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Questions tagged [slang]

俗語. Words, expressions, etc. considered very informal, usually used mostly by in-groups, such as young people, and easily affected by trends and fashions.

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Is the term オタク considered offensive?

I have seen the term オタク appear in many different places, referring to people very into some hobby (usually anime, manga, computers, gaming, or related). However, I'm not sure if it's a derogatory or ...
Luke L's user avatar
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bird's user avatar
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What does 緩い means here?

The girls were doing "girl's talk," talking about relationships, etc.. I don't get what ユルイ means in this sentence: 楓くらいユルイ方が良いんだよ. I think means something like "you should be as '...
John Davies's user avatar
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"とくてい" (or どくてい) meaning "doxxing"? (modern internet lingo)

In Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai, everyone is (in my eyes @.@) a bunch of zoomers/gen alpha with brainrot that are trying to become influencers, and use a bunch of unfamiliar new internet slang >.<....
chausies's user avatar
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What is with the different pronounciation of "janai" that consistently happens in "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"?

In most of the Japanese I was heard and taught, じゃない (and all its variations) would be pronounced exactly as one would imagine. But in Jojo's, consistently, the characters seem to pronounce it (and ...
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Possibly NSFW? What is an 既成事実?

彼女たちは根掘り葉掘り俺の境遇を聞いてきた。そして俺の話を聞いた後で、みんな声をそろえて言ったよ。可哀想に、私が慰めてあげる.... そう言いながら近づいてきて、『既成事実』を作ろうとする奴らの多いこと多いこと The character explains this, that he talks to girls about his family etc and the all consoled ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Is 燃える used as slang for being cancelled online?

I was watching 夜{よる}のクラゲは泳{およ}げない and in one of the lines of dialogue, a former idol (A) talks about why she quit, and the other person (B) asked if she was referring to 燃{も}える as online slang: (A) ...
Loek's user avatar
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What is this sex-related drink supposed to be? [Todome no Kiss]

In the Jdrama Todome no Kiss, there's a male host at a cabaret-style club, and before he goes out to the host floor, he drinks this energy-drink looking thing. What the heck is this supposed to be? ...
chausies's user avatar
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What is Kanchō (カンチョー)? Do boys really do that in Japan?

My friend and I were talking about pranks (upcoming April Fool's Day in Canada) and she taught me a crude prank that apparently some kids in Japan do to each other called a カンチョー ("Kanchō"), ...
Chloe K.'s user avatar
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How to say "piggish dinner"?

What would be the closest Japanese equivalent to English adjective piggish with the sense number 2, like in "We had a piggish dinner"? I came up with two literal translations: 豚のような夕食を食べた。 ...
user1602's user avatar
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What is written here that implies calling on the phone?

At the end of Golden Boy Episode 2, there's a message written by a girl to MC-kun. The subs say it translates to "Call me any time". But I can't make out the "call me" part in ...
chausies's user avatar
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きっぱし = "absolutely not"?

In Akatsuki no Yona (a shojo series), H-kun is part of Y-chan's group (protecting her as a bodyguard of sorts). J-kun wants H-kun to join his crew. Y-chan says "I want to meet with your captain.&...
chausies's user avatar
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What does もんなんすかねぇ actually mean?

それって教師がなんかしてどうにかなるもんなんすかねぇ What is actually this sentence trying to say? The character is a teacher and he got told starting the second year his students will need more 個々の実力 and he think this I ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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The meaning of アツい In the beginning of this video 花澤香菜さん says この漫画がアツい! For あつい the meanings I'm aware of are 暑い hot (weather), 熱い hot (object), 厚い (thick) Is this アツい meant ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Trying to understand the composition of this sentence (dialect)

うん!楽しい! つか 有意義やな積極的に学びたいて思うことあんねんなって 確かにお前とちゃうみたいやな Upon being answered "Was it fun studying x?" the character answer this. I can gather the answer then is 確かにお前とちゃうみたいやな is not very much ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Trying to understand ツッコミ and 突っ込まない and similiar

The character is walking around Tokyo with her boyfriend from the country. The boyfriend notices she's tired and tells her this: 少し 休んでいくか? 丁度いい所に休憩可能なホテルがある "Should we rest a bit? Just at the ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Is 夜だから some kind of idiomatic expression?

