Of course, こっちも can be "me too," etc. but that doesn't seem to fit here. Here is one line I've seen, though there are plenty of examples of this usage.


If I had to say, I think the import of the line is "I really want to help you, but I don't want to help a guy without money." Where does こっちも come in? The meaning of "also" doesn't make sense, as there is no one around in the context of the line. I guess it could mean even? Please help.

1 Answer 1


The も indicates "like everybody else", or indicates "like you have interests, we have interests, too". Which one it is is not clear here.

An example of the former that's more clear: こんな臭いもん、私たちも食べられない
Latter: あんたもしんどいだろうが、こっちもしんどいんだ

So in your case it's possibly either: I really want to help you, but I don't want to help a guy without money (like everybody else doesn't) or I really want to help you, but like you have interests I have interests, too. I don't want to help a guy without money

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