But could it be one of ...
大蒜仙人汁's user avatar
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Meaning of 挙げてきた in this sentence [closed]

実際問題として、近年多くの企業が新卒求職者に求める能力として挙げてきたのが、まさにコミュニケーション能力、「コミュ力」なのであった。 The 挙げてきた part is confusing me, I can't seem to find a definition of this word. In general struggling to translate this sentence and ...
Faye Larkins's user avatar
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What's the meaning of 遅れておいて

Student A has been asked by a Teacher to bring Student B to their supplementary lesson. When confronted Student B remembers that the teacher said something about a supplementary lesson and after ...
SomeRandomUserIGuess's user avatar

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