Yes, the purpose of this character is to indicate a repetition of the previous kanji.
In practice, I find it's mostly just used for the relatively small class of words that are made up of a single kanji reduplicated (so 人々{ひとびと}, 我々{われわれ}, 度々{たびたび} and so forth). These words are almost exclusively written using the 々 character, and it's rare (if not incorrect) to see both kanji written out in full.
It also appears in words where the same kanji is repeated to indicate iteration in meaning, such as 翌々日{よくよくじつ} "the day after next" and 明々後日{みょうみょうごにち} "the day after the day after tomorrow". Note that the latter is a somewhat special case, as its kanji are commonly used as ateji for its synonym 明々後日{しあさって}, including the 々, even though in this case there's no actual repetition in the pronunciation.
Outside of special cases such as that ateji usage, though, you'll only generally see 々 in words where both the kanji and its reading are repeated (rendaku notwithstanding). Words with repeated kanji which use separate readings, such as 日日{ひにち}, don't use the symbol (though other conventions may be used to avoid confusion instead - that word in particular is commonly written as 日にち).