
I understand this as: "You should forget about it"

But what does のに do?

2 Answers 2


のに is a conjunction that corresponds to "even though ~" or "despite ~".

(clause A)のに(clause B) = although A, B.

Unlike けど, it often (but not always) is followed by something regrettable/disappointing. Examples on JGram.

The latter clause is often omitted, and it implies the reality is something regrettable and contrary to the Clause A.

~のに。 = although ~, (something contrary), A, but..., I wish ~.

So 忘れてて良いのに means "You could have left it (although, in reality, you recalled and mentioned it)".


  • こんなに美味しいのに。 It's really delicious (and I wonder why you don't want to eat it)!
  • そんなに賢いのに。 You are such a smart boy (and I don't understand why you did such a silly thing)!
  • もっと頑張れば良かったのに。 You should have worked harder.
  • 空を飛べたらいいのに。 I wish I could fly.

See also:

  • 1
    Pointing out that the second clause is omitted/implied makes the "I wish" meaning of のに make much more sense to me. I think it would also be helpful to add what kind of thing is being omitted/implied for this example; I'm trying to imagine what the second clause would be if it were present, to confirm I understand the idea that the sentence is conveying. For example, would something like 空を飛べたらいいのに飛べない, literally "Although I would like if I could fly, I cannot fly", be a reasonable "full version" of that example?
    – Sidnoea
    Commented Sep 12 at 7:06

I can suppose the following situation.

A helped B out of his (her) hard situation.

B is one of the best A's friends, and A wants to be kind without being patronizing.

However, every time when B meets A, B shows his (her) thanks.

Then A says "忘れていいのに"

The full sentence could be "まだあなたは感謝を忘れないんですね。私は忘れていいと思っているのに(どうぞ忘れてください)。" = "You still owe a huge debt to it、but I sincerely want have you forget it."

"忘れていいのに・・・" implys such nuans.

  • 2
    あなたの一つ前の回答のところで既に「わかりました、迷惑ならやめます」とコメントさせていただき、同時に今までのあなたの回答へのEdit(私による編集が最新のもののみですが)を全てRollback(元に戻す)させていただきましたが、まだいけないでしょうか。。。ところで「せいをだす」は「 を出す」じゃなくて「 を出す」です・・・
    – chocolate
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 9:05
  • 7
    Editを拒否する姿勢はこのサイトの基本方針に反します。②何にせよPSにあるような議論はmeta siteかチャットでやるべきです。
    – naruto
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 12:49

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