I'm having some problems understanding the following sentence (it comes from a Taisho era story):
My understanding of it is:
I felt forlorn and lonely, just as if a woman had pointed her visor in my direction, and the light reflected therein had blinded me
My problems with it are
- I'm not sure how 女が額の真廂《まびさし》をむきつけに relates to 電燈の光で射向けられる (my guess is that that に at the end of the first part works as a ので or のに, but I'm not sure)
- I'm not sure what those verbs (むきつける・射向ける) mean. I haven't been able to find them in any online dictionaries. They are compounds, and from the constituents I get something like "direct and fix" and "point and shine {on something}". But that's just guesswork.
Additional problem (This one intrigues me, but might not have an answer so you are welcome to ignore it)
- I wonder if 額の真廂《まびさし》. refer to any specif accesory or clothing item women wore in those days? (My gut say it must. Otherwise, the comparison would not make a lot sense. And even then, why would this incident be interpreted as 寂しくもけうとい? to my lay ears it sound as depressing as the sun being reflected on a window (i.e: not at all).)