The particle で typically marks the means of an action, and the location of an action ([1], [2]).

But why is it used after から, in many sentences such as:

お時間がない方はまずは、ご相談から大丈夫ですよ 'If you don't have time, it's okay to consult with us first.'


My dictionary doesn't indicate the word からで exists.

I know that the following of two particles is possible (for example に + は: 求職申込みの手続きには、次の方法があります。'There are two ways to apply for a job', [3]), so I suppose it is something similar here, but I would like to be sure.

And if it is the case, are this kind of construction (i.e.: Preposition + Particle; Particle + Particle) pervasive in Japanese?


1 Answer 1


The で is simple with just like the following.

Suppose you are wondering which of iPad and iPad pro to buy, and get the following advice.

  • ウェブを見るだけなら、iPadで大丈夫ですよ.
  • If you use it just for web-surfing, you should be okay with iPad.

ご相談からで parses as (ご相談+から)+で, which literally means with from consulting. Essentially it says you can just consult first ("it is okay with (starting) from consultation") although I'm not clear about how it reduces the time/requires less time for busy people.

A similar thing in English would be something like from behind, in the sense that two prepositions are used consecutively (in the example in Japanese, particles as post-position are used consecutively).

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