In the following dialogue from a manga: A: 漫画かよ…! B: わははどうしたみつや、寝ぼけてた? A: …別に、なんで泣いてんのって思って B: うーん、あー、夜だから? A: 何ソレ The character wakes up and tells his friend who was crying over reading a manga &...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What is 家ーーーーー!! supposed to mean here? [FFXIV video game slang]

In an FFXIV music video, they got cheeky and showed a funny hypothetical chat-log during a Raid. I basically understand all of it, except for the "家ーーーーー!!" exclamation in the beginning. ...
chausies's user avatar
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What does やあいい exactly mean?

いったい どんだけ背負やあいいんだか I'm slightly confused by this やあいい. I can gather from context that he's essentially "How much one must bear?", basically he's complaining that has to bear a heavy burden ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Talking about ロサン and ウサン

I was listening to a talking-head this morning. He kept referring to ロサン and ウサン. It's pretty clear he's referring to Russia and Ukraine. However, when I do a google search on these words, it's not ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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How 極めつけは is understood here?

I am uncertain about the meaning of 極めつけは~ in the below panel: The author explains that computer games developed in 90's can use up to 15 colours simultaneously on display. After some Google search, ...
John Davies's user avatar
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What does イチ抜けぴ mean?

In the first sentence he says he'll be one step ahead in contributing to society. And then he adds... "イチ抜けぴ" From context and given the use of 抜け it seems to be "I'll be leaving the ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does ありゃあねぇ stand for?

ありゃあねぇ= あればいい? From context is seems that but I'm not sure.
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Is "atashita" short for "atashitachi"? [closed]

In an anime episode, I heard a sentence I didn't quite understand. I don't have the japanese subtitles to be sure, but what I heard is: 勝負{しょうぶ}してんだろう、あたした! The meaning I understand is something ...
Teleporting Goat's user avatar
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Is there any idiomatic way to express doing an activity or behaving "like an old man" or "not in a cool way", particularly in the context of skiing?

In English, "dad turns" is a slang term for a style of skiing. If you are making "dad turns", you are skiing like an old man. I found 親父 which I believe is "pop". Is that ...
Greg's user avatar
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涙活 = "monetizing the tears"?

In Kanojo Okarishimasu (aka Rent-a-Girlfriend) S3E03, a hyperactive zoomer girl (who's also a youtuber) named Yaemori hears MC's situation, and starts crying. Afterwords, she says "泣いた記念に写真撮るっス&...
chausies's user avatar
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"Your mom has an outie" = "son of a bitch" in English?

This might seem ridiculous, but I've now encountered "Your mom has an outie" twice in anime, and both times, it's been translated as "son of a bitch." I just want to know if there'...
chausies's user avatar
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maru = "for real" (or something of the sort)?

In Trails into Reverie, Nadia is an insanely cute girl who talks in a super slangy (gyaru-ish?) fashion. She's obviously in love with her big-brother figure Swin (whom she calls "su-chan"). ...
chausies's user avatar
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How is "yowee" supposed to be written in japanese? (e.g. "anta wa yoweenda yo!", meaning "you're weak!")

When people are speaking crassly, things like じゃない will often be pronounced じゃねえ, with maybe a few variations (e.g. じゃねー, or using katakana, etc.). My question is, how does one usually do this for &...
chausies's user avatar
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塩気/塩っ気 (shiokke) = sass?

In Shinya Shokudou (Midnight Diner) S3EP06, and old mom meets with this old guy, and they're talking at a diner in front of the old mom's daughter (who's casual friends with the old guy). The old mom'...
chausies's user avatar
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What are cars called that look stock but have lots of performance modifications in Japan? Americans call them Sleepers

What are cars called that look stock but have lots of performance modifications in Japan? Americans call them Sleepers.
Nimda's user avatar
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does なんだこれは specifically have a bad connotation?

I heard this and wasn't sure if it had a negative meaning or not. Does the phrase always indicate irritation or not necessarily? I'm a bit confused since some people say it's just an informal tone ...
Smurf's user avatar
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"ツール" meaning "nerd"/"obscure"? What is being said here?

