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What this sentence mean here: 「屁しよ思たら漏れたわって」

This manga is usually in 関西弁 but i think i cannot finally understand that little sentence very well
AsherWyatt's user avatar
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Omitted で or があって in set phrase used in tag この指とまれ; apparently may/can be in 錠剤腐る脳 [closed]

The phrase この指とまれ is interpreted as a phrase to stop the tagger and gather runners near the person who said the phrase. I searched it up and apparently it comes from the tradition of 指切り (promising; ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Omitting 私の in 私の誕生日も五月です。

Here is the initial variant of dialogue: A: 誕生日はいつですか。 B: 5月19日です。 A: 5月ですか。私の誕生日も5月です。同じですね。 In this context it would be more native to say "私も5月です". But the question is specifically ...'s user avatar
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~ば~ほど with noun + omission

I said that I wasn't confident with my Japanese to a Japanese person, and that person said to me: 上手な人ほど自信がないよね I didn't understand the meaning because ほど can slightly change the meaning depending ...
BIG-95's user avatar
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What does ぜひにって by itself mean? What is being omitted? [duplicate]

The character is explaining that he got requested by an actress to join a talk show. なんでも前に僕が出たテレビ番組を見て指名してきたんだそうだ Is basically "I am told she saw the show I was on and nominated me." 年齢も近いし ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Meaning of 「と」at the end of a sentence [duplicate]

The opening chapter of Doraemon is titled 「未来の国からはるばると」and I'm not sure what the 「と」means at the end of the sentence here.
septimyr's user avatar
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What verb was cut off here (implied verb)?

I would like some more context on what is being said in cooking instructions for Takoyaki. On the ingredients list, サラダ油 is listed, and it has this footnote: ごま油を一割混ぜると香ばしい風味に! To provide some ...
BigRigz's user avatar
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どう長い文章を作るかが分かるようになりたいです。この間、日本語教師の動画を観ていたら、下の文が出てきました。これはまさに先生が言った話です。 10歳、11歳ぐらいときに、子供向けの英会話教室に通い始めて、通い始めた理由がその英会話教室に入会したら、ぬいぐるみがもらえるっていうキャンペーンをやっていて、 本当にそのぬいぐるみが欲しくて、母に『英語頑張るから』と言って、入会させてもらいました。 「~...
BIG-95's user avatar
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Ending a sentence in ことに?

I was translating a sentence from a lore book for Saint Seiya. It's describing the parts of the Underworld and I guess the main story beat that occurs there. It definitely uses certain pieces of ...
dowsinganemone's user avatar
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Omitted verb and particle

I came across this line from the song 「絆ノ奇跡」: 解き放て今 僕らが起こした火を I have a couple question regarding potential omissions in this line. The first is that I feel that something (に, は, で) should come ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Understanding verb+の+verb/adjective

A group of girls go on a trip and now they are sleeping in their rooms in a hotel. At dawn one of the girls called リゼ tries to wake others up but she herself falls back to sleep soon. Her friend シャロ ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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What does this grammar mean?

In the song キティ, the first line states: 伝わらない想いだけが心染めて 悲しみに溺れたような泡沫の爆ずバラッド I really don't understand if it's だ after ballad, or になる, or is it describing 泡沫 or 泡沫のはずバラッド It's probably not 泡沫, and I ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Are the articles of the website “言葉の違いが分かる読み物” written by one person or multiple people?

There is a website called “言葉の違いが分かる読み物” (English translation: “Reading Material Where You Can See The Difference Between Words”). As the website title suggests, it has articles that explain the ...
Micheal Gignac's user avatar
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Phenomenon of omitting the head noun of a relative clause

Take this dialogue for example, where A and B talk about a certain 田中さん: A: ところで田中さんって覚えてる? B: あ、このあいだパーティーにいた? I made it up, so please excuse any unnatural aspects. The important part is B's answer. ...
Kaskade's user avatar
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雪明かり照らす町 . Is there a missing を?

Could someone explain this sentence to me? 雪明かり照らす町 Google translates this as: The town illuminated by snow For my part, I would translate it as: The town illuminating snow-brightness. Or The ...
userhello90831's user avatar
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How common/natural is it to omit いい after 〜なくても?

I've noticed that in some visual novels I've played (mainly the ones set in older periods) that some characters tend to omit the いい after 〜なくても For example, a character's line after being apologised ...
wazawa1's user avatar
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Is there a need to define what kind of 確率 is spoken about?

This sentence is taken from the 5th chapter of the Guilty Gear Web-Comic, which you can find here: All Chapters: Chapter 5 (sentence on page 4): https://www....
Himula's user avatar
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What do the phrases 「ことに」 at the end of a sentence and 「を巡り」 mean?

Here is the sentence relating to my question: 院生たちに慰問に現れた葉子を巡り、再び力石とジョーは拳を交えることに。 For the word 「を巡り」, does it mean 'concerning' which is similar to the meaning of 「を巡って」? For the word 「ことに」, is it ...
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