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助詞「に」. The particle に (ni) represents motion towards something (English "to") and location (English "at" and "in"). Dative, locative and temporal case particle.

1 vote
3 answers

How to resolve two indirect objects? (Prohibition of two に in a sentence?)

Based off sawa's comment from this question: "you cannot have two ...に phrases. Remove either." And using the same verb "同意する", I looked up the dictionary and found: 1.(人)に同意する - to agree with a pe …
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14 votes
1 answer

Why is it that some temporal nouns cannot be marked with に? And why do they become more acce...

Consider the following: に here is used in its function of denoting the time where an event occurs (に1): ◯ 一時に1 ◯ 一時半に1 ◯ 月曜日に1 ◯ 正月に1 * 昨日に1 ?/◯ 昨日には * 今日に1 ?/◯ 今日には * 明日に1 ?/◯ 明日には * 去年に1 ?/◯ 去年には …
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7 votes
1 answer

Using に twice in the [Verb-連用形]に行く sentence pattern

Consider these example sentences given by my grammar dictionary: (1) 私はデパートへ贈り物を買いに行った。 (2) そこへ何をしに行くんですか。 Observation: The location is marked by へ instead of に. Considering that a sentence such as …
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4 votes
1 answer

Comparing で with にして in 一瞬で and 一瞬にして and in other time words

Consider the following: To disappear in an instant: 一瞬でなくなる 一瞬にしてなくなる To change overnight: 一夜で変わる* 一夜にして変わる 一晩で変わる 一晩にして変わる* I was unable to find example sentences containing 一夜で and 一晩にして on …
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11 votes
2 answers

Use of に and を with 触れる

The verb 触れる challenges my concept of what を does; to mark a direct object. Consider these uses of 触れる: (人)の頬に指を触れる (Touch a finger to someone's cheek) (人)の頬に手を触れる (Touch someone's cheek with your ha …
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3 votes
2 answers

Sentence ending に and のに compared to their non-sentence-ending form

Consider these: [A] 僕はいい仕事があったら美智子さんと結婚出来ただろうに [B] 僕はいい仕事があったら美智子さんと結婚出来たのに Is に in [A] related to the case particle に? Is のに in [B] related to the use of のに as a conjunction in mid-sentence? Is it …
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11 votes
2 answers

その中( に / で / から ) What is the correct choice of particles?

Excerpt from a JLPT practice question: Background information: the writer was looking for rental apartments. 次に行ったところは小さい会社ですが、そこの人は大変優しい人でした。 それにいいアパートもたくさんありました。 私はその中[Blank]好きな家を借りました。 今、住んでいるアパート …
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11 votes
2 answers

に vs で: 映画に見る vs 映画で見る

Branching off from the comments to this question: Do I say えいがにみました or えいがをみました ?: Preamble: The comment says 映画に見た is valid for "I saw it in a movie". I went to search for example sentences and f …
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6 votes
1 answer

Differences in meaning of using へ, に, or で in marking locations.

in "明日、姉とデパート_買い物に行きます。" why is へ favoured over で in my workbook? If i ask myself the question "明日は、何をする" Can i answer it with "買い物に行く" and make ”デパート” an incidental location? That was how i justified …
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13 votes
3 answers

に and で revisited

Consider the statement A: ホテル(に/で)泊まる. For both cases would translate to "I stay at a hotel" in English. However they are answers to different questions. Consider the questions 1.どこに泊まる and 2.(ホテルで)何 …
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22 votes
3 answers

が and に interchangeability and difference in meaning

Consider these sentences: だれ{が・に}これが出来るか だれ{が・に}日本語が分からないか When both が and に are acceptable, what is their difference in meaning and practical usage?
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