As far as i'm aware, both me to "this kind of" or "like this" but what is the difference. I was talking to someone but they said that 「こんな風に」 is more natural, the original sentence was 「こんなに見えなければイギリスではない」 with a picture of my my slightly flooded driveway.

my original sentence:


corrected sentence:


what i wanted to say in english:

if it doesn't look like this, it's not britain

2 Answers 2


1)「こんなに見{み}えなければイギリスではない。」 (Your original)

2)「こんな風{ふう}に見えなければイギリスではない。」 (Corrected)

Between those two sentences, 2) is considerably better than 1) if you want to say:

"If it doesn't look like this, it's not Britain."

「風に」 can be replaced by 「感{かん}じに」 with no problems.

Is 1) totally out of the question, then? I would say no because very informally, some native speakers might say it, too. But still, it would not be something you should be taught to say as a Japanese-learner.

I would like to stress, however, that in the particular situation/context of showing a person a photo, there would be little misunderstanding even if it were 1) that you actually uttered.

As a stand-alone sentence without further context, however, 1) could sound fairly ambiguous.

Finally, I have no intention of changing the purpose of your question, but if I could express the idea in question freely as a native Japanese speaker, I would not even use 「見える」, to be honest with you. You used it simply because you had a sentence in mind in English that used "to look". Your sentence was translated; Mine will come directly from a Japanese-speaking brain without translation.

I would use 「なる」 and say something like:

「こんな風になっていなければイギリスではありません。」 or


  • Thank you for the answer! I very much appreciate all the extra information you gave me and how you would say it!
    – noobtube2
    Commented Dec 10, 2016 at 22:08
  • Interesting, but why would you use なる here?
    – cboe
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 19:54

I think you want to use:


which gives a nuance of, "If it didn't look like this, it's not Britain."

Your original sentence:


gives me the nuance of, "If you couldn't see this much, it's not Britain."

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