In the opening song of the anime 「ダンベル何キロ持てる?」, the phrase 「キレてるよ!」 can be heard e.g. at 00:12 in the linked video. According to this website, it gets translated as "You're doing it!". However, according to, the meaning should rather be "I'm angry" (or something like that). How do I make sense of the 「キレてるよ!」 in the song?
1 Answer
It's bodybuilders' slang. Japanese bodybuilding fans somehow use unique ways of praising someone's muscles, and キレてるよ is one of the most common. This キレてる describes a well-developed and "separated" muscle with little subcutaneous fat, such as six-pack abs. I think this is from カット, another term that refers to beautiful separation of muscles after losing subcutaneous fat.
- キレてる (きれてる)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】
- A video of real competition (You can hear キレてるよ yelled by the audience)