The two parts that native Japanese-speakers will instantly find unnatural-sounding are the word 「西部」 and the particle「は」.
「西部」 does not mean "the West" in the sense of the "Occident". It just means the western part of a town, region, country, etc. For the U.S., for instance, 「西部」 means states such as California.
The word you are looking for would be 「欧米{おうべい}」 or 「西洋{せいよう}」 and for advertisement, the former would by far be the most natural word choice.
The particle would definitely be 「が」 here, (but I myself might not be using a particle). For advertisement copies, particles can seriously get in the way of impactfulness.
My recommendations:
「ついに」 ("finally") can easily be dropped if the space is very tight.
The grammar "rules" that apply to advertisement copies are very similar to those that apply to headlines for articles that are discussed in this Q&A.