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Kimbi's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

Kanji for darkness: 暗 vs 闇, nuance? meaning? use cases?

4 votes

What do these particles exactly do in this sentence? 「競ってこそ花 負けて落ちれば泥 」

3 votes

Help reading this please

1 vote

Should I remember kanji of words that mostly use the kana version?

1 vote

Misinterpreting 言い訳はいいから

1 vote

What's the proper form (formal or informal) to use when speaking to others online?

1 vote

Is there a name for this genre of Japanese manga/anime that features VR MMORPG storyline?

0 votes

Is it acceptable to include both direction (へ) and destination (に) in a sentence?

0 votes

A story called japan vs a story called old story, their difference in japanese

0 votes

Can I choose my own kanji characters for my middle name?

0 votes

Does へ in 東京へ何しに行くの? mean "to"?

-2 votes

Why is the particle へ used for direction here and does particle で here mean because of?