This word/set of words/whatever it is popped up in something I am reading, and I cannot find any clue as to what it is referencing. The book is a taiko performer's biography, and this is the very last sentence of the introduction, where he is reminiscing about Sado Island and his deep connection to it.
The sentence in question:
I know the beginning is something along the lines of "The night that I counted 32 fish-luring flames out on Mano Bay," and I assume 「ぬりながら」is "while painting...", but even if I assumed 「ケステンGチンキ」were the name of some kind of paint, or a reference to coloring on the water, I don't really understand what this phrase is trying to convey.
Here's the rest of the paragraph for context:
この本は、一九八四年一月から月刊「鼓童」に不定期連載されはじめ八五年七月 で一二回(一打)になったー表題の『万里の未知も一打から』と、八二年・三年季刊「鼓童」に載った太鼓の話三編をまとめたものです。ウンコがながめた金魚のお話、最後のページまでお付き合い願えれば幸いです。真野湾沖に三二の漁火を数えた夜、ケステンGチンキをぬりながら・・・佐渡で
Thank you for your help!