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Why is the particle を used in this sentence? [duplicate]

I found this example in a japanese textbook: 外を歩いている人はみんな傘をさしています: Everyone is using umbrellas outside. Why is を in that sentence?, and because it is a japanese textbook I doubt that it is ...
Luis Fernando Badel Méndez's user avatar
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Use of 'wo' in "umi no naka wo oyogu yo" [duplicate]

海の中を泳ぐよ umi no naka wo oyogu yo "wo" is the direct object particle, so does this mean "swim the in the sea?" But that doesn't make much sense. This was from a children's colouring sheet showing a ...
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ここを行かれる meaning [duplicate]

I found the sentence in my textbook. ここをまっすぐ行かれますと、右手に受付がございます。 Why を is used with 行かれる (行く) here ? I think it should be に/へ. If possible, I'd like a translation. Thank you very much !
Kyuu's user avatar
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を usage over から and で in example sentences related to movement [duplicate]

While reading a grammar book, I learned を may mark a.) a starting point of where a movement occurs, or b.) mark a location where a movement occurs. Examples: a1.) 車{くるま}を降りました{おりました}。(He) got out of ...
jdkrensel's user avatar
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when を means at [duplicate]

I've seen phrases like 私は空を飛んでいますwhich mean "I'm flying in the sky" but typically I see this represented as で like 私はプールで泳いでいます meaning "I am swimming in the pool". I try googling ...
ed redf's user avatar
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Why is the particle を instead of で used for the verb 歩き回る? [duplicate]

Why is the particle を used for the verb 歩き回る instead of で? Some examples from Tatoeba: 足に任せて町の中を歩き回った。 時間つぶしに、私達は公園を歩き回った。 Why does it not follow the [location で verb] pattern? I couldn't find an ...
eclmist's user avatar
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この道をまっすぐ行ってください。 Why を and not で?

In a quiz, I got a question where one had to complete with に、を、で or が the following sentence: この道(?)まっすぐ行ってください。 The correct answer being: この道をまっすぐ行ってください。 It always seems more natural to me ...
Thomas Moulard's user avatar
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Why does 出る accept を although it is an intransitive verb?

The JLPT N5 textbook and the Tangorin online dictionary say 出る is intransitive and, as far as I know, should be used with が, but the Genki I textbook says it accepts を when it means "to exit". So, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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It seems that 渡る is categorized as 自動詞 (intransitive verb), yet it is frequently used with を. Why?

Jisho says 渡る is an intransitive verb, and ALC says it is sometimes 自動 and sometimes 他動. In either case, the particle を can be used. What's going on here?
joey joe joe's user avatar
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Explain how 向{む}く "to face" can take "上{うえ}" as a direct object using を?

There's a famous old song that's actually the only ever Japanese language song to reach #1 on the US pop charts: "上{うえ}を向{む}いて歩{ある}こう". This is both the title of the song and a frequently repeated ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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家を出ます ? Why not に?

Why is this を and not に to indicate moving in a direction? 今日は天気がいいから家を出ます Unless this example is wrong? But it is from JapanesePod101
VictorySaber's user avatar
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Why is 街に歩く not grammatical?

I have read this, this and this, but I still do not understand why 「街{まち}に歩{ある}く」 is not grammatical. The person who wrote this wanted to say "I will walk to town".
Herb's user avatar
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Usage of の vs を for the direction of a place

I learnt that in Japanese, the の preposition is used to describe the direction of a place (up, down, right, left, next to, etc. For example: 部屋の中 (heya no naka): Inside the room. テーブルの上 (te-buru no ...
Khanh Tran's user avatar
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In which situations is が used with 曲がる?

According to jmdict 曲がる is intransitive, therefore it should be used with が or は. However it always seems to be used with を - for example: この道を行って二つ目の角を右に曲がります。
buskila's user avatar
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Can one say [ゲームを遊ぶ ]?

So I know that commonly people say 「ゲームをする」or 「NOUNで遊ぶ」 yet on the Japanese playstation website, I see 「ゲームを遊ぶ」written, even though the verb is intransitive. Are they both correct or is it sorta like ...
GlimGlamGloom's user avatar

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