In a recent video by The Anime Man (Joey), he talks with a host (ROLAND), and they get to talking about anime, and how it's less stigmatized and more mainstream now. Then Joey brings up the point that ...
chausies's user avatar
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What does "B.D." mean here? (Birdie Wing)

In Birdie Wing, Eve is being led blindfolded to a golf match that she has to do to settle a mafia dispute. While being explained this absurd premise, she says something in Japanese which is translated ...
chausies's user avatar
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"B" meaning "hot and heavy"?

In Maison Ikkoku, the title of episode 60 is "見ちゃった!響子{きょうこ}と三鷹{みたか}がいきなりB?!", which is translated to "Caught in the Act! Kyoko and Mitaka-Hot and Heavy!" My question is, what is &...
chausies's user avatar
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Can you help me know what does "カンジ" means?

I came across a drawing tutorial about colouring eyes on pixiv. And there is this sentence: こんなカンジの目を描きたい人向け。 I know カンジ reads as "Kanji". But if you put in the sentence and the content ...
xqsk4's user avatar
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what is the meaning of "系" in below sentence?

I checked on internet to find the related meaning of "系" in below sentence but I didn't find. "レポート 進んでる系?"
farhad gharleghi's user avatar
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What is being said here instead of 逮捕状 (taihojou [arrest warrant]) (from Yakuza Lost Judgement)?

During Yakuza Lost Judgement, detective Watanabe says the line "we even have a warrant", and the official japanese subtitles have the line written as "逮捕状も出てる". To my knowledge, ...
chausies's user avatar
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What term is used for different types of smoking (e-cigs, vapes, cigars)?

If someone wants to smoke a cigarette in your presence, they might ask "タバコいいっすか?". I've also heard it referred to as 煙 (kemuri). I'd imagine those terms work for cigars as well (however ...
chausies's user avatar
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What does 凸 mean here?

In Yakuza 6, former idol Haruka is looking at an online article about how, as a surrogate daughter of a yakuza, she was spotted in an orphanage in Okinawa. One of the comments on the article says &...
chausies's user avatar
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Which dialect uses "けえ" instead of "から"?

In Yakuza 6, a guy called Nagumo speaks with a dialect. Just an example of one line from him is "今度こそ白黒つけちゃるけえの" which, in regular japanese, I'm assuming is "今度こそ白黒つけてやるからな" ...
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What does たく mean when used by itself at the beginning of a sentence?

In the Video Game, Persona 4 Golden, Dojima says the following after recieving a phone call: たく…誰だ、こんな時に。 Now, I know this roughly translates to "Who is it at this time?" but what does たく ...
kloneman's user avatar
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ギャル語 usage of 系? 買い物系

What is the purpose of 系's constant use in ギャル語? Is it just filler or supposed to give a certain feeling or meaning?
L. L.'s user avatar
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Gyaru speaking and なんだけど / んですけど

In a couple of anime I watched (namely, Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru and Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman) there is a gyaru character, and I noticed they speak often using なんだけど and similar expressions as ...
Mauro's user avatar
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ちゃんと帯付きだ! meaning

This is translated as "in original cover" Is this a common saying? and how is the kanji combo read?
L. L.'s user avatar
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grammar in 他んとこにしてる借金

can anyone tell me how this sentence is working together? The full sentence is 「この7万から 水道代を払って他んとこにしてる借金を払うと…」 I assume とこ is ところ used for "thing"? Or am I off? or is he saying he has a debt ...
L. L.'s user avatar
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Grammar of Shinunoga E-wa lyric: "そんなダサいこと もうしたないのよ goodbye"

I am have trouble understanding this verse そんなダサいこと もうしたないのよ goodbye The context is 失って初めて気がつくなんて そんなダサいこと もうしたないのよ goodbye My translation: Line 1: The is bad-thing [なんて] it is the first time [初めて] ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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How to say "I ship X with Y"? (shipping slang)

If you're not familiar, in fandoms, it's common in English to "ship" characters together (essentially meaning you think they should be in a romantic relationship). I know how Japanese ships ...
chausies's user avatar
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Difference in use between 正義 and しか勝たん

I find them used interchangeably. Do they have a different nuance?
keke's user avatar
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休ん and 違うん . I don't get if this is a verb form, conjugation, a contraction or some grammar that I still don't know

I found these phrases reading and didn't get if they were a verb form, conjugation or what, I neither could find them on a dictionary. I assume they are colloquial forms of speaking and this is the ...
Akagami Kuroh's user avatar

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