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Why do people say "食べる" instead of "食べましょう" or "食べよう"

From what I understand, "食べましょう" and "食べよう" both imply, more or less, the same meaning, which is 'to invite someone to eat with them', the latter being a verb conjugation of the ...
Deep556's user avatar
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What is the meaning of バカにはええじゃないか?

I don't know how to interpret ばかにはええじゃねえか in the manga here. I believe ばかにはええじゃねえか = ばかにはいいじゃないか but I still can't make sense of this. As the picture suggests, the father says this as some sort of a ...
Chav Likit's user avatar
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Asking informal questions with 何

how do you form informal questions with 何 and without ですか? would 何 just go at the end? 「あなたの大好きな季節何?」 and is it appropriate to leave off です or だ with な adjectives and nouns? i’ve seen 〜なの?used, but ...
jacoballens's user avatar
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When へ is used as a response, to something someone has said, what does it mean?

I have heard the expression used, but can't find its correct spelling or usage.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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Distinguishing between homophones in everyday speech

While trying to figure out the polite imperative form of 呼ぶ I figured the correct conjugation to be 呼んで下さい。I found instead that, colloquially, the imperative is 呼び出して下さい。 Am I correct in assuming that ...
Chris's user avatar
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Relationship between どゆこと and どういうこと

I came across the expression "どゆこと" in the show "世界の日本人妻は見た!". For example, at 21:12 in an episode involving a Mongolian husband. The phrase is also mentioned in the Wikipedia article about the show: ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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What is じゃねぇか? What is its original form?

完成前とずいぶん色が違うじゃねぇか! In this sentence, what is じゃねぇか?
5argon's user avatar
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わからない vs わかね in My Boss My Hero

I was watching My Boss My Hero, and I could have sworn he said わかね instead of わからない. Is this feasible? Is there some dialect that drops off ない for ね?
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7 votes
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What is the よっか in はじめよっか?

I'm still playing Game Boy Wars Advance 2, and I keep running into colloquial forms I'm unfamiliar with. Here's one I haven't been able to look up: じゃ、さっそく、はじめよっか。 My guess is that はじめよっか is a ...
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can we use ねー as a question?

I've read that people usually change ない to ねー to make it more manly, like: したくないよ becomes したくねーんだ So basically i often heard questions ending with ない but have not heard anyone end a question with ねー ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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About cutting the sentences short

I've been told during my Japanese classes, and I've also observed in anime and Japanese dramas & movies, that sometimes when talking Japanese people tend to stop halfway and omit the end of ...
Lukman's user avatar
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Commonness of casual phrases like "あたし" and "ちっちゃい"

I came across a Japanese girl in Germany who talked using words like あたし instead of わたし, or ちっちゃい instead of ちいさい. When I asked her, she said that these words or usages of words are more common in ...
Herr's user avatar
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