In my previous question I wanted to know how to say
If we continue at this rate I will be fluent by Christmas.
Both answers were really helpful and I now know how to say it but there is still something that bothers me:
All suggestions were of the form
where 〜 is the word for "at this rate" like for example このペースだと、この調子なら、このままいけば.
As a non-Japanese speaker I have the strong urge to make a construction like this:
For one, the urge to use "to continue" and for another the で particle (or perhaps に).
So I was wondering, how unnatural on a scale of 1 to 10 is this? I'm trying to understand why I should probably not use either に or で here. Please could someone explain to me exactly when it will not be a good idea to make a construction like this?
For the record: I do know that に may be a particle indicating location like e.g. on the desk = 机の上に or "by" as in 本田さんに言われた and many more such "obvious" uses. But what I am asking here in this question seems way more subtle to me (beyond my current language feeling of Japanese).